
Intense Stress


     You came through the front door of your apartment, only to crash on the couch a few seconds later. The stress of the day and the pressure of life that had been clouding your mind for so long caused you to crack. The things that toyed with your emotions lately weren't fun to deal with at all. 
     As you laid on your back, a silent, gentle tear escaped your eye as you shook your head, wiping it off your cheek. A few seconds later, the phone rang and you reluctantly pulled yourself off the couch to answer it. 
    You took a breath. "Hello?"
"Hey, babe. Are you busy tonight?" Ren asked. 
     As much as you loved and trusted your boyfriend, you really didn't want him to see you in this mentally depleted state, but you figured since you couldn't come up with a good excuse, he'd start to get suspicious. 
     You sighed before responding with "No, I'm not busy. Any reason why you ask?"
     "I just thought we could hang out tonight. You know, make dinner and relax. Just so we can spend some time together."
     Honestly, although you felt like putting no effort into anything, a date night with Ren didn't sound half bad. 
     "Alright. See you at my place in an hour?"
     "Sure. I'll be there. Love you, _____," he said, hanging up. 
     Ren showed up an hour later knocking on your door. When you opened it, he held three grocery bags in his hands. 
     "Do you want help with those?" you asked as he lugged the heavy bags. He shook his head. 
     "No. It's alright. I brought stuff to make dinner. How does quinoa kimbap sound?" he asked with a smile, knowing it was your favorite dish. Kimbap wasn't typically made with the ancient grain, but your crazy Western ways had cause you to make it that way from time to time, and your boyfriend was crazy enough to try it. 
     "Aw, jagi, you didn't have to do that," you said with a half-hearted smile. 
     "I do if it'll cheer up my girl," he said. You looked confused. 
     "What? No! I'm fine, babe. I promise," you lied. 
     "_____, I know you by now. I can tell just by your voice how you're feeling. And that smile doesn't have me convinced either."
     "Well, you must be hallucinating. But I'll take quinoa kimbap," you said, changing the subject. Ren followed you into the kitchen to make dinner. During the meal, the conversation was rather quiet, and he asked about how you were a few more times. You tried to explain away your stressed mood every time, but he wouldn't buy it. 
     "When we're done here, I have a surprise for you," he said. 
     "Huh. So unpredictable," you fake grinned. He helped you wash the dishes, and you both went to the living room to watch a movie. 
     "Here's where the surprise comes in," Ren said. He the movie, and you smiled slightly as the title appeared. 
     "Corpse Bride? You know me too well," you said. 
     "Well, _____, I know it's your favorite movie."
     "Have you ever seen it?"
He shook his head. "I'm seeing it with you for the first time."
     "I bet you'll like it."
The film began, and Ren began to put his arm around you. You were still a bit tense from the pressure of your day, but you tried not to show it. Apparently, your façade worked to no avail. 
     "_____-ah," Ren began. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
     You shook your head. "Nothing."
     He looked puzzled. "Did I do something?"
"Then tell me what's going on."
     "Fine. I had a rough day, that's all," you said coldly. The question were really beginning to bug you. 
     "Babe," he said. 
     Ren shook his head. "Something else is going on. Please, just talk to me."
     "Why do you care so much?"
     "Because I love you, and it makes me sad to see you hurting. _____, you don't even have to say everything. Just let me know how you're feeling."
     Your lips trembled, and you turned away so Ren wouldn't see you on the verge of tears. 
     "I...I don't even know what's going on anymore. I can't explain why I've been feeling so sad. It's like it's all in my head." 
     He nodded. "It's hard to explain because you don't even understand it yourself?" 
     All you could do was nod in agreement. Ren had perfectly explained what you were trying to say.
     "_____, that's all I wanted to know. Come here, yeobo," he said, encircling you with his arms. You leaned toward him, trying to contain your emotions, but you broke like an old dam. You buried your head in his chest and just sobbed. 
     "That's it, sweetheart. Just let it out."
     He rocked you from side to side, gently your back for a good ten minutes before you finally collected yourself. When you looked up at him, he had a soft smile, but you could see the sadness in his eyes that he felt for you. 
     "Jagi, I may not know everything that's going on, but please know that if you ever need anything, if you want to talk, or just need a shoulder to cry on, your oppa is here. I'm always here," Ren said, gingerly kissing your cheek. 
     "Thank you," you mumbled into his chest. "Why are you the best boyfriend ever?" 
     "It's pretty easy to do when I get to love the best girl ever," Ren told you. You giggled. 
     "I'll never forget how amazing you are."
     "You're more amazing," he said. You would have protested, but her cut you off with a gentle peck on your lips. 
     Yep. He was pretty amazing. 
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