True Beauty Poster

Just random snippets

I love this story. Written by Jongkeyinmypants. It's such a good story, if you haven't read it, GO READ IT NOW. 

Click on the poster to read the story. This author is amazing.

Poster created while listening to Tablo's "Expiration Date"
Incredible song. So heartwrenching, it really reminds me of driving through an empty city at midnight. Perfect BG music for a chapter in True Beauty (a few chapters actually, but I won't spoil anything)

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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 1: Oh yeah Ik this story its really beautiful!!:D
newtokpop09 #2
lol if they're good..can I like create a story off of it? I have bunch of ideas...but I'm too lazy to follow up on I'm working on a story right now...:D Tell me if its k if I can..:D i'll inform u..:D