A Wife for Christmas

A Wife for Christmas - Sunggyu

Shuffling your feet against the snow, you let the cool air wrap around you as you let out a deep sigh. It was Christmas Eve and you had just gotten off of work. Lifting your eyes from the ground, you saw two familiar faces. They both waved to you as they jogged over by your side.

"What are you two doing here?" You asked Dongwoo and Hoya as they smiled and looped their arms through yours.

"We are here to make you smile and to make you happy." Dongwoo said simply as you already let a smile show as you looked at Hoya who nodded happily.

"We will do anything you want us to." Hoya encouraged as you smiled and nodded.

"Can we go look for Sunggyu a present. I totally ran out of time and I hadn’t gotten him one yet." You admitted shyly as they both nodded and giggled at you.

"Sure!" Dongwoo said as he pulled you to the nearest store.

All three of you looked through the shelves for things that you could get your boyfriend of six months. Hoya held up a purple hoodie as you smiled and turned him down. Dongwoo held up a nutcracker and copied the actions of the nutcracker as you laughed ruffling up his hair happily. As you were looking through the clothes, two arms wrapped around you. Looking over your shoulder Sungyeol gave you a gummy smile.

"Hey _______-ah~" He said quietly as you smiled and looked back at the clothes.

"Hey Mr. Sungyeol~ See anything for Sunggyu?" You asked as Hoya looked for himself and Dongwoo looked through the clothes to try and help you.

"I thought I saw some slippers. I think he would really like some." He said as you followed him and saw the slippers that he showed you.

"Maybe we could try another store." You offered as you rounded up the three boys and headed to the Jewelry store.

The jingling of the bell welcomed you as you looked around at all of the beautiful necklaces and rings that were behind the thick glass cases. You browsed through the rings before you moved to the necklaces.

"I think Sunggyu would like a necklace don’t you?" A man asked as you nodded. Turning your head, you only saw Woohyun and his bright smile facing you.

"Woohyun, you are even cheesy to your own members." You pushed his shoulder slightly as he let out a laugh as the other members looked through the store for fun.

"What about a ring?" Woohyun asked as he watched your eyes only dream.

"He has enough of those~" You sighed as you looked at the necklace chains.

"What if you put a ring through the necklace chains?" Sungjong popped out of no where and showed you what he was talking about.

"That is really pretty~" You said as you held the necklace in your hands.

"Then you could put a nice message inside. That would be romantic." Dongwoo butted in as he smiled at how beautiful the necklace was.

"Yeah, that is a nice idea guys. What should I say?" You wondered as the guys looked around as their minds came up blank.

"I love you." Sungjong said as you nodded.

"Then you could put your initials behind it so he could have it close to his heart." Woohyun added as you smiled and bit your lip. The guys and you walked up to the counter as you told the worker what you wanted engraved on the ring. He smiled as he worked on your request quickly.

Receiving a wrapped box a few minutes later, you wrote out a little tag for Sunggyu as you drew a heart on it and thanked the worker before walking out of the store. Dusk was soon approaching as you and the, now, five members walked down the street.

"Where are you going ______-ah?" Hoya asked as you began to walk in a different direction than the posse.

"I’m going home….?" You asked with a questioning tone as you looked at the five of them as they all shook their heads.

"We have to go find Myungsoo-hyung." Sungjong said as the members nodded.

"Ok, lets go find Myungsoo." You sighed as you walked with them to another shop. Yet another bell rang as you entered. Myungsoo sat all by himself with six cups surrounding him as the members and you joined him.

"I got you all hot chocolate, I thought that you would be cold." Myungsoo said as the members ‘ah-ed’ at the warm hot chocolate. "Who is the box for?"

"It is for Sunggyu, I forgot to get him a Christmas present til now." You admitted again as Dongwoo nudged you.

"I’m sure that is nothing compared to his present to you." Dongwoo sang as the members all shot their deadly eyes at him and hissed him to be quiet.

"What do you mean?" You asked Dongwoo as he began to turn red and sip his hot chocolate.

"N-Nothing…." Woohyun and the other members tried to cover it up as you just smiled and sipped the warm drink.

"Look it is snowing!" Sungjong said as he pressed his face up to the glass as he changed the subject.

"I should probably get going then, I have a long walk home." You gathered your things as Hoya quickly pulled out his phone and texted Sunggyu to see if he was ready.

______-ah is coming home, do you want us to stall her more? - H

Please… I just need a little more time… - SG

”_______-ah how about we walk you home… It is getting late, you know.” Hoya said as you could sense a little desperation in his voice.

"Sure… I can’t be lonely on Christmas Eve now can I?" You said with a smile as the guys all grabbed their coats as the left the table and paid for the lovely drinks before stepping out into the snow globe snow that flew around you.

"Did you have to work today, ______-ah?" Myungsoo asked as you nodded your head sadly. "Then I hope you get a nice long break to rest and take care of yourself." You smiled and nodded as the guys walked around you. Jokes hovered in the air as you giggled at their silliness and just them being themselves around you.

Approaching your home, you turned around as the members all smiled at you with their red cheeks and noses.

"Would you guys care to come in and spend Christmas Eve with me?" You offered as they knew already what was awaiting you.

"Ah…. no….. we have to go find….. find Sunggyu!" The members all finished each others sentences as you smiled at their flustered comments.

"Ok, have a good night then and Merry Christmas." You said as you waved to all of them before walking into your home.

Slipping off your shoes, and sliding your coat off of your shoulders, you hung up your purse as you let out a soft sigh as the warmth of your home wrapped around you. Shuffling to the kitchen you pulled out some water and drank it as you felt the cool liquid rush down your throat. Turning around, you saw a soft glow from your bedroom as you carefully set down your drink and made your way to the bedroom.

"Hello?" You called as you turned the handle to open the door. Poking your head into your room, you saw red rose pedals on your bed and floor as you opened the door a little wider. Candles filled the room both large and small as they gave off a cozy feeling. A man stood by the window with his back to you as the soft light caught the falling snow outside. Taking a few steps into your room, the man slowly turned around as the candle light lit up his features softly.

"Sunggyu?" You asked quietly as he let out a soft giggle. He slowly walked up to you with open arms as you wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"Welcome Home, jagiya." Sunggyu whispered in your ear softly as his arms wrapped around you. Pulling away slightly, you saw that he was wearing a nice suit and a bow tie to match as his hair was perfect, yet one thing seemed to be off.

"Is something wrong?" You asked as your hand reached up and his cheek.

"Why would you think that?" He started to stutter as you just smiled.

"Well… you are shaking, your stuttering and your heart is beating super fast." You smiled as you placed your hand on top of his racing heart.

"Oh~" He said as he let out a shaky breath. "I just have something to ask you." You nodded your head, wanting him to ask his question as he let his arms drop from your sides as he held your left hand in both of his.

Sunggyu got down on one knee and looked up at you as your eyes began to fill up with tears.

”______, I love you so much. Every time I am around you, I am the happiest man in the world. I would love to continue to be by your side for the rest of your life, through our ups and downs. I promise my heart to you, for as long as I live.” He paused as he saw your eyes fill up with fresh tears as he gave you a bright and hopeful smile. “Will you marry me?”

Time seemed to stop as you stood their breathless, the answer pounded in your heart as you just tried to find your voice. Biting your lip, you nodded as tears flowed down your face. Rising to his feet, he cupped your face in his hands as he carefully wiped away your tears. Taking a few small steps towards him, you wrapped your hands around his wrists as he slowly moved his face to yours. Letting his lips press against yours he kissed you soft and slow before pulling away to wipe more of your tears away.

Taking your left hand in his, he gently slid the beautiful ring onto your finger, he gently kissed your hand before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his warm embrace.

"I promise I will make you happy for the rest of our lives." Sunggyu said as you just smiled at him.

"You already made me so happy." You said softly as you nuzzled your head against his chest. "I have a little something for you too." You said as you picked up the box that you dropped on your bed.

"Merry Christmas to-my-soon-to-be-husband." You added as you handed him the box.

His fingers pulled open the lid as you watched his eyes light up at the necklace and the ring as he read the message inside. “Thank you so much, I will wear this where ever I go to keep you with me.” He kissed your lips again as he handed the necklace over to you.

Your hand gently undid the clasp as you s the chain around his neck as you clasped it behind his neck.

"Thank you soon-to-be-wife." He said lovingly as the rest of the members cheered behind the door, they opened the door and surrounded you as they congratulated you both as you blushed and giggled happily as they wrapped you two in a group hug.

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LeeMinYeol #1
Chapter 1: Awww~ This is so sweet! ♥
Chapter 1: I wish my love story will be like this. kekekeke ^^
Chapter 1: That was so beautiful~ <3 I loved it! ^^
Chapter 1: Gakkk fluffy Christmas oneshotsss ♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Beautiful. Great. Wonderful. Perfect!