Fall in love

My Heart 2


Kiara POV

There I was,still in shocked by what just happened. I came in and found Hansol and _____ sitting on the couch all sweet. THey both said hi, but then stared at me for a while as I stood there frozen and not sitting beside them. I didn't know what to do or say...I...
"Are you okay Kiara?" _____ asked. 
"Did something bad happen?" Hansol asked, and then I let loose of the bag from coming back from the shop. 
"I---I---" Stuttering, not knowing how to say it. I bit my lips. 
"No way! Seriously?!" _____ standing up and stood in front of me. I knew she knew what happened. 
"Why? What?" Hansol looking clueless. 
"As I was about to cross, he saved me from the motorbike and we both turned to face each other, but we wwere so close and...it just happened." I explained, finally sitting down and hiding my face with the pillow. 
"Oh my God. You kissed someone?! What about Seokmin hyung?" Finally getting the situation however...
"You idiot. It was Seokmin oppa she accidently kissed" as I chucked a pillow at him. They both smiled and thought how cute it was. 
"But what do really feel about him?"    Feel?  Do I like him?  I'm afraid to fall in love again...

Seokmin POV
As Kiara came out from the shop, I decided to go back together. As Kiara was about to cross the road, a motorbike came. 
"Kiara, LOOK OUT!" I shouted and took her into body. 
"Are yo---" before I could finish off my sentence, Kiara turned as well and because we were so close, our lips touched against each other. Both our eyes were wide open, we pulled away. Clearing my throat I said,
"Uh-hum. Are--Are you ok? Your not hurt anywhere are you?" as our eyes met, it became awkward and returned home in silence. 
"Thank you" she said before going in. 
--End of Flashback-- 

All the members started cheering and some jumped up and down like Seungcheol and Soonyoung hyung.
"Aigoo, Seokmin-ah...your face is blushing" poking me continuosly. 
"Ahahaha, Ahhh, ahhh" I said trying to hide my happy face, but failed. All the members laughed at me. 
Just then, Hansol came in. 
"Hyung!" with his mouth open. 
"What'd she say?
"She's still wondering if that really happened." whlist patting me on the back. 
Than someone knocked again.  
"Hansol-ah, someone is here for you" shouted Soonyoung hyung.  There I thought Kiara was with _____.
"Where's Kiara?" giving each other a kiss. 
"She's up at the rooftop, going crazy" 
"You should go up and tell her personally, how you feel" Soonyoung hyung suggested, whilst smirking.
"Or not. I came here because I need to tell you something about Kiara" as she sits beside me and Hansol.
"She likes someone else?!"   Yeah right. 
"She likes you, but just can't believe it... doesn't want to admit it." she said.  
"What do you mean?" confused by what she just said. 
"She's scared that you'll be like her ex-boyfriend, and leave her like she was nothing... she's scared to fall in love again" she told me. 
"But I won't be." I replied back, being serious. 
"I know, she's confused right now...maybe let her take her time before she answers you."     I wonder how long that'll be...

Hansol POV
We went in the my room to talk alone. 
"You think Seokmin oppa is ok?" she asked. 
"Yeah, I guess, but hope Kiara doesn't make hyung wait for too long."
"I'll tell her that." 
"Will you leave me just like that?" she asked, like she didn't mean anything to me. 
"Why do you ask that?
"Just wondered. I'd be sad if I was a special person to you"  she pouted. 
"Well, you are and always will be."  I replied back. Then she started tickling me.
"Hey stop, what's this for?" as our position changed with ____ on top of me on the bed. 
"From making me angry yesterday" 
"What?! Wait---Stop" she continued tickling me, so i tickled her back and ended up falling on the floor with me on top her. We both laughed and the kissed each other. My left hand began touching her waist and her arms went up and wrapped it around my neck. 
"If you want to ____, you can eat---" as Soonyoung oppa entered. " Woah guys! HANSOL What do you think you're doing?!" he shouted and crossed his arms with his raised eyebrows. With this, all the members started coming in. 
"Dog Pile!" then everyone laid down on top of us, whilst complaining about the two of us being alone in a room.

"Can't breathe guys!" struggling to breathe and smacking all of us. We knew eveyone will get a punch from her. Lol. 


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RainaSeoyounKo #1
Chapter 34: THIS WAS JUST TOO ADORBS!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: OMG YAYYYYA ! A SM17E FAMILY TREE >_< I really can't wait till their debut... I'm dying over here! Not to mention... I'm no where near Korea TT_TT Someone save meeeeeeeeee .. or give me a free plain ticket to Koreaaaa

I'm definitely going to read your new fic >:) Get ready for my comment spam session. :D
Chapter 32: Kiara, I need to have an intense talk with you, like intensee with double e.

Gurl ... My gosh i dont even hav words to explain how im feeling . No words.
RainaSeoyounKo #4
Chapter 32: WUT?1 NO!!! WHYYYY??????????? :'(

RainaSeoyounKo #6
Chapter 31: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Chapter 30: ...OMG...I hope it's not what I'm thinking of...
Chapter 30: ................

First of all ... YAY UPDATE! Hyori, be happy. I don't hate you so much that I want to kill you.
Second of all... What happened to Kiara ? :O Kiara and Seokmin are the perfect couple, why's she so quiet?
RainaSeoyounKo #9
Chapter 29: So she did change..wow..and yaaay!!


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