Christmas Cheer (Infinite)

One Shot Collections
*A Week Before Christmas*
Myungsoo had had a great day, he had finished all his Christmas shopping, and it wasn't late, this year! He knew he wad a little behind the others, but he had an excuse. What he didn't expect to find, coming back to the dorm late, wad Sungjong sulking in their shared room.
"Sungjong, what's wrong?" He asked the maknae, who was staring blankly down at his phone, a little pout on baby lips. Sungjong looked at his hyung with a desperate expression.
"Noona is sad."
Myungsoo cocked an eyebrow. "Sungjong, you don't have a Noona?" Myungsoo sat next to the maknae.
"Yah! Victoria-Noona." Myungsoo smiled at the younger boy, but didn't correct him. He was surprised he had even started calling her Noona, and stopped with Umma after so long.
"So, why is Victoria-Noona sad?" Even though she was younger than all of them, she did take care of them when she could, often coming over to clean up or cook food when they were practicing or busy with promotions, and leaving them each stuff they needed, but didn't have time to get. Or taking care of them when they weren't feeling well. She had become a part of their family, which didn't happen often.
Sungjong shrugged. He tried cheering her up, but nothing seemed to work. He even made her a cake, but she said she wasn't hungry, but she would save it for later. He got a smile for a second, but he knew it was fake. "Hyung, it's almost Christmas. I bet she feels really lonely not having family or friends here." Myungsoo nodded, although he thought they were all pretty close to her. "I want to throw her a party and we should all get her something special." Myungsoo smiled at the thoughtfulness of his maknae.
"What kind of presents should we get her, then?"
A smirk crept up on the boy's lips. "Meet me in the living room in 5 minutes." Myungsoo watched as the boy run off to round up the other members to reveal his idea. Well, at least he wouldn't be the last one to get a present. He hid his bags under his bed, hoping no one would be nosey. Knowing Dongwoo would, he took the Hyung's present and hid it in the other's pile of clothes; he'd never look there.
Finally Myungsoo got up and headed to the living room where the Hyungs and Sungjong were already gathered. Sungjong was in the middle of explaining his story, so Myungsoo didn't miss anything.
"We should get her a big present!" Dongwoo jumped up, making a big gesture to show how large the present should be.
"No! Listen to me." Sungjong stomped his foot, getting their attention back. "We all need to make special presents. No one can spend more than $30."
With that, the 7 went their separate ways to think of the present they were going to get for the one person outside the group who was closest to them. 
*Christmas Day*
Victoria sat inside her dark living room. It was Christmas. But she didn't have the energy to try and pretend she was happy to be spending Christmas alone. It was the most miserable time. Not only was she completely alone, she couldn't even call her family, who had taken a vacation together for the first Christmas she was gone. 
She sighed as she stared at the pathetically wrapped present she got herself. But, why even try? She knew what it was, so there was no surprise. And that took the fun out of unwrapping. 
"Well, Chico," she picked up the kitten she had taken in when she found it abandoned in the alley next to her house, "looks like you are the only thing in my life, now." 
She stood up, hoping to at least make it to her bedroom before she started crying. 
But, a loud knock on the door stopped her before she could get even half way down the hall. "Yah! Go away." She half-heartedly called to the person disturbing her misery. 
"Ummaaaa! Open the door." She sighed, not sure if she was happy or sad to hear the voice of Sungjong. She loved him like crazy, but she also looked like crap, not even having showered today. He knocked incessantly, until she finally dragged herself to the door and opened it. 
But, she wasn't expecting 7 older men to rush into her little house, all carrying something wrapped. 
"Umma! Guess who is here!" Sungjong cheered, obviously a little late. 
Victoria couldn't help but giggle at the site of the 6 men crowding her furniture, which definitely did not accommodate 4 average sized people, let alone 7 full grown men, a girl, and what looked like the inside of Santa's sleigh. 
"What are you all doing here?!" 
Hoya was the first to speak up. "Sungjong said you were going to be alone on Christmas, so we decided to get you presents." 
Victoria missed Sungjong rolling his eyes behind her. He would definitely remind Hoya later who set all of this up. But, for now, he just wanted to make sure his best friend had an amazing Christmas. 
SungGyu cleared his throat, calming the younger boys down enough to speak up. "We argued over the fairest way to do this, because you can't possibly open all 7 presents at once. And, because Sungjong put this all together, he said his present should be saved for last." Sungjong smiled, holding tightly to his wrapped gift. "Being the leader, I decided to just make us give them oldest to youngest." 
Victoria smiled as she accepted her first present from her favorite people. It was small, and felt very delicate, so she unwrapped it with extreme care. As she finally revealed a CD case, she looked up confused.
"Is it a mixed CD of love song?" Dongwoo asked rather loudly. The other boys "oooou", and received dirty looks from SungGyu. 
"No! We agreed on a price limit. But, here," he stood up and took the CD walking over to Victoria's retro CD player and turning it on. The sound of a piano started, then SungGyu's voice began a sweet song. 
"But, Oppa! I've never heard this song?" 
"That's because I composed it for you." His cheeks and ears turned red and he smiled big. 
"That's so sweet!" Before she had time to think, Victoria had jumped up and threw her arms around SungGyu's neck. There was a soft spot in her heart for him, and she knew this song would he on repeat for at least a good month. 
Next was Dongwoo, who looked a bit nervous as he handed over a poorly wrapped present with little hearts over it. "I could only find the Valentine's Day wrapped, so..sorry." he smiled sheepishly, which made Victoria's heart burst at his cuteness. She wasn't sure how she would last the night if everyone was as cute as Dongwoo and SungGyu!
She opened the gift and found a notebook. Opening it, she realized all the pages were filled with handwritten notes. Each page completely covered with Dongwoo's adorable writing. 
Some were entitled "My favorite things about you...", some "Our memories", and a handful of other sentimental things. 
"Dongwoo!" Tears flowed freely as she tried to read the first entry, about Dongwoo teaching her Hangul. She remembered the day clearly. He said he would be the best teacher because he would be learning English along with teaching. 
Before she could try to read anymore, a small piece of clothe was being pressed against her cheeks. When she looked up, Woohyun's beautiful, smiling face was shining at her. 
"My turn." He said and handed her a large box. He waited impatiently as she carefully unwrapped and opened this present. Her eyes went wide in shock as she stared at some of the most delicious looking desserts she had seen in a very long time. 
"I...may have spent a little extra on ingredients, but I don't think it counts, because it wasn't for the actual present." Woohyun justified himself. Victoria felt herself smiling, even though she was still crying. "I made all the stuff you told me about." 
Victoria looked through the box to find small boxes full of her favorite Italian treats. She leaned in and kissed Woohyun on the cheek. "This is the sweetest present, Woohyun! Literally!" She laughed as she opened a container with cannolis.
"They're all chocolate-free, too. I didn't use any chocolate." 
"Sounds like someone's trying to  up." SungYeol pushed Woohyun out of the way as he moved to sit in front of Victoria. "It's my turn, now." The younger boy stuck his tongue out. 
"Actually, I'm next, SungYeol." Hoya stepped up. "But, umm...mine was only kind of under-budget." He ducked his head shyly. "Here." He handed Victoria a fairly flat present, which caused her to  an eyebrow. When she opened it, she was staring at an iPad. "It's on the SD card." 
She nodded and went in search of the mysterious present. Finally, she found a file labeled "Bictoria Chrismas" she smiled at his bad English, but opened the file and held up the iPad, realizing it was a video file. 
It started with Hoya sitting in their practice room, talking to the camera about how special of a friend Victoria had become to him. And, how he didn't know any other girl he had ever felt so comfortable talking to. She started crying before it was even 10 seconds in, even though she thought she might have cried herself dry. 
The video ended with a dance Hoya had choreographed himself, specifically for Victoria. "This is my best talent, and the only thing I could give worthy of a gift for you. I love you, Victoria." The screen went blank and Victoria was left staring at the iPad, unsure how to react. 
"Aigoo, I didn't mean for that to sound like a confession!" Hoya explained. "You're one of my best friends." He continued. But, Victoria was already jumping into his arms, her face buried against his neck. 
"I love you, too! Thank you, Hoya, that was really amazing." Hoya hugged her, tightly, back. 
Victoria wiped her eyes and returned to the seat in time for SungYeol to push his hyung out of the way. 
"I wonder what you got me, Pabo!" Victoria laughed at the tall boy sitting before her. He had a bow on top of his head and a ribbon wrapped around him. His gummy smile lit the room. 
"Haha! Here." He handed Victoria another gift that felt like a book. When she opened it, SungYeol shouted "I got you me! I was just going to give you me, but I can't always be around. But, now, whenever you miss my face, all you have to do is look through this book, and you will never be sad again." 
"That's true!" Victoria laughed while looking through the photobook full of SungYeol's face. She leaned over and kissed the top of his head before Myungsoo come to sit in front of her. 
"Mine isn't as..well, Yeollie as SungYeol's, but, here you go." Myungsoo handed Victoria a present which looked and felt a considerable amount like Sungyeol's. But, when she opened it, the photobook had her name scrolled across the cover in beautiful letters, and a picture of herself and Myungsoo.
She gasped when she opened the book, there were pictures of herself and the boys on all of the pages. As she got farther, she noticed some where empty of people, but Myungsoo quickly added, "These are all of the places around Korea you've said you wanted to visit. I've taken a lot of pictures of beautiful places, so I included all of them. I also have pictures of all of us together." 
A fresh round of tears started as Victoria caressed the pictures in this book. "It's amazing, Myungsoo. This was so sweet of you." She gave the smiling boy a hug and turned to Sungjong. 
The boy grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "Umma, I really couldn't think of anything that would be as amazing as you. And nothing seemed sincere enough. I knew Woohyun-hyung would cook you something, and he's much better than me. And, Myungsoo-hyung would give you pictures. So, I thought of the only thing that would always remind you of only me." 
The boy handed her the present, which was noticeably heavier than all the others. She brought it over to her counter to unwrap it, not wanting to drop and break it. 
As soon as she removed the wrapping, though, she fell to her knees. Her shoulders were shaking from the tears. 
All seven boys were immediately surrounding her, trying to comfort her and tell her everything was okay. 
"Umma!" Sungjong was directly in front of her trying to get her to look up at him. "What's wrong?! Did I do something wrong?" He looked horrified, he thought his present was thoughtful and was hoping she would love it. 
"Sungjongie!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her, sobbing loudly against his neck. "It's so perfect. All of this is so perfect. I love you all so much." 
After a minute of rough sobbing, Victoria finally pulled herself up to her feet, with help from the boys, and picked up the jar Sungjong had given her, holding it close to her chest as she moved back to her seat. 
"There's a lemoncandy for every day since I've known you, Umma. That 956. Including today. And, a box for you to add a piece every day." 
Sungjong smiled as he watched Victoria hold on tight to the jar, and scan her other presents, as well as the boys. 
"I-.." she choked on a sob. Taking a few minutes to calm herself down before starting again. "This is the most amazing thing.." she sniffled "anyone has ever done for me. Thank you all so much. I love you guys. I would be so lost without you." Before she even finished, the boys were hugging her all at once. 
She couldn't believe she had found 7 of the most amazing people in the whole world, and that they all loved and cared about her enough to do something like this for her. 
"We love you, too, Umma." 
"Saranghae!" They all cheered as one. 
"Saranghae." Victoria whispered, not able to manage anything over a whisper.
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