Chapter 14

Doctor, it's an emergency!

Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating this story for a bit long, in a compensation I'm updating a loooong chapter and it's only the first part! As everybody knows, it's a Valentine's Day and I have a small gift for you all, the second part of this chapter will be updated tonight most likely (or tomorrow), so stay tuned! I hope you all are spending your Valentine's Day well (for me it's yet another lonely day but I'm going to a club with friends to compensate myself a bit lol) and enjoy reading! In the next chapter--> eunhae's Valentine's Day date! 


It was Valentine’s day. Hyuk stepped into the hospital with a huge smile plastered on his face. Donghae told him he had a surprise for him and instructed him to come to the hospital at 6 p.m. for the doctor was about to end his working hours for that day at the time. But being the impatient person he is, Hyuk couldn’t wait to see his lover and so he came four hours earlier, he didn’t have classes at that day anyway. Actually he had something planned for his baby too. He wanted to finally take him to his place (he ordered Kyuhyun to go out on which the younger suspiciously quickly agreed telling him he would go to his friend’s place to play some games), he already baked a heart-shaped chocolate cake he knew the older will fall in love with and prepared everything for the romantic dinner (paying close attention to the bedroom and bathroom) and he hoped everything will go as planned.

“Hi, Dong!’ he greeted the receptionist and they high-fived happily.

“Yo Hyuk! Couldn’t wait to see Hae, huh?” Shindong gave him knowing look and Hyuk just smiled sweetly.

“You have no idea” he said and was about to ask where the doctor is when Shindong spoke.

“You will wait some time, they brought two casualties in serious condition”

“Oh, okay” Hyuk nodded “I’ll wait”

“You want some coffee?”

“Yes, please. Thanks” he smiled to the receptionist who began to make a cup of hot coffee for the blonde.

“So, how have you planned Valentine’s day?” Shindong asked. He knew about what Donghae had planned, the brunette couldn’t refrain himself from telling absolutely everybody in the hospital, being super excited about it. He had to admit his plan was good and the blonde boy will like it for sure. However he wanted to draw out from Hyuk if he had prepared something for his boyfriend.

“Donghae said he’s taking me somewhere and I will love it” he smiled fondly recalling the other’s excited beautiful face “And later… I planned to bring him to my place – “

“Oooooh you little! What do you have in mind, huh?” Shindong inquired with a smirk making the younger blush furiously.

“It’s not like this!” he defended himself “I… I baked a cake and I’m making dinner and…”

“And you prepared your bedroom very thoroughly, didn’t you?” Shindong pushed “Rose petals? Red sheets? What else?”  he laughed when the blonde hid his face in his hands.

“Stooop!” he whined pathetically, his face red as a tomato.

“Ok, ok, sorry” Shindong raised his hands still laughing though “But Hyuk?”


“If you’re so impatient I can show you one place here” Shindong whispered mysteriously.

“What place?” Hyuk inquired curious.

“A storage room” he guffawed when the student hit his arm playfully while whining in embarrassment.


Donghae took off the latex gloves and wiped a few droplets of sweat running down his forehead.

“Good job” Siwon patted his back and the doctor nodded smiling sheepishly. He got out of the room just in time to see his boyfriend standing outside with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He grinned and hugged the boy from behind.

“Hyukkie!” he exclaimed happily making the boy immediately turn around smiling lovingly then giving him a tender and long kiss.

“Hi baby” he bumped their noses and smiled resting his forehead against the older’s one “How are you?”

“A bit tired” Donghae admitted pouting a bit and Hyuk cooed at the cuteness, he let go of the brunette to hand him the flowers.

“Awww so beautiful, thank you Hyukkie!” the doctor nearly squealed taking the roses and sniffing them. His eyes sparkled and it was enough to make Hyuk beam happily.

“Happy Valentine” he said kissing his boyfriend’s lips yet again “I missed you” he mumbled between pecks making Donghae giggle.

“I missed you too, Hyukkie” he answered and kissed the boy fully, passionately, pouring all of his emotions into that kiss. Hyuk sighed and brought the brunette closer by his waist kissing him with as much passion as Donghae did. He started getting hot and suddenly he remembered Shindong’s words. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all? He smirked against Donghae’s lips and released them, his hands staying on his lover’s waist.

“Wookie!” he called the nurse which happened to be passing by at that moment.


Hyuk took the bouquet away from Donghae’s grasp confusing the latter.

“Could you put it in some vase?”

“Of course!”

Ryeowook took the flowers and rushed off, Donghae blinked confused. Hyuk took his hand and pulled him in the direction he knew by heart (Shindong showed him). Having realized where they were heading to Donghae blushed furiously.

“Hyuk, what…” but the blonde had already pushed him into the storage room locking the door carefully behind them. In a second he was pinned against the wall of the small chamber with Hyuk kissing him hardly, pushing his tongue inside his mouth and he could only open it and let the boy invade his cavern.

“I really, really missed you, baby…” Hyuk murmured getting lower and lower. When he was on his knees he looked up and smirked seeing Donghae’s flushed face. Without a warning he pulled the doctor’s hospital pants along with his boxers down.

“Hyuk, what are you…aahhhhhh Hyukkieeee!”


When Donghae and Hyukjae arrived at the receptionist’s desk half an hour later with their hair a bit disheveled, cheeks flushed and the doctor’s uniform a bit crumpled Shindong gave Hyuk the knowing look making the younger blush. Siwon, sitting by the desk just cleared his throat and the rest exchanged smiles.

“What’s up?” asked Donghae casually trying to look as cool as possible.

“Nothing for now” answered Siwon signing patient’s cards.

“Yeah, looks like the calm before the storm” added Sungmin and Donghae nodded sitting on Hyuk’s lap on a chair. The younger starting drawing small circles on his belly and rested his chin on the doctor’s shoulder occasionally kissing his neck.

“You want to drink something?” asked Jessica and, getting a nod from Donghae as a response began making tea.

“So” Siwon raised his head from the papers and half-smiled “What are your plans for Valentine’s day?”

“It’s a surprise” Hyuk and Hae answered in unison making everyone, including them, laugh.

“Ok, I get it” chuckled the tall doctor “And the rest?”

Sungmin blushed.

“I….well… I met a guy…”

“What?!” Donghae exclaimed shocked. The nurse looked down.

“He’s younger and attends classes at an university and…he’s taking me somewhere” he spoke shyly.

“What’s his name?” asked Wookie excited, nearly squealing on his friend’s happiness.

“Kyuhyun – “

“What?!! Kyuhyun?!” it was Hyukjae’s time to yell, Donghae touched his ear flinching.

“Hyuuuk, don’t shout!” he whined.

“Sorry, baby. But seriously are we talking about the same guy?!” Sungmin looked at him questioningly “Cho Kyuhyun?” the strawberry blonde boy nodded slowly “Oh my!!! Cho Kyuhyun, my roommate, that Cho Kyuhyun who is extreme computer games addict and does nothing besides studying and gaming?!” by the time he finished, he was panting heavily “That bastard… He didn’t even tell me!”

“Well…” said Sungmin” We’re not official yet”

“Congratulations Minnie!” Donghae jumped off Hyukjae’s lap to hug his friend and soon everyone followed.

“So what about – “

“Help!!! Help me, please help me!!!”

Donghae and Sungmin rushed to the entrance were the distressed woman holding a baby in her arms was running and screaming for help.


“What happened?” asked the brunette taking off his stethoscope.

“She... “the woman avoided eye contact “She fell from my arms! She hit her head on the ground and she’s not breathing!” she cried. Donghae took the baby in his arms and checked her pulse. True to the woman’s words, there was none.

“How long ago she stopped breathing?” he asked running to the emergency room, Sungmin, Ryeowook and terrified woman trailing behind him.

“Ten minutes I guess…” she sniffed.

“Oh my God, her brain can be damaged!” exclaimed Ryeowook “We’re intubating her?”

Donghae nodded.

“Pipe 5, quickly! Min, how’s the pressure?”

“60/40, she’s dying!’ the nurse answered. Donghae quickly started intubating a baby, his hands shaking a bit.

“Pipe in place. Wookie, ventilate!”

“Ventricular fibrillation!

“Charge to 150! Quickly! Clear!”

“Still VF”

“200! Clear!”

“Sinus rhythm”

Donghae breathed heavily.

“Take her to the CT, now! She can have serious head trauma”

Donghae got out of the emergency room and looked at the horrified woman.

“Is she okay?” she asked squeezing his arm.

“She’s stable but we have to wait for CT’s result to exclude brain damage” he answered calmly looking at the woman suspiciously. Feeling the smoldering gaze she looked down.



“Mrs Yung, for how long has it been?” he asked crossing his arms on his chest. She jerked her head upwards.

“What are you talking about?”

“Mrs Yung…” Donghae exhaled heavily “There are bruises all over her body. The CT probably will show the signs of earlier’s fractures and  please forgive me this statement, but I don’t really believe in what you have told me” he said, his gaze still piercing into the woman’s soul. After the moment of silence he continued.

“Is that your husband?”

“Wha… no! No, no, it’s not him. It’s… he would never, no!” she tried desperately but Donghae already knew she was lying.

“Mrs Yung, I understand you want to defend your husband but the child nearly died today” he said trying hard to stay calm “If you tell us the truth we can call appropriate services and we can end it today. The baby will not be hurting again” he explained. The woman shook her head.

“I love him. And he loves the child” she said still looking down. Donghae snorted.

“I wouldn’t say he loves the baby, sorry. Eventually he will kill her”

“Stop!!! Stop talking like this!” the woman shouted looking at him angrily. Donghae looked away not knowing how to convince her anymore.

“Hae, CT” Jessica appeared with a big picture of the baby’s head.

“Hematoma. Take her upstairs and call Leeteuk, she needs to be operated on immediately” the nurse nodded and left quickly. Mrs Yung put her hand on , tears flowing from her eyes constantly. Donghae sighed.

“Think about it. The situation is serious” he spoke and was about to leave when a man dressed in long elegant coat appeared.

“Min Ji, what’s going on?” he asked the woman. She looked at him, her expression unreadable. The doctor observed the situation carefully.

“Hyon Ju… she is being operated on” she answered silently. The man’s eyes widened.

“What?” he turned to the doctor “What happened?!” Donghae nearly laughed at the poor acting skills.

“Mrs Yung brought her with a head trauma and cardiac arrest. She maintains the baby fell from her arms and hit her head, but I don’t believe it. Maybe you would tell me something more about it, hmm?” Donghae narrowed his eyes at the man. The latter’s face scrunched in indignation and disgust.

“You… Who do you think you are?!” he pointed at the brunette accusingly “Don’t talk to me like this, you have no right to do so!”

“Yeah? Then tell me something, mister. Do you have ANY right to beat your own child?!” the doctor couldn’t take it anymore, he raised his voice gaining attention from people passing by. Mister Yung’s jaw dropped nearly to the floor.

“Your motherer!” he yelled, his fist landing on Donghae’s cheek with a great force making the doctor stumble. He touched his face and observed a drop of blood dripping on his fingers, then his gaze once again landed on the guy, he was about to hit him back but someone was faster. The man got hit in the face so strongly he fell to the ground with a loud thud groaning in pain in his nose.

“Keep your hands off of him, you !” Hyuk yelled enraged “Dong, call the guards and take him away from here, now!” the receptionist was quick to comply, he didn’t dare to argue with the blonde at that moment. The boy turned to Hae.

“Are you alright?” he asked softly and the doctor nodded “We need to treat you, come on. Wookie, help!”

“Hyuk, I’m okay”

“Baby, your lip is bleeding, come on” Hyuk insisted and took his lover to the emergency room then sat him on the bed. Ryeowook immediately started treating Hae’s wound.

“What a brute…” Hyuk breathed “How dare he – “

“Hyukkie, it’s not about me” Donghae interrupted, his words muffled a bit due to the gauze “It’s about a baby. How could he… how could anybody hit a newborn?” he finally let the tears flow out of his eyes. Hyuk immediately enveloped him in his arms.

“No matter how many times they bring here beaten up children  or women… No matter how many times I see this I still can’t get used to it” Hae sniffed “The worst thing is they are usually too scared to admit it… and we can’t help them. This is such a horrible feeling… Seeing such a suffering and not being able to do anything. We can only treat them but then they would go back to that hell and got beaten up again and again…. It’s….” he sobbed heavily.

“Shhh, baby, it’s okay, let it all out” whispered Hyuk caressing the doctor’s back comfortingly.

“He’s right” spoke Ryeowook suddenly “Sometimes we get to know the truth and we call services to help in such a situations. But as long as they don’t admit they’re being beaten, there is nothing we can do. It’s a real ”

“I can tell” uttered Hyuk exhaling heavily “I’m sorry you all have to go through it” 

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Chapter 17: I love your story. Pleaseeeee update author-nim ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
HanBaram #2
Chapter 17: Omoooo. This isss adorableeeee
Chapter 17: omg it's been so long since there was an update i really like this fic
i hope for more >~<
Chapter 17: Sooo adorable cute and lovely~♥
kloverer #5
Chapter 17: Waiting for update xD
destrirra #6
Chapter 17: wow! it's nerve wrecking....I'm just glad that hyukjae comes in time on the frame and donghae seems fine now eventhough he is a bit shock. don't tell me that you are going to make heechul sends donghae away huhuhu but I hope everything is gonna be okay between them.
kyuririn #7
Chapter 17: New reader here, oh I love ur story. Just found it today and already finished 'Underage' . Now start reading ur other story hehe. Sooo what happened on bext chapter? Can't waiiiittt ....
Chapter 17: Just started reading this and I LOVE IT! How their relationship started out with y Hyuk to them both starting to get feelings for each other than becoming boyfriends was funny and sweet glad Hyuk got there in time to save Hae and the patient..I'm just worried that Heechul will send Hae away and then what will happen to them both unless Hyuk can come too..Awesome story and looking forward to see what will happen to these two lovebirds :D
Chapter 17: hahahahahahahahaha!!!? The picture ruin the sweet moment I can't stop to laugh XD by the way thanks for updtate :D