SM Masquerade Party

Key To My Heart

I waved and blew a kiss to the crowd as we walked offstage. I smiled as the crowd continued to cheer. When we were offstage I started to daydream about the SM party that would happening tonight. It would be a lot of fun to attend. And of course no affection. I always remember the contract but I hate being reminded of it. How many times will SoYoung unnie keep mentioning the stupid contract? I was so lost in my thoughts and wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I bumped into a tall figure. I immediately bowed an apology.

"Mianhae (sorry)!" I said.

"Nina-ah?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw short brown hair and a baby face.


"We can't keep talking like this without knowing the ages. Nina-ah, how old are you?"

"Sixteen." I answered.

"Ahh, I'm your oppa!" He said and held his arms out to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around myself in a hug. He pouted and tugged on my ponytails softly. "I want a hug from my dongsaeng~!"

"Oppa, I don't give my hugs to just anyone!"

"Ehh, I'm not just anybody."

"NINNIE~!" I heard someone yell. I turned around as someone jumped on me. I fell forward and landed on Taemin. I felt awkward sandwiched between two people but then again Taemin was holding about two hundred lbs. I quickly rolled off to the side so I wasn't on Taemin anymore. I saw Reina whistling and walking away. I grabbed onto her shirt and pulled her back.

"Going somewhere unnie?" I asked her, trying to sound as calm as possible. But on the inside I felt my anger boiling.

"Ehh, to get water." She said and ran away. I sighed and turned around. I walked over to Taemin and bent down. I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Oppa?" I asked and helped him stand up. He didn't move and his head sagged onto my shoulder. I sighed and dragged him toward his group's dressing room. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. The door opened and revealed a shirtless Jonghyun. I quickly covered my innocent eyes.

"Oppa, Taemin oppa fainted." I said, still covering my eyes. I felt the weight of Taemin's head disappear.

"Why are you covering your eyes Nina-ah?" Jonghyun asked.

"Because my eyes are too innocent to look at shirtless people."

"Ehh, you haven't seen hot shirtless guys before?"

"I haven't seen shirtless people period."

"Who's that?" I recognized Onew's voice say. "Nina-ah? Why are your eyes covered?"

"Tell Jonghyun oppa to put a shirt on please."

"Yah jonghyun-ah! Put a shirt on!"

"Okay hyung, I'm going..." Jonghyun said.

"You can open your eyes now." I spread my fingers apart and peeked through. I didn't see any shirtless person so I put my hands down by my sides. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Neh, oppa. Are oppa's going too?"


I took my phone out of my pocket as it vibrated. I got a text message from Isabella saying we were about to leave to the party.

"Oppa, I'll be going. See you at the party tonight." I said. and walked away waving. "Annyeong!"

"Annyeong!" Onew said and waved. I ran to our dressing room and was greeted by SoYoung unnie angrily tapping her foot. I sighed. What did I do wrong now?! I wondered as I walked up to SoYoung unnie.

"Why are you late?" SoYoung unnie asked.

"I was helping Taemin oppa to his dressing room because he fainted." I answered. She looked at me for awhile before sighing and herding me inside. I sat next to Akira and Ae who were already dressed.

"What'd you do to make SoYoung unnie mad again?" Ae asked.

"I just helped Taemin oppa get back to his dressing room!" I said. "What's so wrong about that?"

"She thinks you're spending too much time with them even though you just met them."

"I'm not spending a lot of time with them!" I protested. The others just looked at each other and went back to doing whatever. I sighed, knowing the others didn't agree with me. I stood up and ChoHee handed me a dress and mask. I looked at her weirdly and she smiled.

"It's your dress for the party." ChoHee said. I nodded and quickly changed into it. Once I was done, SoYoung herded me and the others into the waiting van outside. I got into it and sat next to Ae.

"Did your cheeks get chubbier than when we last saw them?" Akira asked and pinched/pulled my cheek. I whined and tried pushing her hand away.

"You saw me a few minutes ago." I answered and succeeded in pushing her hand away.

"You have such a baby face!" Reina said.

"Ehh, its not my fault I'm so adorable!" I said and batted my eyelashes. She bonked me on the head with her mask and I whined and rubbed my head, hoping a bump wouldn't form. The van suddenly stopped and we all fell onto the floor of the van. We groaned and got up. I brushed myself off and fixed my clothes as the door opened. SoYoung unnie stood outside.

"Have fun and be back before midnight." SoYoung unnie said. We all nodded and got out. I was the last to get out but before I could walk away SoYoung unnie grabbed onto my arm. I sighed and turned to her.

"SoYoung unnie?" I said.

"Please don't be scandalous." SoYoung said.

"Unnie, me and SHINee oppa's are just friends. And I would never break my promise or my contract. I promise to be careful. And I can resolve any problems, please have trust in me." I begged SoYoung unnie. She sighed and let go of my hand.

"My 4 years ago you were so immature. Now look at you, you're so mature."

"Ehh, I only show this side when its an important matter. Other than that, I'm your immature Nina." I said with a smile. SoYoung smiled back and ruffled my hair. I whined and fixed it.

"Have fun kiddo!"

"I will!" I said as I walked into the building. I saw Ae and the others waiting for me by the entrance.

"You guys waited for me?" I asked them.

"Of course!" Isabella said.

"Hmm... Okay!"

"Put your mask on pabo!" Reina said to me. I glared at her when she said pabo and put my mask on.

"I know what to do!" I said.

"Ehh? Is that my cutie charisma?" I heard someone say and my mask being pulled off. I turned around and saw Taemin and Key. Taemin was wearing a black suit and mask while Key was wearing a purple suit and a pink mask. I looked at Key and laughed.

"Pink and purple oppa?" I asked him. He shot me a look before flipping his hair. I tried not to laugh.

"Pink and purple are my favorite colors." Key answered.

"I'm here too you know!" Taemin said with his arms crossed.

"Ehh? Key oppa do you hear that?" I asked Key.

He laughed and shook his head. "Hear what?" He asked.

"Yah!" Jonghyun yelled.

"Oppa I'm just kidding!" I said. "And who are you calling cutie charisma?"

"We were watching your guys performance from backstage and you have a cute charisma!" He said cheekily. I started to laugh.

"Kamsahanida (thank you)."

"Key oppa!" I heard someone yell. I looked behind Key and saw who I recognized as Sulli from F(x). She grabbed onto his arm and dragged him away. I laughed quietly and turned my attention to Taemin.

"Want to dance?" Taemin asked. I turned around to look at Ae, Isabella, Akira, and Reina. They nodded and gave me a smile. I looked back at Taemin and he held his hand out to me. I took his hand and he led me to the middle. I started to dance with him. I started to laugh when he started to do a chicken dance. Then the music started to slow... He coughed and stopped doing the chicken dance. He took my hand and held it in his and put my other hand on his shoulder. He rested his other hand on the small of my back. We slowly started to dance.

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JennyL #1
this... this ..
is awesome!!!
I in love with his story..
you wrote it perfectly!!
update soon!!!
@teehee4life : thank you :D
i like it
@Ai_Dami :<br />
Haha I like romantic drama's :D<br />
But comedy is definitely my favorite genre to watch ^^<br />
LOL when you said that I imagined Onew breaking into my house & flicking me on the forehead XD
I lubbbbbb dramas ~ idol dramas, mysterious dramas..<br />
Aigoo, that's true :')<br />
KKK ~ I've been obsessed with finding clips of Onew oppa flicking people's head lately..O=<br />
@Ai_Dami : hehe a short drama will be performed ^^<br />
hehe yes but I chose his Donald Duck impression because he does that more frequently than cracking a walnut open with a flick of his finger xD<br />
neh~ ^^<br />
<br />
@specialXangelX0410 : haha we know Key umma gonna karate chop boys who get too close xD I'm not pro yet but I try xD<br />
oh gawsh I'd probably just sit there in the sun to uncomfortable to move xD<br />
lol Reina better listen to her partner (Nina) or she gonna go gangster on her xD LOOOL Key umma : pretty during the day & scary by night XD<br />
Unnie's please don't go on a rampage~<br />
I spent a lot of time staring at the pics xD I got so distracted.<br />
I know unnie, dongsaeng promises never to imitate again XD Almighty Key's gotta have some downs~ that's the first imitation that came to mind while looking for their best imitations xD<br />
neh~ ^^
haha ne xD good idea if we take umma with us they won't bother us xD haha i want to hear it! xD<br />
Izzy unnie is gonna watch you like a hawk when you go outside xDD<br />
lol she's not supposed to cheer on the fight! Reina unnie you're a bad unnie! xDD *hides behind Isabel* Key umma looks scary xD just ad the green mask and ahhh! scary! xDDD<br />
bothe of them aren't going to be too happy about your corrupted innocence xD<br />
haha awe cute ^___^<br />
and omo! the plushies, daebak~! :DDD<br />
*shudders* ah Sunny's aegyo really does creep the hell out of me O.O Key's pants ripping= EPIC! xD and Dubu's duck sound, so cute ^___^<br />
update when you can dongsaeng~!
lol ~ Onew didn't say he can kill walnuts with a flick of his finger? <br />
0___O<br />
AWESOME! Update soon ~ ^O^
@specialXangelX0410 : haha I won't xDD loool or bring along Key umma to watch over us xD hehe yes, I try xD<br />
o.o Izzy unnie I need to be outside xD don't lock me up~ XDD<br />
lol Reina unnie we needa teach you how not to cheer on a fight xD hehe *goes over to Taemin* oppa looks cuter than umma xD<br />
darn slicer xD Bom? Izzy? I'm not sure who isn't gonna be happy about my corrupted innocence xD<br />
haha I imagine Mung Soo as an appa :D a funny & caring appa xD<br />
neh~ :DDD
lol please don't kill anyone xD<br />
lol alright sounds like a plan && if they try and touch us you can always karate chop them xDD haha you like to imitate his laugh? xD<br />
omo Izzy unnie, our dongsaeng is at risk fromt being tainted T.T she'd probably lock you up to keep you innocent xD<br />
haha Reina is evil xD she shouldn't cheer on the fight! xD lmao i imagined Key with an apron on with rollers in his hair and Taemin with bunny ears xD<br />
lol they always disapper when you need them xD<br />
aish these people trying to ruin you -.- *sing song* someone isn't going to be too happy about that~ xD<br />
Mung Soo is funny xD "Yah, don't lay a hand on my daughters."- that's cute ^___^<br />
update when you can dongsaeng~!