
Christmas Confession

N watched Min ah rush around helping to sort out clothes and trying to make sure everything was in order. She had only been working as an assistant stylist for about three months now and she had proven herself to be dedicated to the job. In fact that was what had made him notice her in the first place. Sometimes after their midnight practices he would see her in one of the office rooms flipping through various magazines and jotting notes or organizing their clothes for the next day. Yet she would still be there early in the morning when they arrived rushing around making last minute alterations and helping out with everything. It warmed his heart to see that someone was so dedicated their work.

Gradually he started noticing her and would unconsciously follow her movements. When he was getting his makeup done he would watch through the mirror, when fooling around with the members he would suddenly look to see if she was there, whenever he went to the office he would keep a eye out for her and every chance he got he would always make small talk with her and offer to help out. It didn’t occur to him that his behavior seemed to hint at something more than the admiration and respect he thought he held for her and probably wouldn’t have realized until it hit him in the face.


 All the members had just had a meeting with their manager and had been waiting near the elevator. Within the two minutes it had taken for the elevator to reach their floor, an argument had erupted on whose turn it was to clean the bathroom that week.  Leo had slowly backed way to avoid being noticed while N and Ravi were in the middle of an argument with Ken as Hyuk and Hongbin watched with interest. The elevator dinged as it reached their level and they ceased their argument and turned. N and Ken had been the nearest to the elevator and the doors had opened to a single person carrying a pile of clothes and shoes so high it covered their face. Obviously their sight being hindered by the said pile the figure took a shaky step towards the door, unfortunately tripping but managing to hold on to the whole pile except for one shoe. The members watched as it hit N’s forehead before bursting in to laughter, with even Leo cracking a smile. Shouting out in pain N kneeled down while rubbing his forehead. He heard a gasp next to him and a familiar voice apologizing repeatedly, but with the throbbing pain in his forehead he couldn’t identify the voice properly. He felt soft fingers gently moving his hands from his forehead and opened his eyes only to see Min ah’s face so close to him that he could see every eyelash outlining her dark eyes which were filled with concern as she worriedly examined his forehead. For a moment he was just stunned at the close proximity, his pain forgotten.His eyes unconsciously traced her features.

By now the VIXX members had taken note of the situation and had already headed to the elevator, dragging along a confused Hyuk with Ken covering his mouth while Ravi pushed him in to the elevator. Other than Hyuk all the members had been aware of N’s attention towards Min ah having noticed his actions. They had chosen to keep quiet about it because they had wanted the Cha leader to figure his feelings out on his own since he would have only denied it if any of them had said anything.

Coming to the conclusion that the shoe hadn’t done any major damage Min ah directed her gaze to N, “I’m really sorry Hakyeon-sshi, I should have been more careful. Thankfully there is no wound but if it begins to swell you should put some ice on it.”

Her lips were only a few inches from his face and he watched them move as she spoke. As if he had been dying of thirst and had found water he felt the need to taste her lips, to wrap his arms around her, pull her close and then it hit him. Without him realizing it his admiration had turned to love and he had only realized it now. Lost in his new revelation Min ah’s light shaking brought him back to the present situation.

Min ah had noticed N’s blank expression and had begun to worry if the shoe may have injured him internally. She felt a bit of relief when she noticed his eyes  gain focus.

“Are you alright Hakyeon-sshi? Should I get you some painkillers?”

Hakyeon snapped out of his trance feeling embarrassed that he had taken so long to recover. Min ah probably thought he was weak. Quickly shaking his head he put on a charming smile, ignoring the slight throbbing in his forehead.

“Thank you for your concern Min ah- sshi but I’m fine now. It was a bit sudden and it’s not your fault, it was an accident so don‘t feel bad about it.”

Min ah was relieved to hear his words and tried to ignore the increase in her heartbeat when he smiled at her. She convinced herself it was the effect all idols had on people.

Hakyeon continued, “What I’m more concerned about is why you’re carrying such a huge pile. It’s dangerous. You should be more careful Min ah-sshi, don’t be afraid to ask me if you ever need any help ok?”

Min ah was touched by his concern for her. She was just an assistant stylist and she had always thought that idols lives were far too busy to have time to pay attention to the people around them.

She smiled, “Ok then. Hakyeon-sshi would you mind helping me carry these?”

N grinned and took the large pile from her, leaving Min ah with only a pair of shoes to carry as he walked away.

Seeing this Min ah protested, “ Hakyeon-sshi! Didn’t you just say it was dangerous?”

“Only for you”, N replied teasingly.


It was December 22rd and VIXX were hanging out in their practice room. N had gone to get the lunch since he’d lost in rock, paper, scissors, muttering about disrespect to older people. As soon as they saw him walk out of the building through the window they all huddled together, with the exception of Leo who continued to play with his phone but silently listening to what the other members were saying.

“Why hasn’t N hyung asked her out yet? We’ve had some free time these days as well.” Hyuk wondered aloud. He had finally realized what was going on when the members had told him and he’d felt so foolish. Even a blind person could see that N was paying special attention to Min ah.

 “N hyung is a real babo that’s why” Ravi said snickering.

“It’s Christmas in a few days. Doesn’t he want to go on a romantic date?” Hongbin questioned.

“Ottokaji?!” Ken said in his ahjumma voice.

“I think we need to wake him up and show him that Min ah-sshi isn’t going to wait while he slowly thinks things through” Ravi said, a plan already forming in his mind. Hongbin quickly catches on to his train of thought and a devious smile forms on his face.

It was Christmas Eve already and VIXX were backstage getting ready for their performance. Min ah was adjusting Ken’s jacket and checking his make up while Ken just looked around. He saw Hakyeon watching them and then met eyes with Ravi who gave a quick nod. Let the pan begin.

“So… Min ah-sshi do you have any plans for the 25th?”

Min ah fixed his collar one last time and took a step back, looking up at Ken and answering, “No not really”

Ken pretended to be surprised. “Omo! Someone as pretty as you should have a date for Christmas? It must be my lucky day then. Would you like to have lunch with me Min ah?” Ken took a swift peek towards Hakyeon who had gone rigid in his seat and seemed ready to burst any moment.

Min ah had also looked at N after getting over the initial surprise but N seemed to be undisturbed as he just plugged in his earphones and turned away. For some reason this simple action seemed to bring about a dull sting in her heart. She wasn’t the type to flirt around but if she was going to go on a Christmas date she would have expected Hakyeon to be the one asking her, not Ken. She had nothing against Ken but his invitation seemed out of the blue since she wasn’t that familiar with any of the members except N.

Ken was still waiting for her answer but Min ah was at a loss at the moment. Ken knew there was a high possibility of her refusing and that wasn’t the plan. The longer N was kept pondering the better.“You don’t have to give me an answer now. Take your time and tell me after the performance. I hope you can give me a chance Min ah” Ken said, giving a cute wink and walking away.

Even though N had his earphones in his ear he hadn’t been listening music. He had heard every word and not missed Ken’s wink. Anger and frustration mixed together with fear and pain. Angry with Ken and frustrated because he hadn’t had asked her out first. Fear of her answer and pain because he didn’t want to imagine Ken and Min ah as a couple having a romantic date on Christmas day.

Their manager came in to inform them that they had to get ready backstage. Getting up he walked out of the door without waiting for the other members. Hongbin and Ravi chuckled together and followed behind while Hyuk high fived a grinning Ken. Leo walked past quietly saying, “Stop smiling and hurry up” giving a light pat on Ken’s shoulder.

N was distracted throughout the performance and nearly forgot his steps at one point before quickly pulling himself together and finishing the performance without any mishaps.  Back at the dressing room he tried to seem nonchalant as Min ah walked up to Ken, but he couldn’t help tightening his grip on the water bottle he was holding.

Ken looked up smiling, his eyes gleaming with mischief rather than expectation. He had noticed N’s distracted look and judging by how he nearly walked in to a table on the way back to the dressing room he was pretty sure Hakyeon was angry as hell. He looked at Min ah and smiled, “soooo…?”

Initially Min ah had wanted to politely refuse but the thought of spending Christmas alone while her family and friends celebrated miles away from Seoul from pretty depressing.  Most of her friends were busy spending the holidays with their families. She couldn’t just leave because VIXX had a performance on the 27th and she had to be here to help out. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was an idol that had asked her. Ken seemed like a nice person and he was one of Hakyeon’s friends, it wouldn’t hurt to get to know him better.

So smiling she said, “I’d like to accept. What did you have in mind Ken-sshi?

Hakyeon could have sworn he felt a stab of physical pain when he heard those words. It was only a date but what if it became more? Ken wasn’t the type to casually ask girls on dates so she must be of some importance to him. He would have been happy for him if it had been any other girl. He couldn’t control the tidal wave of emotions that he was feeling right now. He needed to get fresh air to think properly.

 All the members were grinning in anticipation of what would happen while Ken told her the details, sneaking glances at N. But they were left disappointed when N simply got up, grabbed his jacket and went out of the room. Min ah watched him leave worriedly and turned to the members, “Is Hakyeon-sshi alright?”. No one said anything until Hongbin smiled reassuringly and said, “Hyung’s just a bit under the weather so he’s in a mood. He’ll be fine.” Min ah nodded but couldn’t help glancing at the door again.


It’s Christmas but the atmosphere in the VIXX dorm was far from cheerful. No one had dared touch the presents under the tree even though Hyuk couldn’t help glancing at them once in a while. Ravi and Hyuk were watching TV while Hongbin read a book or at least that’s what they were trying to do while Ken got ready for his date. Even Leo who shared a room with N couldn’t help glancing at him as N played around on his phone. Finally Ken came out and looked at his fellow members. He knew he had to try just one last time before completely giving up. 

Winking at the three younger members he said a bit loudly, “I know this might be too fast but I want to confess my feelings to Min ah today”

N immediately sat up in his bed hearing that. Leo seeing N’s reaction took one ear bud out wondering what was going on. The maknaes got what Ken was trying to do and played along.

“Oh hyung you must really like her!” Hyuk said in the direction of N and Leo’s room.

Hongbin grinned adding, “It’ll be really romantic as well since it’s on Christmas.”

N could feel his jaw starting to hurt from how hard he had been gritting it. His just couldn’t take it anymore. He thought if he distracted himself everything would be alright, but the pain only became more unbearable.

Not seeing any reaction Ravi decided to try another way. “Like Hongbin said it’ll be really romantic. You should take her to a really nice place and confess.”

Ken grinned, “ya, I should buy some flowers on the way as well”


“Yes!” Hyuk silently cheered.

N stormed out of his room shortly followed by an amused Leo who chose to lean against the door frame to watch the show.

“I know you asked Min ah out first and all but shouldn’t you at least know that the girl you’re about to confess to is allergic to pollen! Do you even know what her hobbies are? Or what kind of places she would like to go to on a date? Do you even really like her? I swear if you dare hurt her-”

“Do you know all this hyung?” Ken asked calmly.

N let out a breath, “Of course I do! Unlike you I actually take the effort to find out about the girl I like”

Ken smiled, “Then why didn’t you ask her out?”

N stood there in shock. That question had stumped him.

“Lucky for you hyung I have no interest in Min ah-sshi so I’ll let you take my place”

“W-wait! What!” N stuttered confused.

Leo sighed having had enough of all this, “Ken asked her out on purpose to make you realize that you have to hurry up and confess before it’s too late”

N absorbed all this into his head, “So you did all that to help me?”

Ravi grinned, “Aren’t we the best dongsaengs?”

“YA! Now what if she’s already begun to like Ken! My chances just got slimmer”, N shouted.

Everyone just wanted to facepalm themselves at their leader’s stupidity.

“Hyung why don’t you first try confessing to her before assuming things”, Hongbin patiently pointed out.

“Yes! I’ll leave now!” N said before rushing to grab his coat and putting his shoes on before running out.

Everyone remained silent for a moment.

“So can we open the gifts now?” Hyuk asked pleadingly, breaking the silence.

Everyone sat around the tree to see what they had got. While they looked through their gifts excitedly, thanking each other, Ken opened his present from Hakyeon only to find a voodoo doll. “OTTOKAJI!” he squeaked.



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romeosrose #1
Chapter 1: love this story.... write more on VIXX for me!<3
Chapter 1: This was so amazing xD
B-locket #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
continha_troll #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^