"Do you like that~?"


.. As you ran down the hallway the lights turned off. You could clearly hear someone running after you. As you tripped over something on the floor you were sure, that it was over. He would get you and he would kill you. You could already hear is cold voice coming closer and closer. "There you are.." Your heart was racing and you could feel that you were tearing up. "I've been looking for you, jagiyah." Jagiyah? The tone of his voice changed, it was sweet and caring. "Yah, jagiyah~"

You opened your eyes.

"Jagiyah? Are you okay?" A boys face hovered over you, just a few inches away from your own face which made you scream a little. "Jimin-ah.." you let out a relieved sigh, as he helped you to sit up. "Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, pulling you into his strong arms, making you feel protected and save.
You nodded, your cheek pressed against his chest, snuggling into his arms and suppressing a yawn. For a while the two of you were just sitting on the Sofa on which you fell asleep while watching a random horror movie that was playing while you were waiting for your boyfriend to come back from practice. You always liked watching these kind of movies but you would always have nightmares afterwards. "See." he mumbled, his lips next to your ear as he still held you "That's why I told you to not watch these kind of Movies or at least watch them with me so that I can protect you."

He held you at your shoulders, pushing you a bit away so that he could look you into the eyes, his lips puckered to a little pout. You couldn't help yourself but chuckle a little. He always tried to show that he is a real man and that he is your hero. "You little macho." you mumbled, stealing a short sweet kiss from his still puckered lips before snuggling under your blanket again, looking up to him with big puppy eyes. "Cuddle me pleaase~?" you whined "I am still scared and I need my hero to calm me down!"

This time it was Jimins turn to let out one of his adorable little laughs as he bend over you, catching your gaze with his eyes. "You know.." he purred, placing his lips onto yours for a short moment, then pulling away again. "I know other things that would also take your mind off of that bad dream of yours.." His voice got a bit deeper than usual which always sent shivers down your spine.
"Yah, Jimin-ah.." you started, blushing a bit but he interrupted you with placing his lips onto yours again. This time the kiss was a bit more needy but still soft and gentle. As he let go after quite a while he looked deep into your eyes.
"You wanted to say something?" he whispered, his lips slightly brushing against yours while talking, as he didn't pull away far enough.

Quickly you shook your head, still out of breath. The two of you were a couple for a few months now but he still made your heart race as strong as the very first time you two saw each other in person at a fansign event. Satisfied with your reaction a big, seductive smile brightened up his face as his body slid over yours, just barely hovering over you so that he wouldn't touch you.
His strong arms were placed to the left and to the right of your head to support himself and one of his knees placed between your legs was pressing against your private place just strong enough to make you gasp for air. This just made him grin even bigger.

Placing sloppy kisses onto your nose, your lips, your chin and your neck he worked his way down until he reached the beginning of your shirt. “No.” he simply said, helping you getting rid of it. By now your heart was beating like crazy. This wasn't your first time with him but this boy always made it feel like it.
While he kept placing kisses onto your skin you couldn't keep silent moans back which just made him try even harder to pleasure you.
As his fingers found his way under your waistband, slowly pulling down your trousers you started to squirm under his hands, pressing your body against his hands and the knee that was still placed between your legs.
Do you like that?” he whispered against your skin as he placed sweet kisses onto the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, making you whimper. He looked up to you, still this grin on his face. “So you don't like it?” He has always been a tease and he always wanted you to tell him what you liked and what not. As you blushed and looked away you mumbled a “I like it..” really quietly but it was enough for his lips to continue their travel over every piece of your body.


After a few moments the shirt he was wearing was getting bothering and as he took it off you got a few moments to admire his chocolate abs and his defined arms. As he noticed that you were checking him out he grinned. “Do you like what you see?” he asked, slowly bending over you. “How could I not..” you purred, placing both of your hands onto the back of his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss, pressing your body against his. It has been driving you crazy the whole time that his body had only hovered over you, so close but still so far. You wanted to feel his warmth and his rapid pulse against your own hot skin.

As your lips separated once more Jimin let out a deep, sensual groan “Oh how I want you.” he said before kissing you again while his skilled fingers slid down your sides to the waistband of your , slowly pulling them down.


As you noticed what he was doing you decided to do the same, feeling his skin and muscles while caressing his back on your way to his pants.
In a matter of seconds both of you were . The first times you would be embarrassed about this but since Jimin kept telling you how good you looked you got a lot more secure about the way you looked in the . Just for a few seconds his eyes wandered down your body while whispering “You are so beautiful” before he suddenly pulled you onto his lap. With a suppressed moan you gladly welcomed , making him moan as well.
I love you..” he whispered into your ear while he was moving in a constant and slow motion inside of you. “I love you, too” you moaned as he was bringing the both of you closer to the with every gentle .


As the reached both of you, you could hear him moan your name while you pressed your nails into his shoulders, closing your eyes. As you opened them after a few seconds you saw him gazing up to you, a loving smile on his lips. “Oh what are you doing to me..” he whispered once again, planting a sweet kiss onto your lips, then lifting you up from his lap to lay you down onto the sofa, snuggling right next to you before spreading the blanket you have been sleeping under earlier over the two of you. “Y..yah..” you mumbled, still a bit out of breath. “Aren't we going to get dressed?
Jimin, who had already snuggled into your arms, his head resting on your chest looked up to you, sleepy and pouting again. “No.” he simply replied, wrapping his arms around you making it impossible for you to get away. You let out a little laugh. How was it possible to be so y and breathtaking the one second and then being all cute and childish the next. With a little sigh you started petting his fluffy hair as he turned his attention to the TV which was still playing.
By the way..” he suddenly said, looking up to you with a little grin on his lips. “Did I make you forget about that dream?” you blushed a little, hitting him gently. “Shut up, babo.
He laughed and kissed the fingertips of the hand you just hit him with. “You're cute.” he mumbled, before focusing on the movie again.


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belinha1045 #1
Chapter 1: y and cute >◇<
I love it!
leeahjin #2
Chapter 1: omo kyeopta. ~>_<~
elicue #3
Chapter 1: Sooo cute. Love that you made it seem so sensual and like their connection was real.
Chapter 1: awww its a little and really cute >< like it!
jay120 #5
Chapter 1: That was so cute!