
Wrap Me Around Your Ribbon

It was a typical school day, as the bell rang signaling class had ended, people were crowding at the exit door except for the two girls, a tanned woman who was standing by the corridor fence looking at the soccer team with their practice session and a doe-eyed figure who was busy reading a novel, with the book covering half of her face.

The sun was now setting, making the deserted room full of orange mist. The ambiance was too quiet but liked.

"What's with the soccer team's captain that makes the girls go all crazy on him?" The figure standing said as she scrutinized the captain's every move. "He's not even a charmer to begin with." she added.

"What's not to like?" the doe-eyed woman asked, without looking at the long-haired woman."He's intelligent and good-looking."

"Are you one of his fans now?" she asked with raised eyebrow.

"No! He's not my type."

"Then who, Yoong?" she asked and looked at Yoona.

Taking a glance at the tanned woman, "No one. What about you?" she asked.

"You." she blurted out.

Yoona covered her entire face with her book and said, "You always say that, Yul. Who are you trying to kid?"

That was actually the nth time she told Yoona she's her type and she thought she had enough. She walked to Yoona and grabbed the book out of her hands. It was a surprise for Yuri to see Yoona with blushing cheeks.

"I'm not trying to kid anyone, Yoong." she whispered to Yoona and slowly leaned in, taking Yoona's lips to hers. As fast as she went to the doe-eyed woman was her grand exit. But before she went out, she leaned once again and pulled Yoona's ribbon from her uniform and uttered, "I'm not trying to kid anyone."

Yoona was left with nothing but the sun, mocking her how she like Yuri more than anyone.


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Chapter 1: yuriiii, that would make yoona take you seriously from now on.