It's ok

When a fight is the beginning

I open the door and I see my boys spread around the room. They look rather sad. Well, they should be. What they did was very bad. I know they had their motives, but it was not a reason to do it.

                This made me to fight with them, even though I hate it.

               But I know I can’t be mad at them for a long time. So, when I open the door, Namjoon looked at me with hopeful eyes. I flashed him a smile before running toward him with open arms.

               They were sitting in a room full of mattresses. Namjoon was with his back against the wall, while Kookie, Yoongi, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung were lying on the mattresses talking. The only one alone was Hoseok. He was in the corner of the room, with his head on his knees while holding his legs close to his chest.

           As I said, I ran and snuggled under Namjoon’s arms while the others came to hug me too. All but Hoseok.

           We talked for a while, but then I made myself serious and gave them the second telling-of they heard that day (the first was in the morning, when I found out). I promised not to be mad anymore only if they swear not to do it again.

           They promised not to and so everything was good again. We would laugh and play like always. All but him.

           I asked the boys to leave for a while. He didn’t realize they’ve left until I was in front of him, in front of my almost boyfriend. It was more like friends with benefits, but I didn’t care.

           We stayed there, staring at each other for a long time, when I broke the silence.


           It was the only thing I said. Then, to my surprise, he began to explain to me what had really happened.

           With tears in his eyes, he begged me to forgive him. I never thought I’d see him cry. I began to brush off his tears from his cheeks, but he pulled me onto his lap, in a tight hug.

            I was almost crying myself, but I held his face, looked him in the eyes and asked him the same thing I asked the boys: to not do it again.

           I saw, through his eyes, the he wasn’t lying when he promised me. Then he put both of his hands on my face, and pecked my lips saying “I won’t” and “I’m sorry” every time he kissed me.

           I gave him a slight push just to look at him to say: “It’s ok”

           Then he kissed me again, but this time with will.

           I moaned into to the kiss, while his hands traveled over my body, to stop at my waist, pulling me closer.

           I let his tongue twist with mine while I wrapped my fingers through his hair.

           Heat was spreading through my body when his hands started to brush my skin under the fabric of my t-shirt.

           His lips soon left mine, only to go in the crook of my neck. He left started kissing and nibbling in it, when I felt his tongue touching my sensitive skin. That would leave a hickey, for sure.


Just to be clear, I still don't know what the fight will be about, bacause in my dream it was just something really serius, but I don't know (thanks brain, to give me a wonderfull uncomplet dream)
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Chapter 1: YEHET \o/\o/\o/ Just commenting so I can be the first u.u #chupa
Buuuuut.... Vou comentar em português pra trollar os gringos
(Se tu fala português e entende bate aqui o/)

E é isso aí... Se a Nora errar alguma coisa culpem a ela... A beta não tem nada a ver com isso u.u (Não enquanto ela não me pagar os Twix que me deve u.u)

Achou que eu tinha esquecido né Senhorita Nora?? Minha mente nunca esquece quando tem comida (principalmente Twix) envolvido :P

Congratulations on your first posted fic ('cuz I know you have others muah-ha-ha... Yes, I KNOW)
~Ainda espero que tu poste o final alternativo de Ninja Assassin u.u

E vamos contar as visualizações YEHET!!!
~xoxo :3