
Eight Reasons Why I Hate You

I know I shouldn’t tell you this because you’re a girl and I’ve long since learned from my mom to treat girls right, but... there are certain moments when I really wish you’d just slip into a coma so I wouldn’t have to deal with you anymore. I regret meeting you so much that if there was such a thing as a time machine, I would hop into it and change the past so that we never would’ve met. I should’ve known not to get involved with you.

Do you still remember how it all started? 

Because I remember it as if it were yesterday. We met during the blue season of autumn, on an unusually rainy day when our friends decided to be spontaneous and hold a party at a local karaoke bar. It was in commemoration of their half year anniversary or whatever. I was forcefully dragged along via a headlock and so were you, though a lot more gently. The room was empty when we got there much to Niel’s disappointment because he wanted to look cool for you girls. But he brightened the second Changjo handed him a tambourine and a mic. We played around for a while, singing the old, outdated songs created by former idols like G.O.D. and Fin.K.L. Man, I used to be so obsessed with those singers when I was younger. 

And then, you guys arrived.

I remember getting the breath knocked out of me (literally) when you walked through the door of the room we had rented for the night. Ricky was being a and we were play fighting which was why he punched me in the gut and why I was winded when you stepped through that door. I remember thinking, “Goddamn.” when I first saw you. 

And no, it wasn’t because I thought you were pretty or hot or any of that― you weren’t particularly noticeable amongst the pack you waltzed in with. It was because of how many friends your friend brought with her. I felt like I was trapped in a damn box filled up with hot water and a whole lot of awkward. The room really wasn’t meant for so many people. For so many strangers of the opposite that is. 

The only people really comfortable were the so-called hosts making out on the edge of the sofa. There was tongue and everything and I remember shuddering at the sight of Chunji and that girl on his lap. 

It was a good thing it was dark. And loud, with everybody now singing overplayed songs by overrated idols. And no offense, but when it was the girl I now know to be your best friend's turn to sing, I wanted to drive nails into my ears to cease the noises I heard from . I had to thank the gods I didn’t even believe in when it was over. 

And then, you happened. You were ushered up to the front by your group of giggling girls. With your eyes darting to and fro, frightened of all the sudden attention. 

You were shy then, nothing like the outspoken girl I’ve come to know. 

I remember being amused by your reaction to the spotlight. It was a much better feeling than being bored out my mind to be honest which was what I had felt at the time. The other guys had left me to flirt with some girls by the corner so I was alone with the occasional female who always wanted something but left when they realized I couldn’t―and wouldn’t give it to them. Those girls were oh so confident of their (terrible) singing capabilities with their faces caked with makeup to hide whatever imperfections they believed they had. They stuck their noses in the air like the owned the place, giving everyone the holier-than-thou look.

One of the reasons you caught my eye was because you understood that less was more and that simplicity didn’t necessarily equate to plainness. I could see it in the way you walked, confident, but not to the point of being brash.

And when your lips parted to make way for the lyrics to flow out, I remember thinking that you looked oddly beautiful in the colorful lights with your hair down and your eyes shining and your eyebrows scrunching upwards as you forced the feelings of the slow ballad out.
You’re voice was... pretty for a lack of a better word. It was nothing remarkable, just melodic and easy to listen to. Yet, I was almost disappointed when the song ended, something I only understood later on.

Do you still remember? Our first actual conversation wasn’t really a conversation. It was more of a short but intense argument. Because of our friends. I’m actually laughing now as I think of it. It was because C.A.P was getting a bit touchy with your friend (the one who can’t sing) and you got all protective over her even though she looked like she enjoyed it. I thought it was because word had gone around that C.A.P had broken quite a few hearts in the past, and that you were afraid your friend would turn out like that too. I was wrong, but still, it’s not like he didn’t hurt either when the relationships ended. He’s not the cold playboy everyone thinks he is. That’s why I decided to defend him.

“It’s just harmless flirting!” I had shouted from across the room and above the din. And you had scanned the place for me, your gaze anything but placid. When we locked eyes, I got the feeling you wanted to slowly roast me over a fire until I became nothing but a pile of ashes. 

“‘Harmless flirting can lead to anything!” You yelled back, and by then your friend was looking a bit scared. She clung to your arm, a silent message telling you to calm the hell down. 

I honestly didn’t understand why you were so angry. 

But that was the last straw. The party was boring and I was tired anyway. I stumbled out the bar and into the chilly night, taking long drags from a cigarette I had stolen from my dad’s pack. 

And who did I see walk out after me? That’s right. You

And I hate you for it.


Yay, first chapter is up! Comment, please?

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Chapter 3: It's so cute! It's really ironic because yesterday I was thinking that I haven't seen any updates in a while and then an update for this shows up. I really love the story, no rush to update though
Chapter 2: I'm really loving this story, it's already one of my favorite fics so far! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: I really like it! I can't wait for the next chapter. I have yet to find an author that has a story that's mainly on the boys perspective and that really irked me. Then I found this story and I was happy that for a change the story was written in the boys perspective, also the plot is so original and I've honestly never found a story with a plot like yours. I'm really excited for what's to come, this first chapter is already really good
byungbaek #4
Chapter 1: update soon ! this story is really interesting !
seems like a really good story, cant wait for the update
Gilliocato #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^