
Study Buddies

"Hey, whats up?" Youngmin said to me as he came up from behind me. "Hey, I'm good.You?" "I'm pretty good." "Well thats good." "So did you do your homework for last night?" "Yes, did you do yours." "Yes and no." "Would you like to explain what that means?" "I didn't do the last row of my math" "do you want me to help you?" "Yes please." "Ugh...64,53,78,87,96,81,45,67,6954." "thank you" "your welcome. We have to do something about your homework problems." "what do you mean homework problems?" "this is the third time this month that I helped you with your homework." "Oh. Well what are we supposed to do?" " We can do our homework together so then we know it's done and you dont have to worry about it the next day." "Oh. That's a great idea." "But I wont do your homework for you" "Aww. Fine. Did you study for the quiz on thursday?" "What?! There's a quiz on thursday? I forgot." "Well we can study today after school." "Okay." "My place. Kwangmin is going to be there but he might be leaving." "Cool."  I said as we walked into the school.When we got to my locker after Youngmins'. Shay and Menwoo walked over to us. Shay and I exchanged hugs and then we started a conversation. "Um...We have to go to class" Menwoo innturupted. "Okay" Shay and I said. "See you in studyhall." Youngmin said as he walked away.

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