Chapter 15

Doctor, it's an emergency!

Hi everyone! I'm soooo sorry for the hiatus! I just focused myself on the "Underaged" competely and now, when it has ended I can bring myself to write my other stories. This one is also coming to an end, after this chapter there will be only one or two left before the end comes. Thank you very much for all your support, for so many subbies and encoruraging comments and sorry again for the long brake. Hope you won't get disappointed with this chapter. Lots of love from



Donghae opened his eyes lazily to see Hyukjae staring at him with a smile on his face. He blushed trying to hide his own beam stretching on his lips.

“Good morning, baby” Hyuk said before pecking the brunette’s lips several times.

“Hi” Donghae answered hiding his face under the sheets “For how long have you been watching me like this?”

Hyuk chuckled.

“It’s creepy, you know” the doctor added pouting a bit and Hyuk giggled again before kissing the other’s forehead.

“Why creepy, you’re just so beautiful that I can’t help but stare” he stated making the doctor blush even more, his cheeks colored with a dark shade of red. He lightly slapped the blonde’s arm mumbling something about the other being too cheesy. He moved a bit in attempt to get up but grimaced when a sharp sting shot through his lower back. Hyuk reacted immediately. His smile vanished, a worry replacing it.

“What’s going on?” he asked observing his lover’s features carefully. Donghae looked at him from under his eyelashes and pouted deeply.

“You’re even asking? My hurts!” he whined.

“Aww” Hyuk smirked “You can blame only yourself. You were the one teasing me to no end, baby” he purred making Donghae huff and look away in a silent agreement.

“Still, you were like a beast!” he tried again “Exactly how many round we had? Seven? Eight?”

“Hmmm” Hyuk acted as if he was in deep thought “It was many, probably” he admitted and chuckled seeing his lover’s offended expression. Yet the deep pout and glassy eyes made him give up and he sighed suddenly feeling guilty.

“Oh baby” he brought Donghae a bit closer by the waist, his hand moving to the doctor’s back and sliding lower “Should I kiss it better?” he whispered already attempting to move his boyfriend on his back but Donghae stopped him, his cheeks turning red.

“Yah!” he exclaimed pitifully “Hyukjae! It’s embarrassing!”

Hyuk rolled his eyes in response.

“Like I haven’t done it before” he murmured.

“But… But still – “

“And you like it” the blonde continued, his lips brushing against Donghae’s whiny ones.

“Hyuk, please” Donghae mumbled making Hyuk give up, yet again.

“Alright then. I’ll go make a breakfast. And I have some cream, so I will put it on you later” he kissed Donghae who nodded and responded to the kiss immediately, his hands placing themselves on the blonde’s neck. Soon after Hyuk pulled away and stood up in order to dress himself a bit and prepare breakfast for his boyfriend and him. He whistled merrily while making the toasts, a foolish grin on his puffy lips. He looked at the ring on his finger and smiled fondly, eyes already turning a bit more shiny at the memory of the previous day.

“I love you so much, Hae” he whispered rolling the ring between his fingers but he jumped when slender arms circled his waist suddenly.

“I love you too, Hyukkie” Donghae yawned before kissing the boy’s nape softly.

“What are you doing, Hae?’ Hyuk turned around to face his boyfriend who didn’t even bother to dress himself, his hair messy and disheveled, lips pouty and eyes still a bit dazed from sleep. And Hyuk thought he should really calm down his drive because seriously “You…” he stuttered shaking his head in attempt to brush off all of the offending thoughts “You were supposed to rest in bed”

“I missed you” Donghae said pecking his lover’s lips and giggling cutely. And the blonde could swear his heart swelled with love.

“Aww my cute baby” he cooed brushing his fingers on Donghae’s cheeks making him purr contently “Sit down, the breakfast will be ready in few minutes” he told the brunette but the doctor shook his head.

“I want to help you” he chuckled at how childish his lover sounded (and to think he was twenty-eight already) and patted Donghae’s playfully.

“There’s no need. Just sit and rest” he insisted and Donghae eventually complied, sitting himself on a chair by the table not minding the fact that he was completely . Big thanks to the table, Hyukjae thought, for hiding his lower body from his hungry eyes, not letting his libido take over. He engrossed himself in making breakfast from time to time stealing quick glances at Donghae who seemed to be in need of a bit more sleep for his head was dangerously rested on his palm, eyes closing every now and then.

“I guess after breakfast we’re coming back to bed?” the blonde teased and Donghae nodded yawning again.


The life couldn’t be so idyllic however, later on Donghae had to go to work and Hyuk needed to attend his classes. So they dressed up, the doctor feeling slightly better thanks to the cream Hyukjae put on him, the older dropping his boyfriend by to the university before giving him a goodbye kiss and driving to the hospital. He was still limping a bit so the people who knew him at least slightly would know immediately what was going on. And he wasn’t wrong, just when Shindong spotted him, he smirked and remarked something about the Valentine’s Day going well. The brunette just brushed him off and headed to the doctor’s room to change in his uniform but the luck wasn’t on his side. There Heechul was and the first thing his superior noticed were hickeys all over the younger’s neck.

“Rough night, huh? Guess Valentine’s Day made you both as hell” Heechul teased with a smirk on his face and the doctor could only blush in response, only confirming the hospital head’s assumptions.

“I knew that Hyukjae is one hell of a ert” he added not even grimacing when Donghae hit him playfully.

“Stop that, you’re just jealous!” the younger retorted sticking his tongue out and Heechul snorted.

“Me? Jealous? Of what, of that monkey boy? Pleaseee” he exclaimed, his voice filled with sarcasm which he wasn’t even trying to hide. Donghae just rolled his eyes at him and proceeded with changing.


The day was strangely calm. They were sitting by the receptionist’s desk drinking coffee and talking, no emergency patients have been brought to the hospital so far and they were even bored a bit. Bored and worried. Because a peace like this was very well known by them, it was only the calm before the storm. They were familiar with it, because it nearly always indicated that something big was going to happen later.

“How was your Valentine?” Siwon asked with a smirk, seeing both Donghae and Sungmin blushing slightly. They didn’t give him an answer but their faces were the only proof he needed “I guess it went well then” he stated “By the way” he turned to Heechul “When Hangeng is coming back? The mission is coming to an end, isn’t it?” Heechul nodded suddenly serious.

“One week more and I will finally see him” the superior answered.

“So who’s going to be sent next?” Ryeowook asked and everybody looked at the hospital head curiously. Heechul sighed.

“I haven’t been thinking about it so much yet. But I have somebody in mind” he responded taking a sip of his coffee.

“So when should we be informed?” Donghae asked.

“I guess I’ll make my mind by tomorrow. So be prepared for a small gathering before the working hours start” Heechul said and stood up putting an empty cup on the countertop “I need to check on my patients” he added before storming off and everyone looked at one another shrugging. They knew choosing the doctors for mission wasn’t the easiest task, it required a lot of thinking and calculating not mentioning all of the fuss that occurred before the doctors and nurses that were to be sent out to Africa actually went there, all of the vaccines, tests, documents needed to sign, it was tiring and it took time. They could only wait for their superior’s decision, only then really thinking about how would they react if he sent them.

It was the thing the both wanted and both feared. Helping the poor was something that nearly everyone was willing to sacrifice for but the consequences and danger accompanying them were enough to cool down their enthusiasm. Donghae furrowed his brows thinking about exactly the same thing, a whole set of mixed feelings spreading in his system, beginning with excitement, through anxiety, finally to sadness at the thought of leaving to completely foreign place in which he never knew what he can expect.

Soon his train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted when someone called them informing they’re bringing a fight victim.

“What do we know?” Donghae asked putting on the yellow apron and latex gloves.

“A boy, seventeen years old, he was participating in gangs’ fight, he has numerous stab wounds on his neck and chest area” Shindong answered and the doctor nodded.

“Well it seems to be serious” he responded. Soon the sound of the ambulance arriving could be heard and in no time Donghae along with Siwon, Sungmin and Ryeowook were leading a rollaway bed with an unconscious and badly bleeding patient to the emergency room immediately starting the rescue action.

“He’s not breathing!” Ryeowook announced after ensuring himself by checking the boy’s vitals.

“His pressure is also very low” Sungmin added “We’re intubating him?”

Donghae shook his head.

“Too much blood and the wounds on his neck.. I won’t go in, we need to do tracheotomy” the nurses nodded before storming off to bring the doctors all the equipment they were in need of. Donghae quickly cut the patient’s trachea with Ryeowook aspirating the blood flowing from the wound and put the pipe in the newly formed hole.

“The artery is ruptured” Siwon spoke “, he’s pouring blood”

“Pressure’s decreasing!”

“Wookie, EKG and the X-ray of the chest, quickly!” Donghae exclaimed and the nurse immediately complied.


”Damn, they wounded him badly, I can’t even stop the bleeding” Siwon said “Hae, aspirate the blood”

“I’m afraid the blood is collecting in his pericardium. Saturation’s decreasing” Donghae said.

“Tamponade?” Siwon asked and the brunette nodded. He checked the electrocardiogram with the record of the heartbeat.

“Just as we thought, cardiac tamponade” he stated “I have to puncture the pericardium. Wookie, syringe” he instructed and the nurse nodded then started preapring a syringe for him. 

Ryeowook handed Donghae the syringe and the doctor punctured the skin on the patient's chest under his sternum immediately offloading the heart.

“Pressure’s going up!” Sungmin stated seeing the patient’s vitals have visibly improved.

“Thank God” Donghae said.

“Siwon!” Jessica stormed into the room “Patient from accident, quickly!”

Dr. Choi headed off after the nurse leaving Donghae with nurses in the emergency room.

“Well, that’s all we could do, now he has to go upstairs” the brunette spoke taking off the apron and gloves, both dirty with blood, he didn’t spot a man entering the room just after both nurses exited it.

“How’s he?” Donghae nearly jumped when he’s heard the foreign voice from behind him and he immediately turned around only to spot a man dressed in black standing at the emergency doors.

“Are you a relative?” he asked when the patient got closer to him, the way he was looking at the patient on the bed was disturbing yet Donghae brushed it off.

“A friend” the man answered taking step after step to the unconscious person “If the oxygen is cut off, he dies?”

Donghae frowned. What kind of question was that?

“He’s very unstable so I assume yes” he answered staring at the man who was back facing him now. Suddenly the said man turned around and the doctor’s eyes widened when something in his hand glistened.

“You weren’t supposed to rescue him” the visitor gritted through clenched teetg getting closer to the doctor, the edge of the blade in his hand dangerously turned to the side of the brunette’s chest. Only then did Donghae realize the man had to be  member of the gang the patient they’ve rescued didn’t belong to. He took a step back trying very hardly to calm down.

“I needed to rescue him, he’s the patient” he answered steadily although his every muscle seemed to tremble badly.

“Bad answer” the man responded backing the brunette against the wall “He was supposed to die”

Donghae gulped.


“He messed with our boss. One does not simply mess with our boss. Now, doctor” the man put the edge of the blade on the doctor’s chest when the other’s back hit the wall, Donghae’s breath sharp and erratic “You do as I say. If not, I will not hesitate to kill you” in the gangster’s eyes was something indicating that he wasn’t joking at all and killing a man wasn’t really an issue for him. Donghae swallowed shakily.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked, voice shaky.

“Firstly, cut the oxygen off. Then we’ll see what happens” Donghae’s eyes widened.

“I can’t – “ the pressure of the blade on his chest increased and the sharp intake of breath was his only reaction.

“Haven’t I made myself clear?” the man narrowed his eyes at him. With his head’s movement he instructed the doctor to get close to the patient and Donghae did so, the blade on his back now, the criminal ready to stab him anytime. He rose his hand which was trembling heavily not being able to do as the man told him to but the sensation of the sharp edge of the knife piercing through his uniform material informed him he had no other choice. He had to choose-his life, of someone else’s. He just couldn’t bring himself to cut the oxygen off the patient’s lungs, he was sure he was about to get stabbed. But then they’ve heard a loud squeal as Ryeowook entered the room, both their heads jerking to the right to spot a terrified nurse at the entrance.

“Oh my… oh my God, Hae!” he yelled “Call the police!” he shouted as loud as he could to the people on the corridor. The gangster’s eyes widened, he suddenly enveloped the doctor, his hand circling around his body to put the blade on his neck, ready to cut him anytime.

“No cops or I’ll kill him!” he shouted and kicked the doctor’s leg when the other began to frantically try to free himself. Donghae stopped struggling, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for what was about to happen. Thus he didn’t see but only heard the commotion, the weak voices of the staff begging to let him go and the gangster’s own repetitive orders of cutting the patient’s life support, threatening that he’ll kill the doctor if they don’t comply. Nobody really saw Hyukjae who came to the hospital as he always did. Just as he entered the place he spotted Shindong’s distressed face, he was talking on the phone very quietly, as if afraid somebody will hear him. When the receptionist finally hung up Hyukjae immediately asked what was going on.

“Some sick bastard is threatening to kill Donghae” Shindong answered and the blonde couldn’t believe his own ears.

“What did you say?!” he yelled, eyes widening and heartbeat increasing frantically.

“They brought here a gangster with several wounds. They rescued him but it seems a person from the opposite gang won’t give up until the boy dies. So he’s threatening us that if we don’t kill him, he will kill Donghae instead”

“Wha…What the… ing…” Hyukjae stormed off to the direction of the commotion ignoring Shindong’s calls of his name and the words he shouldn’t put himself in this situation. His heart nearly stopped when he saw what was happening in the emergency room, some guy holding his Donghae, a blade against his baby’s throat, Siwon, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Jessica, all of them standing close, trying to persuade the man, all of their faces filled with fear and he frantically thought about what to do. He felt ready to kill that bastard who dared to threaten his lover. Keeping himself sure he wasn’t seen by anybody he let his eyes travel through the room looking for something, anything and the he spotted the doors. The doors which were probably dividing two emergency rooms, the doors that were  now positioned exactly behind the criminal’s back.

And so he stormed off to the right and entered the emergency room next to the one all of the happenings were taking place in then, after exhaling heavily, pushed the doors open, meeting the man’s back. He soundlessly indicated everyone in the room not to pay attention to him for the gangster would immediately know he’s there and he took some empty glass bottle standing on the little table. He quietly got closer, trembling hand squeezing the bottle, eyes focused on the back of the man who was now shouting for them to ing cut the oxygen off the patient’s lungs. The loud hiss and all of the others’ terrified faces indicated the blade cut through Donghae’s skin as a warning and he didn’t hesitate at all. With one swift movement he brought his hand up and smashed the bottle on the criminal’s head, the other yelping in pain before falling on the floor unconscious. Donghae turned around with terrified look on his face, blood trickling down his neck and the blonde immediately took him in his arms, letting the doctor calm down a bit.

“Hyukkie…” Donghae said weakly, his ands circling his lover’s neck.

“It’s okay now, baby” the blonde whispered caressing Donghae’s back comfortingly and pulled away for Sungmin to treat the doctor’s wound. Just at the moment the police stormed into the room but it was already too late for their intervention for the criminal was already on the floor, unconscious and harmless. Having heard what had happened they immediately took the gangster with them not before letting the nurses treat his wounds.


“Are you okay?” Hyuk asked when Donghae was already treated, all of the workers gathered in the treatment room trying to calm down but it was no surprise the brunette was the one who went through the biggest fear. Donghae nodded slightly.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just… need to calm down a bit” he let himself being enveloped in strong arms of his boyfriend, his hands shaking still a little “Thank you, Hyukkie” he whispered burying his hands in his boyfriend’s soft hair.

“You have no idea how scared I was, baby” Hyuk admitted feeling the emotions falling down a bit and trying to escape from his system, the best indicator were tears that gathered in his eyes “It was so close…”

“Shhh, it’s okay now, I’m here, you saved me” Donghae spoke with the warm voice, trying to comfort his lover who seemed to be breaking down “I love you, Hyukkie” he added before pulling away from the blonde and connecting their lips in a loving and affectionate kiss, his own way to show Hyuk how grateful he was.


Weee, Superhyuk, always ready to save his Hae!!! 

By my friend, Vanalammothien, thank you and love you always! ♥

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Chapter 17: I love your story. Pleaseeeee update author-nim ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
HanBaram #2
Chapter 17: Omoooo. This isss adorableeeee
Chapter 17: omg it's been so long since there was an update i really like this fic
i hope for more >~<
Chapter 17: Sooo adorable cute and lovely~♥
kloverer #5
Chapter 17: Waiting for update xD
destrirra #6
Chapter 17: wow! it's nerve wrecking....I'm just glad that hyukjae comes in time on the frame and donghae seems fine now eventhough he is a bit shock. don't tell me that you are going to make heechul sends donghae away huhuhu but I hope everything is gonna be okay between them.
kyuririn #7
Chapter 17: New reader here, oh I love ur story. Just found it today and already finished 'Underage' . Now start reading ur other story hehe. Sooo what happened on bext chapter? Can't waiiiittt ....
Chapter 17: Just started reading this and I LOVE IT! How their relationship started out with y Hyuk to them both starting to get feelings for each other than becoming boyfriends was funny and sweet glad Hyuk got there in time to save Hae and the patient..I'm just worried that Heechul will send Hae away and then what will happen to them both unless Hyuk can come too..Awesome story and looking forward to see what will happen to these two lovebirds :D
Chapter 17: hahahahahahahahaha!!!? The picture ruin the sweet moment I can't stop to laugh XD by the way thanks for updtate :D