Author's Note

Chains of Death

Hi guys! I'm back! Omg, I can't believe I actually remembered my aff account lmao.

To all my subscribers and readers, I am sooooooo sorry for being on a hiatus for like idk 5 years? lol

It was a hard time for me, both my Kpop life and real life (e.g., EXO OT12, SNSD Jessica, and a bunch of other controversies). The last time I was active here was when I was in high school, around 11-15 years old. (In case you're wondering, I'm from the Philippines and the education system was different that time compared to now). I am now currently in my 4th year of college (time flies so fast, huh) and sadly I'm not graduating lol my grades are trash but I really don't care. Don't get me wrong, I study and put in effort, but I live in one of the most trashiest place in the Philippines where teachers don't really care about the students, they just care about those that get good grades and help build a good reputation for the school. So basically, they're all hypocrites and only focus on exterior appearances.

Anyway, a lot, and I mean, a LOT has changed in me and in my Kpop life. For example, I am no longer that updated in Hello! Project and Morning Musume (Jpop) and I missed like idk 2 or 3 years of Kpop? So like, the last time I was active here, EXO was still the baby of SM. Now, Red Velvet and NCT are here! I'm like 2 years late to NCT but whatever, you guys all know that I'm an SM trash, right? 😂 So, I seriously have no problem with being late to SM. But I do become problematic when I miss othed idols in other agencies. Like really, I remember the idols who were just rookies before but I came back last year in the Kpop world and I was shook like they are top stars now like Monsta X and EXID cajxnssnkzzm

Also, about me, myself, and I, I'm not the goody two shoes, goody goody, and guillable girl anymore like I used to be all my life (Tho I still have my glassess 😂). When I entered college, I slowly changed as time goes by.

No, I don't drink, smoke or do drugs if that's what you're thinking. 😂 Well, I do drink, but not like all the time, just on special occasions and when I'm annoyed by the world lmao. I admit, I have a lot of negative characteristics (who doesn't?) and I am now proud of being a very rebellious girl who doesn't listen to what others say because I control my life and nobody, not even my family, can dictate my life for me. I am now a girl who listens to punk, and gets attracted to tattoos and smart criminals. Don't worry, I don't engage in crimes and stuff. But I do believe that I have the right to hang out with the "wrong crowd" as holy people would say it because they deserve love, understanding, and respect. And if I hear another person saying that they're sinners and shouldn't be tolerated and that God is angry and displeased and hateful towards them, I am seriously gonna rip their throats out because first of all, everybody is a sinner, and second, Jesus hung out with the wrong crowd all the time because He love them despite the countless of sins they've done.

If you haven't noticed already, I've had a problem in my life related to church and religion during the time I was on a Kpop hiatus and I am so glad to get out of that church. Don't worry, I have nothing against churches and religion, just the ones that think they're holy and sinless in which I can literally feel God's embarassment for them. And now I am very proud to say that I am a rebellious sinner who is loved by God. If you don't agree with me, it's fine, as long as you respect my beliefs.

Anyway, on the other hand, I realized that I had better writing skills in the past (aka here) than I have now. I decided to get back to writing. I'm more addicted to wattpad now, and I made an account and I wrote a trial and error story called IMPROV because I wanted to remind myself what kind of writer I am, genre and length wise and stuff like that. It's not an official story, it's more like experimental because I wanted to revive the writer in me. I also have my 2nd story (also my 1st official story) in wattpad called ROUTINE, which centers around Johnny and NCT so if you want, go check it out @Barbie_In_Black on wattpad.

I think I will be posting it here. And I think I will also post and remake my stories here to wattpad. Just wait for more updates. (If any of you are still following me and reading my stories, that is.) I may be more active and addicted to wattpad now, but trust me when I say that aff has a special place in my heart. ❤

Anyway, I would like to thank ALL OF YOU, my subscribers and the people who read my stories here, because I got so shook when I came back and my stories had hundreds of reads (even tho they and aren't even complete) so thank you so much!

Sincerely yours,

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