chap 1


Chapter 1

Hyukjae POV

"You're pretty Seong-ah" I and she were blushing. She hit me on the shoulder before pushing it a bit "I honestly say that Seong-ah, I do not lie"

"Oppa, stop teasing me" she became sullen, I pinched her cheek. make a round red mark on her cheek when I pinch it, though I just pinch her cheek lightly. "Oppa, I'm not a child. Stop pinching my cheek " she is getting into a frown


"That's because you are so sweet baby, Stop into a frown, or I'll kiss your lips"

"Do it!" Huh? does she challenged me to do it? Alright. I closed my eyes and leaned my face towards her, but suddenly something pushed my face to back. I opened my eyes just saw she giggled, while holding her stomach "Hahahaha oppa, I'm just kidding! "Now she's laughing at me, I mad to her, but ... I'm glad to see her laugh. I do not like to see her cry. When I came to see her today, she cried because her father just got a big problem from his job as an employee in my father's company


Her father almost got fired for getting caught stealing valuables belonging to my father's assistant. But I immediately begged for my father to forgive him, and he did, even though my father threatened to fire him without respect. I was really angry at her father, but he told me secretly because he needed the money to pay for treatment of the sister of my girlfriend. So I secretly lent my money to him, without my girlfriend know. Because if she knew, she would be mad at me.


"O-oppa, why are you looking at me like that? "

"Because I like to see you laugh Seung-ah, you become more beautiful"

"O-oppa also handsome"

"Seong-ah" I held her hand and kiss it "I love you" even though it was already becoming dark, I could see her cheeks blushing.


"I love you too, oppa" she gave me a sweet smile of her, which made ​​me hypnotized. I leaned my face towards her and kiss her lips gently. Suddenly I felt wet on my cheeks, make me to break the kiss. I was surprised to see tears falling from her eyes. I wiped her tears with my thumb while she was still sobbing.

"Seong-ah, why are you crying? 'I asked her, she shook her head and refused to tell me. "Seong-ah, say what's bothering you??"

"No-nothing oppa, my eyes just intruding dust" I sigh, I knew she was lying. I know she does not want to make me worry.


"Seong-ah" I asked her once again, but she interrupted me

"O-oppa, I have to go" she stood up from her place and her voice seemed like she was spooked by something.

"Seo-"  my words interrupted when I saw two big men holding my shoulder. I know them, they are my father's men. What are they doing here?

"Young master, great master tell you to go home"

"Seong!! Seong-ah! "I do not care about them and kept calling my girlfriend who is running away. I snorted angrily and glared at them "It's because of you!! ! "They ignored me and told me to immediately go home.

I left them and get into my car, after closing the door with a bang. I know they must follow, but I do not care. I'm looking for Seong along the way, but I did not find her. Where am I now? I'm not in the mood to go home.


Drrrt ... drrtt ...

I saw the phone on the seat next to me was shining, one incoming call ... hmmmm unknown number, who?? I pick up the phone


"HYYUUUUKKKIEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" OMG!!! Fish jerk!! Why does he whine so loud!!

"Yaa!! Do not shout, you almost solved my eardrums, "I answered annoyed, but I could never be mad at him, because he is  my best friend and neighbor after all.


"Sorry, can you come to my house now Hyukkie? I need your help "I pulled over my car to the side of the road, because if Donghae had talked, it was not going to get shorter. I roll my eyes because the car my father's men also stop in behind me. what the hell!! I continue heard Donghae for speak " He locked me in my bedroom and my mother could not do anything about it, so I can not go on a date with my girlfriend. Though I already have an appointment with her, so Hyukkieee pleaseee help me, only you're the only one who can help me baby "yeah Donghae likes to call me baby, if he asked for my help. He often gave me a cute voice and big eyes to me, and I can't to refuse him althought I want .


Hmmm maybe I should help him, because I do not want to go home now. But first I have to get rid of some problems. "Okay Donghae, wait there"

"Ayeyeyeey baby, I will wait for you ~" pshaw!! If he was not my friend, I will kick him to the sea. After I hung up the phone, I got out of my car and approaching their car.


"How can we help you young master?"

"Stop following! Or I'll ask my dad to fire you "

"But the great master said we would fired if our does not bring you back" what!! !! Another reason ... I had to look for other reasons. "Young master?"

"Well, I'm going home" I said while giving them a fake smile defeat. Do not think you can follow me again after this. I laughed inwardly vicious


No one POV


"You do not have to worry, I'm going to leave him. Just give me a few days "said someone the other line. A smile appeared on Jae Dong's face. He did not think it would go so easy

"Okay, I'll give you until tomorrow morning,  you should have left him"



"No buts, you should do it more quickly, or I will-"

"Okay great master, and do not forget your promise"

"I never cancel my promise, I always keep it. All expenses for the treatment of your sister already I transfer, you do not need to worry. Just you promise to leave my son and never appear before him again "there is a short pause before the reply from the other line. Jae Dong know, she must have been crying. Honestly in his heart he did not have the heart to do it, but he had promised, and he does not want to lose Hyukjae, as he had lost his beloved wife.


 "O-okay g-great master, I would not approach him again"

"Good" he said and hung up the phone. He took a deep breath and buried his head on the table.


He does not think he's so bad, no, he thought he was never an evil. He just wanted to do this for the sake of his son. He did not want to lose him. Tears escaped from his eyes, he never thought he would have hurt other people.


" I'm sorry Hyukjae, I'm sorry" the words were out of his mouth before he continued his work



for chapter one
who Hyukjae's father had been told for left his son? hmmm I think you've guessed
I'm sorry for make Hyukjae dad here a little bad, but .... that's all I can do .. he became a little selfish if things come into his family.
and need I add a stepmother for Hyukjae?, HAHAHAHAHAA

The next chapter will be Donghae's POV ^ ^

okay thank u very much for subs, read and comment...

I really appreciate it ^0^



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okay, this is the last updates. I did not enable for updates one or two months ahead because must focus on my work. Okay see you and please don't leave me :D


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Ashee21 #1
Chapter 37: Please update...
sujuelfme #2
i will subscribe!
HanBaram #3
Chapter 37: Its ok. I will waittt
wnazura #4
Chapter 37: it's ok.. i will subscribe...
Julymoe #5
Chapter 37: Re-write ??? It's ok ... Do as you like authornim but don't delete this story plz plz plz
Chapter 37: Yeayyy finally you're continue this Unnie
Fighting and I'll subscribe it <3
moonsweet #7
Chapter 37: ok! i will subscribe!
Chapter 37: dont worry as long as it's still eunhae/hyukhae, mpreg i will subscribe
Chapter 36: Sis!!!!!! I miss this fic. Have you got feeling to write it back? I hope you're doing fine.
Chapter 36: hey ^^
I loved this fic - and hope you can update it again (or pretty soon hehe)
and don't think your fic is bad.. your fic is great <3
and Donghae.. please don't be stubborn.. brat lol