
Friend From a Bottle

                Daehyun put a cork in the almost empty bottle he was holding and stared out at the river in front of him. He closed his eyes as he made a wish. ‘Please, let me find someone to talk to and if it’s not too much maybe love?’ Determined, he threw the bottle into the river and watched as it started to bob its way down with the current.

                “Daehyun! Did you just litter?” Youngjae, his manager and his only friend, ran over to him.

                “No, I didn’t litter.” Daehyun looked confused.

                “Why did you throw a bottle into the river then?” Youngjae looked on edge. “You realize you could be fined for that right? And if the press gets a hold of that information your singing career will be over!”

                “I understand Youngjae. I just made a wish and tossed a letter in a bottle. Maybe someone will read it one day.” Daehyun sighed and looked off into the distance.

                Youngjae rubbed his temple. “Usually people throw those kinds of things into the ocean, but it’s still littering you idiot!”

                “Why the ocean? What if the person who receives it is from a different country and doesn’t speak Korean.”

                Youngjae groaned. “That’s not the point here. Please just don’t do anything that could harm your career, okay? What did you wish for anyways?”

                Daehyun shook his head. “If I tell you it won’t come true.”

                “Damn superstitious bastard.” Youngjae mumbled. “Come on, let’s get you to your next photo shoot. Can you at least tell me what you wrote?” Youngjae asked as they started walking to the van.”

                Daehyun smiled, loving how frustrated Youngjae was getting and just walked to the van faster.


                It was Friday and Yongguk had decided to take the day off from writing to clear his head and see the world. Sometimes being cooped up for too long in the studio could hinder his song writing abilities, so he made it a habit to walk around town at least once a week. Today was that day and he chose to spend his time with a volunteer agency. That’s what brought him to the park on a beautiful sunny day. The birds were chirping, flowers blooming, and just a few fluffy white clouds in the sky. The trash lying about was the only thing that brought the scenery down.

                ’Why can’t people just throw away their trash? It really isn’t that difficult.’ Yongguk used his long tongs to pick up more garbage and threw it in his black plastic trash bag. Slow he started to make his way down to the nearby river.

                After about two hours and two full trash bags later Yongguk was taking a break. He took a long drink from his water bottle as he sat on the bench staring out at the water. He had cleaned up this area so he was about to call it a day. ‘Such a beautiful place…’

                Yongguk scowled seeing a piece of garbage he had missed in the water. He grunted as he stood up. “Really? Even leaving their bottles? What if a kid got ahold of this?” He picked the bottle up. “Huh, that’s strange. There’s paper in there.”

                Curious, Yongguk wiggled the cork out from the top and shook the piece of paper out. Walking back to the bench, he threw the bottle into the trash bag and unrolled the piece of paper.

I just want to talk to someone normally, someone who won’t act a certain way because they know who I am. If you aren’t a creep, kakao me: The Only DHJ

                Yongguk couldn’t help himself as he started to laugh. “What is this? Who would want to talk to someone like this?” He went to throw it into his trash bag but hesitated. He looked at the writing again and then slowly put the letter into his back pocket. “Could be interesting.”

                Later that night Yongguk was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand and the letter in the other. “I’m I really going to kakao this person?”

                He sighed as the feelings of loneliness started to kick in once again. True, most song writers and producers went partying often and met lots of people, but that was never Yongguk’s style. He tended to spend most of his time in the studio making music usually for other people, but sometimes for himself as well. Yongguk was an underground rapper but he had never performed on stage. The only people he met on a regular basis were singers and their managers, and there was no way Yongguk could ever like any of those stuck up people.

                Yongguk stared at the empty message and the blinking black line that was waiting for him to type. ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’

                Hey, I don’t think I’m a creep, so I hope its okay I messaged you. I found your letter in a bottle today on the riverbank.


                Daehyun felt his phone vibrate. He was taking a much needed break from dancing so he decided to check who it was. ‘BanggerYG? Who is that? Ugh hope it isn’t a crazy fan again.’

                Daehyun’s eyes widened upon seeing the content of the message. “No way.”

                “Who is it?” Youngjae came over to ask.

                “Ju—just someone I know.” Daehyun stuttered through a lie.

                Youngjae sent a judging look, letting Daehyun know he was lying before he rolled his eyes. “Whatever, just don’t get in trouble.”

                Daehyun nodded and waited until Youngjae started walking away before looking at his phone again. He smiled and started to type back. Hi!! I’m so glad someone found my letter.  

                Daehyun hit send and was about to write more when he halted. ‘What else am I supposed to write? How was your day—lame; My name is—that’s exactly what I don’t want him to know!

                Daehyun yelped from surprise as his phone vibrated again. He quickly unlocked his phone to look at the message. Yeah, although sending it that way is strange isn’t it? Littering isn’t good for the environment.

                Daehyun stared at the text. ‘Is he lecturing me?’

                Another message followed within seconds. Not to sound mean, I just really care about the environment.

                Not to say that you don’t. Another message was rapidly sent. The letter in a bottle was actually a really cute idea, although usually people throw them in the ocean.

                Daehyun laughed. ‘Is this person for real? Lecturing and then trying to redeem themselves but in the end…’

                Daehyun smiled as he typed back. Are you saying I’m stupid? I wanted to make sure that the person who received it could understand it.

                Daehyun almost gave up waiting for the next message to come but right as he stood up to start practicing again it came.I don’t think you are stupid! I still don’t know you… this really isn’t going how I planned, it just seems like I keep insulting you. Let’s start over: Hi, I found your letter and wanted to try talking to you. You can call me Bang if you want.

                Daehyun smiled at how awkward the other was. Please call me Dae. I’m glad someone like you found my letter. I’ve got to continue work so don’t worry if I don’t message you back soon.


                Yongguk was laying on his bed with his hands covering his red face. ‘How come I can’t even start a conversation correctly?’

                He checked the new message that came in and frowned. “It’s midnight, is this person—No, Dae. Is Dae really still working?”

                He sent a good night/ hope you can finish work soon message and drifted off to sleep.

                The next few days continued on with the two of them texting. It seemed they both had erratic schedules, starting early and always leaving work late. Yongguk was impressed with Dae’s work ethic and wanted to ask what industry he worked in but they had already marked that as taboo. Dae didn’t want Yongguk to know who he was and Yongguk felt the same way since he was gaining some fame as a song producer.

                Even with a few important topics marked as taboo, such as name, where they lived, or where they worked, there was still tons for them to talk about. Over 3 months they realized they had a lot in common, such as favorite sports, favorite movies, and even type of life they wanted in the future. More than anything, the two of them learned from the other. Daehyun was studying for the college entrance exams to prove Yongguk wrong about how all idols were stupid. Daehyun also started volunteering. Yongguk went out with some of the song writers he knew like Jiho and tried having a social life. He was also considering performing on stage because of all the confidence he had gained from talking to the person he knew as Dae.

                Yongguk was sitting in the recording studio waiting for the singer who was recording to come. Bored he decided to kakao Dae. What are you up to?

                Running late, but on my way to work! Came the quick reply.

                Another offsite location? Yongguk asked.  

                Yeah… I heard the guy I have to work with today is super strict too, so I’m worried T_T

                Strict can be good sometimes.

                A knock on the door pulled Yongguk away from his phone. “Come in.”

                The door opened showing a man younger than himself. He was dressed stylishly and his hair was dyed dark brown. His smile showed puffy cheeks. “You must be Bang Yongguk.”

                “Yes, I am.” Yongguk stood up to shake the younger’s hand. “Can I help you?”

                “My name is Yoo Youngjae and I am Jung Daehyun’s manager.” Youngjae looked behind him as another male entered the room.

                “Hi, I’m Jung Daehyun. Thank you for helping us with the album.” Daehyun smiled as he took his sunglasses off. He flicked his head to the left to get his caramel bangs out of his bright eyes.

                “Daehyun, yes I’ve heard much about you. Congratulations on winning album of the year.” Yongguk said politely.

                Daehyun tipped his head a bit embarrassed. “Thank you.”

                “Yes, and we are hoping with this next album to keep winning awards.” Youngjae laughed.

                “Have you studied the lyrics I sent you?” Yongguk asked Daehyun.

                “Yes, and I’ve warmed up my voice so I’m ready to start recording when you are.” Daehyun answered.

                Pleasantly surprised, Yongguk nodded and invited the two to put their things down and get comfortable. Yongguk sat down in front of the controls and looked at his phone. Seeing no reply he sighed. Surprisingly the person I’m helping now doesn’t seem too bad.

                Daehyun placed his backpack on the ground near the couch and started walking towards the recording room. At the sound of his phone pinging both his manager and Yongguk looked at him. Yongguk saw Daehyun’s face redden. “I’m so sorry about that. Forgot it was on me.” He checked his message and typed a reply before putting it in his bag on silent.

                Yongguk’s phone lit up. Just got to my location. Feeling nervous… wish me luck!

                Good luck! He typed back with a smile on his face. He put his phone out of sight and they begun recording.

                Yongguk was used to working with stuck up idols, mean idols, and other with no talent, but Daehyun was none of those things. He was receptive to all of Yongguk’s suggestions, apologized when he knew he made a mistake, and was extremely talented. It was rare when Yongguk got to work with other musicians who were like this so the recording was going very well. The two had even start up easy conversation when they reviewed the recordings.


Daehyun collapsed onto the couch exhausted. They were trying to record the full album today since his schedule was so full and it was draining him. He pulled out his phone, and opened up kakao to see a message from the only person who eased his stress.

“Just got a call the food arrived, I’ll be right back.” Youngjae said as he left the room.

Daehyun saw Yongguk messing with the soundboard so he decided to type to his kakao friend. I think it is going well. How is your day?

He tapped his screen waiting in boredom. Daehyun noticed Yongguk shift and pull out his own phone. ‘It’s so quiet… should I start a conversation again?’

Daehyun smiled when his phone vibrated. Been okay, we are making good progress. The guy is good at what he does and pleasant to work with. You?

He’s picky! So picky!! But that’s a good thing since I know the end product will turn out well. Just wish I could do better so we could finish today.

Youngjae finally returned with the food and put it on the little table. “Okay guys, dig in.”

I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just got ramen! Daehyun chuckled at the reply.

I’m have ramen too! Whenever I see it now it makes me think of you kekeke. Daehyun wrote before starting to eat.

He looked up and saw Yongguk smiling widely at his phone. “Girlfriend?” Daehyun asked.

“What?” Yongguk asked startled.

Daehyun laughed. “That was a very loving smile you had while looking at your phone.”

“Oh… no, just a friend. A really good friend of mine.” Yongguk quickly ducked his head and started slurping up noodles.

Daehyun’s phone vibrated and his hand reached out automatically for it. Yongguk laughed and Daehyun looked at him before checking the message. “Your girlfriend?”

“N—no not a girlfriend, but someone very sp--special to me.” Daehyun stuttered as his face started to heat up. “Wow, spicy ramen.”

He finally checked the message. You’re too cute haha. Although, to be honest I eat cheesecake more often because of you.

Daehyun chuckled and typed back. I can’t believe you didn’t like cheesecake, it is a creation of the gods.

I think you mean ramen J Bang responded rapidly.


Youngjae sat there staring at the two musicians before him, one his friend and the other someone he hoped they could work with again based off of his skills. Youngjae knew that Daehyun was texting his mystery friend who he was able to confide in, but also one Daehyun confessed once when he was drunk that Daehyun had started having feelings for. The way things looked before Youngjae though, he had a feeling he knew who the mysterious Bang was and wow their feelings for each other were obvious.

Youngjae tried to hide his smirk as he pointed between the two. “Are you both texting each other? I didn’t know you knew each other.”

The two older boys looked at Youngjae confused. “We aren’t messaging each other.” Yongguk said.

“You know this is the first time, we’ve met. Why do you think we are texting each other?” Daehyun asked confused.

Youngjae yanked Daehyun’s phone away from him. He saw the last text even though Daehyun tried to steal his phone back and rolled his eyes. Holding Daehyun’s phone away from him he typed a message. Hi, I’m this guy’s only other friend and he likes you.

Youngjae tossed the phone back to Daehyun who paled at the message. “You !”

All three stilled when Yongguk’s phone started to vibrate. Yongguk and Daehyun’s eyes met and Youngjae had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.

Yongguk forced a laugh. “It can’t be you.” He picked up his phone to check the message and his jaw dropped.

“Oh my god.” Daehyun buried his face in his hands. “BanggerYG?”

Yongguk nodded slowly. “The Only DHJ… Daehyun Jung, wow now it seems obvious.”

Youngjae finally let out his laugh. He stood up, grabbing his food, and patted the tomato-faced Daehyun’s shoulder as he walked to the door. “Why don’t you two talk?” he poked his head back in the door before leaving. “Oh, and if you guys want a good place for a date—“

“Get out!” Daehyun and Yongguk shouted embarrassed.

“Fine, but you better tell me where you go, so I can keep the press away.” Youngjae shut the door before Daehyun could yell at him again. As he walked away he thought about the situation and then shrugged. ‘They’d make a cute couple.’


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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 1: Omfg such a beautiful and adorable idea of a plot. I wish there was a sequel to this huhu

Thank you for writing xx
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 1: what a fun read. thank you.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: LOL troll youngjae!!! But he helped them lol
Please write a sequel ^°^
Chapter 1: Oh my goshhhhhh I loved this <3
Chapter 1: my cheeks hurt from too much smiling and giggling :')
it's soooooooo cute and sweet, but too bad this is only oneshot. nonetheless this makes my night <3
Chapter 1: sooo good =] this was really good =] I liked it!! =] hahah too funny =]
Chapter 1: thats really cuteee. seriously. Hohoh
Chapter 1: asdakjdlkad so cuteee!