
A kind of different, but still very cliché story



“Am I weird for not being bothered by math classes?” Hyukjae asked his best friend curiously, who had just decided to stop pretending that he understood what their teacher was talking about. Instead Donghae had chosen to use their terrifyingly thick math book as a (quite uncomfortable) pillow and had closed his eyes.

Now he opened them again, staring at the slightly older for a few seconds before shrugging. “I don’t think so. I mean it’s not like everyone either hates math or is a freaking nerdy genius. Although it seems like this in every dra–“

“Don’t talk about those movies.” Hyukjae quickly interrupted him, almost hissing at his friend.

It had been two years already. Two years during which both guys had tried everything to forget that one evening. You could say they succeeded in doing so, having a normal live and still being perfectly human and straight (much to the delight of the female population of their college).

However, Hyukjae still couldn’t watch any dramas, and Donghae got a really weird feeling in his stomach whenever he walked by a poster of some vampire book/movie/whatever.

The feeling that this hadn’t ended yet.

That there would be … a…



“Holy !” Donghae yelled as he fell of his chair, knocking his head painfully hard on his study table.

“What the ?” he mumbled, slowly turning around to see just what stupid girl had decided to enter his room without knocking and scare the out of him. What he saw probably scared him even more.

In front of him, right in the middle of his room stood a breathtakingly beautiful girl, smiling brightly at him.

“Oh no…” he muttered, quickly closing his eyes. “This isn’t true, I’m dreaming, it’s not real, there is no–“

“Sequel.” the girl chirped happily, beaming at the miserable boy in front of her. “Every good story needs a sequel, of course it does. The people want to have fun and the producers want to earn money. And so there will be a sequel, starring the lead characters from part one and some new, interesting side characters who won’t have any influence on the development of the story at all.”

Donghae sighed, already feeling a headache arising. “No, just… Look, I know you’ve got this really bad… craving for attention, but there will be no sequel, you’ll just leave my house and never ever appear again. Neither with nor without smoke. Just leave.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Jessica suddenly asked, obviously not interested in Donghae’s pleading at all.

“What? No!” the brunet protested, glaring at his ‘guest’. “First of all I’m straight, as in I. Like. Girls. No . Okay? And second, I’m not interested in dating at the moment.”

Jessica nodded, her face all serious. “So to make this clear, we’ll have you as the typical good main lead in denial, saying that you don’t want to date while you secretly have a crush on the bad guy. That would be Hyukjae, since he’s handsome and probably able to pull off the ‘I’m the bad guy who’s secretly really soft and romantic and only interested in sassy, poor girls – or guys in this case’-image.”

Donghae didn’t even have a chance to complain since suddenly Jessica was right next to him, eying him intensely. The girl had moved too fast for the human eye to see, so no one could really judge Donghae for letting a high pitched yelp escape his lips.

“Is Hyukjae rich?”


“Could you please pay more attention? The audience doesn’t like it when the main character is dumb.”

“Did you just call me dumb?” Donghae was by now quite pissed off. He hadn’t asked for this, it was just insane and weren’t there any laws that forbid vampires to simply step into your life and mess up everything?

“And no, Hyuk isn’t rich. In fact he’s got less money than me, which is really, really… not much. Like… he really has no money. But his family is really nice.”

Now it was Jessica’s turn to look as if  headache was making itself comfortable in her head. “No Donghae, no. This won’t work out. Hyukjae can’t be poor and nice at the same time, because that’s the definition of the main character. To be a potential love interest, Hyukjae needs to be rich and mean. Not really mean of course, but on the outside, you know? So that you guys can hate each other first, before falling in love with each other. We’ll skip the friendship part, no one is interested in the friendship part. The viewers want to see either or… wait, that’s all they want to see.”


At this point Donghae decided to simply ignore the presence of the girl and stare at a worryingly greenish stain on the floor he was sitting on. He didn’t really know why it was there, but it was probably Hyukjae’s fault. Pretty much everything was Hyukjae’s fault these days.




“All of this is your fault!”

“It’s not!” Donghae pouted, crossing his arms in front of chest while glaring at his best friend. “She just suddenly appeared inside my room, what should I have done?”

“I don’t know?” Hyukjae shrugged, looking annoyed. “Maybe calling the police? Yelling for your parents? Knocking her out with one of your plushies?”

The younger scoffed. “She’s a ing vampire, Hyuk, or at least something not very human-like. You don’t attack vampires with plushies, that’s like… attacking werewolves with dog food.”

“They actually really hate that stuff.” a sweet, female voice suddenly spoke up behind Hyukjae. The latter cursed loudly and quickly hided behind Donghae, who couldn’t help but roll his eyes at both – his friend and the girl which stood now in front of him.

“No seriously, they all say it tastes really nasty. But most of them are very picky anyways, so I wouldn’t take it too serious.” Jessica smiled before turning completely towards the still terrified Hyukjae.

“So, Lee Hyukjae, I’ve heard you’re the most popular guy on this school? The kingka? The one everyone respects and sometimes even fears, the one the teachers hate and the students love, the not-so-secret crush of every girl and several boys, the one–“

“Ehm, no??!” Hyukjae interrupted the rant of the girl. “I mean… just like Donghae I’m not extremely popular, but we aren’t outsiders either. We’re just… normal.”

Jessica looked at them with wide eyes before shaking her head strongly.

“No, no, no, no, you’re not normal. The first rule of every drama: normal people don’t exist. Or at least they’re not the main characters, if you’re a statist it’s okay to be normal. But you are either rich or poor, not average. You’re either really beautiful or very ugly, not average. You either have tons of friends or none at all, you don’t have ‘a few friends I like and spend my time with’. Don’t you understand, Hyukjae? You need a character, a role. And the most popular role is the badass jerk who acts like a to everyone except to his secret love – that’s Donghae – and who’s actually really nice and caring… again, this only shows during interactions with said secret love. Which isn’t really secret because everyone knows you’ll somehow end up together anyways.”

Donghae winced as he suddenly felt the hot breath of Hyukjae on his left ear.

“So which random stranger are we going to sacrifice this time?”


After they had somehow succeeded in escaping from Jessica, the two boys were sitting in class rather lifelessly. Neither of them could believe that after two freaking years Jessica had shown up again, stubbornly following her plan of making them fall in love with each other. Not listening to the teacher at all, they kept glancing at each other, awkwardly trying to ignore the tension between them.

“… hope all of you will accept her as a new classmate!”

“Wait, what?” Donghae hissed quietly, staring at their teacher with wide eyes. He slowly turned towards his best friend, who looked just as frightened as himself.

“Please don’t tell me…” Hyukjae murmured, but he stopped in the middle of the sentence as the door of their classroom suddenly flung open.

“Hello, I’m your new classmate, so please treat me well!”

“I think we’ll need to sacrifice the whole school this time, Hyukkie.” Donghae sighed, shaking his head as he stared at a grinning Jessica.


Neither Donghae nor Hyukjae was really surprised as Jessica sat down on their table during lunch time. After the girl had miraculously managed to transfer to their college, the two boys had basically decided to accept their fate – till a specific level. So they barely looked up as Jessica placed her glutted try on their table.

“Can you even eat … human food? I thought vampires only drink blood.” Donghae asked, eying the tray suspiciously.

Jessica stared at him with wide eyes. “Why would you think I’m a vampire? I’m a normal student, just like you.”


“Just don’t question it, Hae.” Hyukjae quickly said.

“Guys, we need to hurry up!” the girl said matter-of-factly as she sat down, staring at them intensely.

“What exactly should we hurry up?” Hyukjae asked carefully.

“Your love story of course!” Jessica scoffed. “I don’t even want to think about the last two years, because if they would count, you should have married a long time ago, and at least adopt one child. Or two dogs. But we can discuss this point later on.”

“What exactly do we have to do to prove, that we aren’t gay!” Donghae hissed in annoyance.

“Denial again…” Jessica sighed dramatically before smiling motherly at the boy in front of her. “How cute!”

“Anyways, we’ll just start the story with exactly this day. So this means half of the first day has almost passed, and you guys have already spent a few classes together. So if I get this right, you Donghae, as the new guy­–“

“I’m attending this college for a few years already.”

“No, you don’t. As I said, Donghae you have no friends at all, especially since you’re all nerdy and stuff, and everyone avoids you on your first day at this college. So then you see Hyukjae for the first ­– by the way Hyukjae, you know you’re role, right? Like you have a new girlfriend every second day, and you’re really badass and stuff. I think we already talked about that. You should think about driving a motorcycle. And wear leather, you need to wear leather.”

“But I don’t like–“

“I don’t care. You need to follow the script, Hyukjae. Anyways, Donghae? You see Hyukjae for the first time and instantly fall for him. You immediately know that he’s the person you want to marry, your soul mate, your better half, the person you’ll…”

"I need to go to the restrooms!" Donghae quickly said, grabbing his dazed friend's hand. "Hyukkie, you need to come with me!"

"That could be misinterpreted."

"Shut the up!" Donghae snapped and dragged his friend towards the restrooms.


“We need to stop this somehow!” the brunet whined in a desperate voice. “She’s going to drive me crazy and I really need to fully concentrate on the paper which is due in two weeks. If I fail this class, my parents are going to kill me.”

“Don’t be a drama queen, Hae, you know pretty well that your parents nothing but love you. But you’re right, she could cause some serious trouble.” Hyukjae agreed with him.

“Maybe we should… you know, just play along for a short time.” Donghae suggested, biting his lower lip nervously.

“I don’t know… you’re my best friend but I really can’t imagine being all lovey-dovey with you…” the (only slightly) taller answered doubtfully.

“Of course I can’t imagine it either, but we only have to survive this for a bit longer, just until there’s a possibility to escape her again. And this time for good.”

Hyukjae nodded, determination in his eyes.

They would do this.

They could do this.




“I can’t do this!”

Donghae almost screamed in frustration as he let himself fall down on his best friend’s bed. He was exhausted, pissed off and extremely tired. Long story short he was in a y mode, and the fact that he had been forced to spent the whole day at the college together with Jessica hadn’t helped at all.

“Was it really that bad?” asked Hyukjae, half amused and half worried.

“It was worse.” Donghae groaned, turning on his stomach to hide his face in one of the pillows. “She kept on having new plot ideas and gave me the worst headache ever. Apparently you don’t have to play the bad boy anymore–“

“Oh my God, finally!” Hyukjae sighed as he immediately took off his leather jacket and threw it in one corner of his room with a disgusted look on his face.

“Well, instead of leather you’ll have to learn how to dance, how to sing and act in a drama. You should have some important job at the school as well. And it would be great if you could manage to get famous during the next few days as well.”

Hyukjae stared at his best friend with wide eyes before he scoffed and sat down on the floor next to his bed.

“Sure, why not? That’s nothing, I actually should learn an instrument as well, don’t you think? Or should I increase my IQ on Einstein-level? No, wait, I should candidate for president, shouldn’t I? I’d be a perfect president! I would refuse the entry into our country for every single crazy wannabe-vampire  out there.”

Donghae laughed into the pillow, lazily lifting his left arm to pat Hyukjae’s head.

“You’d be the most amazing president ever, Hyuk. And I don’t know why she wants all those things from you, apparently kingkas are always able to do everything. They’re good at everything. If they aren’t badass.”

“Sounds boring. And as if those guys annoy the out of everyone else.”

“I know, right? I’m glad you’re a horrible singer and actor, then at least I don’t feel bad whenever I see you dancing.”

“Why would you feel bad? You’re a great dancer as well, Hae.” Hyukjae looked at his friend sincerely, making the latter smile.

“I’m a good dancer, but you’re amazing, alright?”


“Aaaaand caaaaaaaaan you feeeeel the LOOOOOOOOVEEE tonight?????” the slightly off-key voice of Jessica interrupted them, as the girl appeared in a flash of white light inside the room.

The boys didn’t even wince at Jessica’s sudden appearance since they were already used to it… sadly.

“No, but I can hear a vampire screaming in three, two, o–“

“How rude!” Jessica scolded Hyukjae, before crossing her arms. “Don’t play the bad boy, okay? I’ve done some research, and apparently it’s a lot more common these days, that the love interest of the main character is a good guy as well. So just be perfect, okay? And rich. No matter if you’re a bad or a good guy, you have to be rich. The poor and friendly guys are only best friend material, but never get the main character. And I’m not a vampire.”

“And neither an important character in this drama.”

“So you actually acknowledge that you two are part of a drama?” Jessica once more proved her amazing ability to only hear what she wanted to hear.

To Hyukjae’s surprise Donghae suddenly nodded strongly. “Yes, yes we did. So now your work is done, and you can go and reveal this breathtaking truth to someone else.”

Jessica smiled brightly, the waves her hair formed as she shook her head looking oh so cruel to the two boys. “Don’t worry, I would never leave you alone with all this. You need someone to lead you, someone to make advices which turn everything worse so you’ll end up in an awkward situation and eventually realize that your love is eternal.”

“I dare to doubt that.” Donghae sighed.


“You two just need some help, you know, a little bit of practice. How about you’ll try flirting with each other, so it won’t be so immensely awkward in school?” Jessica suggested.

“Flirting? And … oh my God, I don’t even want to know how our friends are going to react to this bull.” Hyukjae groaned.

“Oh, that’s an easy guess. Half of them are going to have this “I told you so” or “I told everyone else so”-look one their faces, one of them is going to be absolutely crushed because he’s also secretly in love with either Hyukjae or Donghae, and the rest will show no special reaction and soon the script-writers will forget about them just like the viewers.”

“Wait a moment. So one of our friends is gay as well? You can’t just decided that every guy around us is gay!”

“Oh Donghae, you really have to learn a lot. If the main characters are hot, gay boys, than they end up having a lot of hot friends, who are also very gay. And in the end we have a lot of very happy, very homoual couples. And no, no one cares about how low the possibility of so many gay boys being friends with each other and finding their soul mates in this little group really is.”

“Okay, let’s flirt.” Hyukjae shrugged, turning towards a perplexed Donghae.

“Wait, what?”

“Donghae, there’s something terrible wrong with my phone.”


“It doesn’t have your number saved.”

“You know my number by heart, , just like I know yours!” Donghae scoffed, before turning towards a suspiciously exited looking Jessica. “This won’t work, we share all our methods how to flirt with girls, and most of them don’t work with… us, because we’re best friends.”

“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” Hyukjae asked, smirking as Donghae blushed lightly.

“Shut up, Hyuk, this is ridiculous.”

Suddenly a high pitched voice interrupted their tiny-but-existing-moment.

“You know…” Jessica said dreamingly, staring intensely at Donghae, “… it would be an amazing plot twist if you’d actually answer ‘yes’. Oh my god, I’m a genius!!” She beamed at the two irritated boys. “Donghae, you’re actually an angel, banned from heaven because you’ve fallen in love with the human you should protect secretly. And now it’s exactly this guy – this is you’re role, Hyukjae – who finds out about your true identity and falls in love with you. But heaven and hell try to tear you apart, because–“

“Why do I have to be a human?” Hyukjae asked, suddenly having way more fun with all this than Donghae liked. “Can’t I be some really cool demon, who chases Donghae and has to kill him, but–“

Donghae groaned.

“Shut up! Both of you!”

“But if fits the storyline perfectly!” Jessica whined.

“How do demons and angels fit into a college story line??”




“Okay, wait, what again was the reason why we are here right now?” Donghae hissed, glaring at the girl next to him.

“I already told you about a thousand times, that you’ll meet Hyukjae here.”

“And we have to meet during school time, because…?”

“Because it’s obviously the only time you’re able to meet your secret crush.”

“Obviously.” Donghae sighed, thinking about how Hyukjae lived about three minutes away from his own home. And that they normally spent the whole afternoon and evening together anyways.

“But why do we have to meet here? There are like hundreds of empty and warm classrooms right under our feet!” he complained, trying to ignore the cold wind. It was already the end of the year and it promised to be a very hard winter. This was the time of the year Donghae rather chose to not leave the house at all.

“Because the main character is supposed to have at least one secret rooftop date with his secret love.” Jessica explained patiently.

“But why on the rooftop??” Donghae whined in frustration.

“It’s romantic.”

“THERE’S NOTHING ROMANTIC ABOUT FREEZING YOUR OFF!!” Donghae yelled as yet another blast of cold air hit him right in his face.


“He’s still not the most cooperating one, is he?”

Donghae winced at the sudden interruption from yet another girl’s voice. Unfortunately he remembered this voice as well, although he hadn’t heard it for two years.

Hyoyeon!!” Jessica squeaked in delight and almost pushed Donghae on the ground as she ran towards her… friend? Co-vampire?

“I thought you may could need a little help with those two guys.” Hyoyeon laughed, winking at a too-tired-to-even-care-that-he’s-still-sitting-on-the-floor Donghae.

“Great. Just great.” said boy huffed. “And who are you this time?”

“Depends.” Hyoyeon grinned, casually sitting down next to Donghae and pulling a protesting Jessica with her. “At which episode are you? And which level did your relationship with Hyukjae reach?”

“We’re best friends and… I mean…” Donghae winced at the threatening glare he received from Jessica. “We… slowly realize our… af-affection?” A small nod from the blond non-vampire. “Our affection towards each other.”

“Well, how could you not?” Hyoyeon laughed. “You’re both hot as hell.”

“Thanks… I guess.” Donghae said, blushing at the thought of Hyukjae as ‘hot as hell’. Though he had to admit that his friend had a very nice and toned body.

He did not just think that.

He totally did not just think that.

“I guess I’ll be Hyukjae’s girlfriend then.”

“What?!” Donghae looked at Hyoyeon with wide eyes. He didn’t like the thought of his best friend being trapped in a relationship with some psycho-girl. “But I thought me and Hyuk should be together.”

“Already jealous, huh?” Jessica smiled in triumph.

“Bull.” Donghae mumbled. “I just don’t want him to get hurt.”


“Not getting hurt by what exactly, Hae?” the curious voice of Hyukjae interrupted them.

“Holy it’s freezing up here! Why do we need to meet here?” he rambled on, leaving the other’s no chance to answer his question. Then he suddenly realized that there weren’t only Donghae and Jessica sitting on the cold ground – why were they sitting on the ground?? Ever heard about bladder infection? – and he sighed.

“Please tell me I just got drunk by drinking strawberry milk and that’s why I see two psychotic girls instead of one.”

“I’m also glad to meet you again.” Hyoyeon deadpanned.

Donghae snorted, slowly standing up, his whole body aching.

“By the way Hyukjae, Donghae got really jealous when we suggested Hyoyeon should become your girlfriend, so we possibly won’t use that idea.” 

Hyukjae raised his eyebrow as his best friend blushed and quickly waved his hands while shaking his head.

It looked kind of really ridiculous but Hyukjae figured it wasn’t the right moment to make flat jokes about fishes outside of water. 

“Don’t listen to them Hyuk, I just don’t want you to end up with one of … them.”

The older of them nodded, though he wouldn’t have complained if Donghae had been actually jealous. The later got jealous really easily, always had, even over Hyukjae’s own mother.

Hyukjae thought it was cute.

And yes, he totally just thought that.

“Well, I think I’ll be Donghae’s girlfriend if that’s the case.” Hyoyeon shrugged, her smile rather a smirk than anything else. “I’ll be this really pretty and nice girl who he’ll fall for and you Hyukjae will be really jealous because Donghae will spend more time with me than with you. And then I’ll start to influence him badly, changing him slowly so he starts to dislike you. But in the end you’ll realize that it all had been my fault and you’ll fight for Donghae. Then he’ll turn into his old self again, realize that he’s been on love with you all the way long. But it’s too late because one of you will have a horrible car crash and there will be a cliffhanger and everyone thinks he’s dead, but no (insert surprised exclamation mark) he survived but lost his memory and–“

Looking from the two girls to his frightened friend, Hyukjae snorted and took Donghae’s left hand in his right one.

“Not going to happen.” he simply said before dragging his friend downstairs again.




“This is so stupid.”

“Did you just blink?”

“No, no I didn’t! I will not loose this, Lee Hyukjae.”

“Oh please, Lee Donghae, we both know you at this.”

Donghae scoffed, desperately trying to hold his eyes wide open. He didn’t even know how the whole situation had ended up like this, with both of them staring intensely into each other’s eyes.

“Why exactly are we doing this again?” he asked, still staring into the warm brown eyes of his best friend. He had never realized that Hyukjae had actually really beautiful eyes.

“You’re doing this because there’s still this scene with the magical love-at the-first-sight eye contact missing.” Jessica answered gleefully.

“And you still think it counts as “love at the first sight” when we actually now each other for years?” Hyukjae asked doubtfully, his eyes never leaving Donghae’s wide and sparkling ones.

“Or after staring in each other’s eyes for like ten minutes without anything happen at all?” Donghae went on with an even more sarcastic tone lying in his voice.

“Sometimes things like this need its time.” Jessica said defensively, smiling at Hyoyeon as the latter gave her one of two cubs of coffee.

“Don’t you guys feel anything at all?” Hyoyeon asked, carefully observing every nervous twitch of the boy’s eyelids.

“Oh, I actually feel quite a lot. Like pain. Because my eyes ing hurt.” Donghae hissed.

Hyukjae couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s y attitude. He didn’t know exactly at which point, but somehow during these two years he had realized that he liked almost everything about his best friend. Even those constant mood swings which annoyed everyone else.

“I think we should rewrite the script, Jess.” Hyoyeon’s voice suddenly spoke up behind Donghae, and then the brunet was shoved right into his surprised best friend. Both of them fell on the hard floor of their school, but luckily they were in an empty hallway with no other student being able to see their embarrassment.  

“What the ?” Hyukjae yelled, as he rubbed the back of his head. He quickly helped Donghae on his knees. The latter had fallen partially on top of the older, but his hip had made friends with the hard hallway floor, making the brunet groan in pain.

“What was that for?” Hyukjae glared at the two frowning girls, helping Donghae standing up as well.

“Well, you didn’t do it right!” Hyoyeon defended herself. “Donghae should have fallen directly on top of you, and not like… this. And then your faces would have been only a few centimeters away any you’d have stared into each others eyes until one of you would have closed the distance between you and your lips slowly meet…”

“Well, sorry for following the rules of gravity.” Donghae rolled his eyes. He still needed one arm of his friend as a support because his left knee hurt like hell.  Besides they had already missed at least too classes and he needed to pee really badly, because no he wasn’t like one of those drama characters who could live without seeing a bathroom even once.

“We need to leave.” he grumbled, clinging onto Hyukjae as they turned around to walk towards. He looked at the latter in surprise as he was guided directly to the restrooms.

“Did you hit your head so hard that you can suddenly read my mind or why do  you now that I need to go to the restroom?” he asked.

“Hae, I know you since forever. Believe me when I say that you always have the same irritated look on your face when you need to pee really badly.”

Donghae blushed, half because of embarrassment, half because he had never truly realized just how much they knew about each other.

Although knowing the look on your face when you need to pee wasn’t the most romantic fact ever, but well.


Since his knee still hurt Donghae sat down in a corner of the dance studio of their college (because their college was cool like that) and simply watched Hyukjae giving the other students instructions. Hyukjae had been the captain of their college dance team since two years now, and their team had never been as good as now.

Something about Hyukjae’s way of dancing was hypnotizing. It wasn’t because the older’s movements were smooth and his technics were perfect. Donghae always thought that his friend looks like he was completely weightless when he danced. The laws of gravity seemed to be busy admiring him too, so he could easily dodge them.  

Hyukjae had also been the reason why Donghae himself had started to dance. And just like his older friend he loved it passionately, but not in public. Hyukjae could set a club on fire by dancing for a few minutes, but Donghae preferred the silent applause from an invisible audience inside his small room. That was the reason why he had left that one party two years ago quite early… and the reason why he had met Jessica.

After all it somehow was indeed Hyukjae’s fault. 


“He looks really handsome dancing like that.” said vampire-ish school girl sighed. Jessica had sat down next to him about ten minutes ago, while Hyoyeon had joined the dancers in the middle of the dance studio.

Donghae simply nodded, not wanting to admit in front of the hardest Eunhae-shipper that he really admired Hyukjae’s dancing. And yes, Jessica and Hyoyeon had made up a couple name for them. Donghae thought it was stupid, but Hyukjae said that was only because the name implicated that the younger brunet was the girl in their relationship. Which brought to the older a nice punch and an angry ‘What relationship??!!”.

“So when are you going to admit that you feel more for Hyukjae than just friendship?” Jessica asked, her voice surprisingly serious.

Donghae sighed, not even bothering to pick up a fight like usual. “I think friendship suits us better.”

“Bull.” Jessica chuckled. “You two see each other every day, know everything and care about each other and you call Hyukjae’s mother ‘mom’, just like the other way around. You guys already talk about moving together after school and fight about the number of dogs you’ll keep.”

Jessica looked at Donghae and grinned widely. “Basically you’re already together.”

Maybe it was because he was tired. Maybe it was because exactly at that moment Hyukjae decided to take off his shirt and let their teammates ogle at his impressive abdominal muscles (which bothered Donghae quite much and he wasn’t even going to deny that). But Donghae suddenly just didn’t want to argue anymore.

Yes, he liked Hyukjae. As a friend, as a brother, and maybe even more.

And Hyukjae probably felt the same.

So why shouldn’t they go for it?


“You know…” he sighed, not even checking if Jessica really listened to him. “maybe we’re actually just really, really slow. I mean I know this movie where the main characters don’t know each other for the first … about twenty minutes, and then they suddenly kiss and I never really realized just when they met each other. Or fell in love. And a few minutes and a dramatic escape of one of the characters later, they ignore each other again. After that one of them get’s a deadly heart disease I think…”

“What exactly are you trying to tell me now?”

Donghae shrugged. “I’m not really sure myself. Are you two going to leaver after Hyuk and me … you know… get together?”

This time it was Jessica who shrugged, her eyes fixed on Hyoyeon as the latter danced trough the whole room. “Probably, why? Are you planning to confess? Because if you do I need to prepare some stuff and–“

“They never really confessed.” Donghae suddenly interrupted her. “The characters from the movie. One of them did… but the ending of the movie didn’t make it clear if they really got together.”

“Were the two main characters swimmers?”

“I… think so, yes. Why?”

“Donghae, are you talking about that Japanese gay movie?”

Donghae could feel how his face became pale as he suddenly remembered why he had never mentioned that movie in front of Hyukjae.

“N-no…” he quickly defended himself.

“Oh shut it, of course you do.” Jessica grinned. “I bet Hyukjae would love to know about the movies you watch, don’t you think so?”

Donghae’s eyes widened in horror as the girl stood up in inhuman speed and ran towards Hyukjae. Helplessly he saw how she whispered something in his friend’s ear, and his face reddened as Hyukjae threw him a disbelieving look.

The song ended and most of the dancers dashed towards their drinks to fresh up a bit. Meanwhile Donghae rubbed his arms nervously while Hyukjae slowly approached him. There was a short awkward silence between them, before Hyukjae quietly cleared his throat and grinned at his friend.

“So… Japanese gay dramas, huh?”

Donghae rolled his eyes, biting his lower lip as he murmured: “Love is love after all… and some of those movies are really sweet.”

Hyukjae grinned, casually wrapping one of his arms around the shoulders of his blushing friend.

“It you say so, Hae.”

And Donghae decided that he had always really liked the way Hyukjae’s arms would feel safe and warm around him.

And sweaty in this case.

But anyways, safe and warm. Nice feelings.


Donghae’s eyes met the wide ones of Jessica, and the latter jumped happily at a confused Hyoyeon as Donghae secretly nodded.




“Hyuk, I need to tell you something really important.” Donghae said quietly, his voice surprisingly steady. Next to him he could see Jessica wincing slightly, as if she wanted to interrupt him. Choosing to ignore her, he went on. “You are my best friend, but I­–“

“Okay, STOP!” Jessica suddenly shouted. Both guys winced as they turned towards her, Donghae pretty much glaring daggers at her. He was just doing what she had always wanted, wasn’t he? So why did she had to interfere when he was about to confess to his best friend?? He was already nervous enough!

Jessica sighed exaggeratedly and shook her head, her hair flowing behind her in a ridiculously unrealistic way. It looked like a ing wave moving in slow motion, and it was completely unfair, since normally hair only looked alright if you were all alone. Not when somebody could actually see you, because fate never lets a chance slip to embarrass you.

However, after Jessica’s hair was back in his original position, she smiled at the two guys in front of her with an attempt of a motherly smile. “You still need to learn so much.” She sighed again. “Donghae, you can’t spill the great news like this. If you want to confess to somebody–“

“You want what??” Hyukjae shouted, staring at Donghae with wide eyes. The latter felt the blood rushing in his cheeks as he helplessly stammered: “Well, I kind of… I know we’re just best friends, but… Not that being best friends is bad, I really like you as a best friend, you’re the best best friend I could wish for…”

“So you like me as a best friend?” Hyukjae asked, looking absolutely confused and sounding a bit disappointed.

Ignoring the dramatic conversation in front of her, Jessica went on. “You have to avoid the topic, ask silly questions with obvious answers just to gain time and to make the whole scene more embarrassing for the viewers…”

“NO! I like you… more as a best friend, I…” Donghae quickly said, suddenly really afraid of the other’s answer.

Hyukjae nodded slowly, obviously trying to figure out just what exactly was happening.

“Then your friend needs to draw the wrong conclusion and gets angry at you and you helplessly watch him walking away.”

And Jessica wasn’t helping.

“Don’t worry, I won’t run away or something like that.” Hyukjae quickly reassured Donghae, who’s face had become much paler because of the girl’s last words.

“Actually I’ve already though about… this. I mean being in a relationship with each other… oh God, this is so awkward.”

Donghae nodded, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

“Why don’t we go on a few… dates, like not our usual meetings but actual dates? Let’s just see where we get with that. In the end we still have the possibility to go back to being only best friends, right?” Hyukjae said slowly, smiling a little bit as a wide grin spread across his friends face.

“That would be amazing.” The brunet answered, calming down again. They were best friends and knew each other inside out. Even if both of them may wanted more, they would never break apart, and that was all Donghae wished for.

They smiled at each other and started walking towards the college building, ignoring the hushed comments among the other students regarding them holding hands tightly.





“And then you realize that you can’t let him go like this and you whisper that you love him while he’s still walking away. And although he’s already like a few meters away he’ll miraculously understand every word. He’ll turn around slowly, look at you for five minutes and then he will quietly sa– Guys? Hey! Donghae? Hyukjae? Anyone? This is not part of the script!!”




(This time for real)


Hope you liked it^^

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with lots of Eunhae XD

I'm always really happy about comments (I normally answer all of them as well) and subscribers <3

(btw, the movie they talked about is called Talikukan Baby and you can watch it with eng subs here.)



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Chapter 1: Lol.... They're so funny XD
Like it!!
EunHae9393 #2
Chapter 1: bahahaha its still funny and full of crack for me. i hope jessica & hyeoyon will leave them so they can going out smoothly without interuption again kekeke although its nice of them to help hyuk n hae reliaze their feeling for each other ^^
thanks for this great story authornim, and i hope its not the end ;D
nice story author-nim. i love it. <333333
wee im excited i really like when hyosica is present in eunhae fics it gives me a lot of feels .. updae soon ↖(^▽^)↗