
Imagine Jongyu

Jonghyun wasn't really one to believe about something like bad luck, fate, destiny or whatever people liked to call that stuff. When he was 8 he broke a huge mirror, and seven years later not only he was still alive and healthy but he also turned into a really good looking boy. So that stuff didn't really influence his life in the slightest. Anyway there was a thing in which he strongly believed: if a morning starts in a bad way then it's going to turn even worse while going on.
He couldn't do anything about it, starting the day with a bad mood or with something unusual made him wary of everything, sometimes he would forget about it, but other times he was proved to be right thinking that way.
Sadly for him he was right about one particular morning, it was a Monday, and everyone hated Mondays, he was no exception. He especially hated that Monday because the night before he went to sleep really late because it was his sister's birthday, so blame it to the alcohol, or the few hours of sleep, but he was late. And it wasn't on a regular day either, he had a presentation to talk about at work, a really important one and he woke up late to find out that his car wouldn't even move a meter. Which meant that he had to take the bus, a very full, gross and smelly one. He barely made it on time for his presentation, his boss giving him a glare for the whole time, which made him nervous causing a few mistakes during his speech. As if it wasn't enough he discovered that he had forgot his wallet at home which meant that he had no money to buy food, and since his only real friend was at home sleeping this left him sharing his office with a very stiff looking man, whom he didn't dare to ask for food or money of course.
When he was finally leaving the office he thought that running back at home and locking himself up would save him from this terrible day, but he forgot that he had to actually get at home. He wished that taking the bus would have been the only problem, but of course it decided to rain, and again of course , he hand't an umbrella with him. Cursing against an invisible someone he arrived to the bus stop looking extremely grumpy, mood completely ruined, and even if it actually stopped raining he believe that a lonely cloud would have continued to pour water on him, just for the fun of it.
Letting himself being completely drenched he sighed, trying to not think about how things couldn't get worse than this because usually when you think like that it does get worse.
"Excuse me." Said a soft voice just behind him, but Jonghyun didn't really have the energy to look back immediatly, he was almost scared that it was a robber and he couldn't deal with it right now. When he (slowly) turned he was met by someone he wasn't expecting; he was a young looking man dressed with causal clothes but nicely, blond hair swept to the side and and round cheeks tinted pink probably from the cold. He didn't really look like a robber.
"Are you alright?" Asked the other sounding concerned, and for the first time Jonghyun realized that he wasn't getting poured over because the man had covered him with his umbrella. He finally saw a light in his miserable day.
"Oh uhm yes I'm alright." He replied "Thank you" He added nodding towards the umbrella, the man smiled at him before rummaging into his bag.
"Here." He said handing him a paper tissue looking a bit apologetic "I'm sorry that's all I've got on me."
Jonghyun suddenly felt warm inside, he really appreciated nice people, they always made his day batter and today he totally needed it. This young man was a special one, he didn't even know him, still he was being so nice to him, it made him smile.
"Don't worry about it, I'm really thankful" He replied hoping that his words could express his sincerity. He went to wipe the rain from his face since he couldn't really do much about the rest, gently patting the tissue on his face. When he was done he noticed the other looking at him with, mouth in a frown.
"What-" The blond cupped his face with one hand while his thumb swiped across his cheek, making Jonghyun blush a bit; he really hoped the other wouldn't notice it.
"You had a piece of paper stuck in your face..." Explained the man after removing his hand, looking a bit bashful about his previous action, eyes down looking at the street. Jonghyun coughed awkwardly trying to keep his cool, throwing suble glance at the other. He was really pretty for a man, maybe it was about his soft features, he wasn't sure but it was nice looking at him.
"So uhm, are you waiting for the bus?" Asked Jonghyun just to try and make conversation, the other looking relieved that the awkward situation was now broken.
"I'm waiting for a cab actually, the bus is not going to arrived today, the ride was suspended since the street is blocked."
"The ride is suspended?" Asked defeated Jonghyun, he really didn't have the energy to be angry anymore.
"Uh uh. Is there a problem?" Asked concerned the other.
"Uhm yeah I kind of not have a way to go back at home, and it was really a ty day honestly. Like I was late for work, my car left me, i forgot my wallet, I haven't eaten since yesterday and seems like I'll have to walk about 10 km to get at home." Jonghyun ranted lamely before throwing a glance to the other smiling a bit "You are the only nice thing happened to me today."
The blond blushed madly adverting his gaze from Jonghyun, who just understand how weird what he had said sounded, blushing himself he waved his hands in the hair trying to get a point.
"Uh I Just, I'm sorry I didn't plan to make it sound like that!" He explained with wild arm gestures "Damn it sounded like a pick up line..." He trailed off actually face palming.
"You can come to-to my place if you want." Suddenly said the blond looking away when Jonghyun raised his eyes to him "You could use the shower, and I can give you dry clothes, food and than drive you at home." He continued still not looking at him, but then he suddenly did, a bit agitated.
"Oh my gosh did I sound like a creep? Because really I don't have bad or questionable intention-"
"If it is okay with you." Jonghyun shyly replied finally grabbing his attention.
"Oh." Was the blond only reply "It's perfect then!" he continued before smiling widely, eyes turning into two cute little slits.
"Hey I'm Jonghyun by the way."
"Jinki." And Jonghyun didn't know which was warmer, the hand that met his own or the smile on Jinki's face.
It wasn't such a bad thay in the end.



Inspired by this

I'm honestly really proud of myself because I wrote this really fast, and of course it's short but it's still something for me xD I hope you enjoy, I'd appreciate your opinion about it or the previous chapter,really anything. I want the third update to be this fast too! Till the next time, have a good day ^^


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Chapter 5: So sweet <3
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 10: I love this AU so muuchhh
they are so cute~
faniee #3
Chapter 10: Aww I won't mind if you're going to continue this AU. I love it, jinki is a total cutie and I'm waiting for more
faniee #4
Chapter 10: Aww I won't mind if you're going to continue this AU. I love it, jinki is a total cutie and I'm waiting for more
shineegirl78 #5
Your stories are soo awsome...plz update soon♡♡♡
Chapter 9: This should be a series because the story is soooo good ^^
baplover1989 #7
Omg all of ur fics are gold ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I really loved the last story but still all of what u have written is amazing and btw ur English is very good!!!~ ^^