Clear Skin

The (Sort Of) Kpop Guide To Life

Everybody wants that clear, silky smooth skin that all idols have.


So how do we get that same quality of skin without breaking our wallets?


Here are a few ways to get that perfect skin that every kpop fan wants



Drinking water has been proven to flush toxins out of your system, clear your mind, and give you flawless skin, but the problem is that nobody wants to drink eight cups of it every day. Let’s face it: water is boring. It tastes too plain to drink it, so that’s why we always turn to soft drinks or milk when we’re thirsty. To make water more flavorful, try adding a slice of fresh fruit (a slice of lemon would be the best) or a sugar-free water flavoring like Crystal Light.



Exfoliation is removing the buildup of dead skin cells that can clog your pores and make acne flair up. By exfoliating 1-2 times per week, you will be refreshing your skin and letting it breathe more now that it doesn’t have a layer of dead skin covering it up. A while ago my friend showed me this BubzBeauty exfoliation video and I still think it’s one of the best I’ve ever tried!


Tips for exfoliating (some are mentioned in the video)

-Use your fingertips when scrubbing your face, and NEVER use your palms

-It’s best to exfoliate1-2 times a week. Any more than that and your skin might get irritated.



Knowing what your skin type is will help loads. There are four main types of skin:


Dry Skin Dry skin usually has a dull appearance, feels dry and itchy and is sometimes sensitive.

Oily Skin Oily skin usually looks slippery and shiny and has a greasy texture. This type of skin is prone to acne.

Normal Skin Not too oily and not too dry. Normal skin looks consistently plump, moist and vibrant.

Combination Skin Usually characterized by an oily “T-zone” area, which covers the forehead, nose and chin, while the skin around the cheeks, eyes and mouth is normal or dry.



It’s like a second nature to want to slather on the concealer when we get an embarrassing zit or a horrifying wave of acne. DON’T DO THIS! Putting makeup on will clog up your pores and irritate your already-irritated skin. It’s very important to let your skin breath, so if you absolutely have to apply makeup, don’t use as much as you usually wear.



We all have busy lives, so getting the recommended 60 minutes every day is tough. Instead, try getting at least 15 minutes of exercise each day- just enough to make your body sweat- in order to rejuvenate skin and increase blood flow through your body.



Instead of going for fast-food and getting the greasiest thing on the menu, begin to make your own lunch and/or dinner. There are a ton of easy and healthy recipes online, just search them up! Try to make the effort to eat things in their most natural forms, such as fruits and vegetables, and eat less processed, man-made foods. After all, you are what you eat!


  • Make sure you’re taking proper care of your skin by washing it properly at least twice a day: when you wake up and before bed.
  • Try not to use a lot of cleanser: too much can dry out your face.
  • After you finish washing, make sure to splash a bit of cold water over your face in order to tighten your pores, preventing dirt, bacteria, and make-up from getting in.
  • Don’t touch your face unless you have to: unnecessary contact can spread the oils from your fingers onto your skin, increasing the likeliness of breakouts. 
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Chapter 1: I'm from Papaerstar graphics btw. I saw your comment in the comment section, so I went to your request. Saw it and went straight to this. It's so handy ! Thank you for making this :) Waiting for morez ~
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 2: Definitely agree bout your opinion for diet :D
Sometimes we just need to stop being insecure but on the other side should take care of ourselves (:
vanillamilk #3
Chapter 1: ahh thank you for this ^^
Hollywood1999 #4
Chapter 1: Looking forward to more updates~!
Chapter 1: New subbie here!! :D
I find this to be very helpfull & interesting ( even though I don't really have problems with acne), keep that up!! :D
I can't wait for your next chapter ( could you do maby a teenage weight loss chapter? Since I'm turning 15 and I would really like to get in shape ;) )
Exited for what's coming next, love your story ( oh & I think a poster for your story would attrct even more people :D )
BoyXboylove #6
Chapter 1: woah bro, thanks