Episode 02

My Girlfriend from Another World

Sorry about the long wait it is just that my files for this story got deleted and I had to do everything all over again, but very pleased to make this episode...hope u enjoy!

Episode 02

Kyuhyun pressed his back to the door as the feline’s breathing was only less than a few centimeters away. Kyuhyun began to whine in his throat. ‘Oh god this is it. I am going to die. Well, at least I had a good run.’ he closed his eyes waiting for the worst. Kyuhyun felt a tongue kiss his lips and all over his face. “Oh,” he muttered out as he slowly pushed the feline creature away from him lightly. He noticed its beautiful dark chocolate eyes gazing into his, it soft silky fur, and its long silver like tail. He rubbed its head feeling dust and dirt on his hands from touching it. “Ugh, you are dirty.” He looked down at its paws seeing mud on them as he rubbed his dirty hands on his pants. “Well, goodbye…um weird creature thing, bye.” He turned to open the door giving the creature her opportunity by slipping inside the residence. “Hey, hey,” Kyuhyun whispered after it knowing the members were all asleep for tomorrow schedules. The creature ran around sniffing about. “No, you get out!” Kyuhyun signaled at the door, but eventually the creature didn’t pay him one bit of attention. “,” he muttered closing the main door and locking it. As it wondered about in the living room Kyuhyun entered his room for some fresh clothing for a shower. “It’s ok if the guys see it,” he began muttering as he grabbed a pair of boxers and a shirt from one of his drawers. “I’ll just get rid of it tomorrow morning…then I’ll get all my credit cards, money, license, and all that other bull back. I can, I’m a very well connected being in Korea.” He looked up and noticed it was staring at him at his doorway. “As soon as it’s tomorrow morning you’re going to have to sleep somewhere else.” Kyuhyun spoke to it as he left for the bathroom. Kyuhyun began to strip off his shirt while the creature just stared at him…the whole time. “What?” Kyuhyun asked as he noticed it staring at him. It walked closer to the bathtub sniffing it. “You want to take a bath?” he asked looking at it as it just stared at the bathtub now. Kyuhyun the faucet startling the creature as he just laughed to himself. He ran his fingers through the running water to make sure it was at least lukewarm. The creature’s nose came closer to the water and his hands trying to sniff the water quickly taken aback by the water entering its nose. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “Why try to sniff water little guy?” he stopped the water. “Ok, here we go…” Kyuhyun picked it up and gently placed it inside the tub and grabbed the large hose letting water run through its fur as his other hand reached for Heechul’s cat shampoo and spread some on his hands and began washing the creature with it. “You know what,” he began as it closed its eyes to Kyuhyun’s touch. “You remind me of this one elder woman I knew of, her cat was as white as snow and you know what her name was…Shinra.” As soon as he spoke Shinra the creature’s ears perked up to the name. “I’m guessing you like that name.” Kyuhyun smiled washing off the shampoo and bubbles. “Then your name is Shinra…temporarily.” As soon as he was finished he dried her with Heechul’s blow-dryer and brushed her fur with Heebum’s Hello Kitty comb. “There, you look a lot better clean…now, it’s my turn.” Kyuhyun turned back to the shower striping off the rest of his clothe as Shinra gradually walked the halls sniffing about. She sniffed around a certain dorm feeling quiet curious hearing noises inside. Shinra stood on her two hind paws quickly pressing her other two on the door handle making it crack open enough to let her slip in. The first thing she noticed was the human sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor. His long dark hair covered his face as he slept. Shinra sniffed through his hair up to his face him. “Hm…Eunhyuk, cut it out.” He muffled in his sleep. Suddenly, a hand fell on Shinra’s white furry back. She turned to the hand it as well, making the other toss and turn in his bed. “Donghae, stop you weirdo.” Eunhyuk muttered in the pillow that was in his face. Shinra quickly went around to the end of the bed noticing Eunhyuk’s exposed feet. She curiously sniffed quickly taken aback by the foul smell. She later began to wonder off into another dorm. It was decorated with a lot of stuffed toys and the room was beautifully wallpapered…pink. Shinra was drawn to the soft sweet smelling bed. She made a sharp jump through the air landing softly on the bed between the sweet sleeping boy’s legs. “Hm,” the boy moaned softly not feeling a thing. Shinra his sweet face while he dreamt…in his own world. “Hm, yeah…you know I like that…” Sungmin muttered. As soon as Shinra sneaked out of Sungmin paradise she sniffed in the air near another dorm. Shinra’s ears perked up…kitties. Shinra stood in front of a particular dorm with a name plate with the word…Heechul. Shinra her lips as her canine teeth began to show and her eyes turned into a dangerously looking crimson. She stood on all four paws in front on Heechul’s room where he is having his “beauty sleep” with his…delicious kittens. Shinra was ready to pounce on the door. Heebum and Baengshin suddenly awoke sensing the nearby predator; they began hissing at the door waking up Heechul from his said so “beauty sleep” Heechul got up from his bed. “Yah, Heebum…Baengshin, what’s up with you two?” he asked rubbing his eyes clearer. He looks closely at the floor near the door seeing the shadow of something standing behind the door. Heechul got up and walked towards it putting his ear to the wood hearing a strange growling noise from the other side. “Shinra,” Kyuhyun whispered as Shinra in a flash turned back to normal stance and eyes turn back instantly to chocolate brown. “What are you doing? Come here before you wake up anybody!” Kyuhyun commanded as Shinra quickly obeyed going into his room as he shut the door behind at the same time Heechul opened his feeling very sure he heard voices. “Ugh,” Heechul quickly entered back into his own dorm before standing there for a few minutes.

“Ok Shinra, this is where you sleep.” Kyuhyun finished organizing newspaper on the floor. “Your bed is Siwon’s newspapers.” Kyuhyun turned over to look at Shinra who already lay on his bed just staring back at him slowly drifting off. “What? Ugh, no Shinra get down!” he ordered to the already asleep Shinra. Kyuhyun groaned pushing her furry body to the other side of the bed to give him some room. He tucked himself in turning of his end table lamp putting on his earphones listening to music.

The moon shined bright blue in the sky, its light dawning into Kyuhyun’s window where his wind chime began to move unevenly as if acted on by an unknown force of some kind. The light crept its way over to Kyuhyun who snored while saliva ran down to make new ocean on his pillow. The silver bracelet began to shine as it disappeared into little particles. The particles floated in the air over to Shinra whose body began to change. Her fur began to disperse in the air at the same time her body formed into a female’s body. As soon as her transformation ended, the particles began to form on her right ankle the chain bracelet.

Kyuhyun’s eyes opened to the sharp light shining into his bedroom. “Hm…I hate sunlight.” He commented hiding his head under his covers. Shinra slept quietly on the other side. “Hm,” she hummed as the warm sunlight embraced her exposed body with warmth. After a while Kyuhyun felt that he couldn’t stay in bed anymore and got up from under the covers quickly making his way out of his room not noticing the beauty that still slept calmly on his bed. Kyuhyun made his way into the kitchen seeing that everyone was doing what they did yesterday morning. “Hey, what’s going on…didn’t we have a schedule to go to?” Kyuhyun asked digging into the fridge for a bottle of fresh water. He sat next to Henry like last time. “Uh no, not until later tonight, all we have to do is Kiss the Radio.” Henry answered taking a glance at Kyuhyun who calmly just took a small sip of his water. Henry grabbed Kyuhyun’s wrist staring at it. “What?” Kyuhyun asked. “You aren’t wearing the bracelet anymore. You took it off?” he asked as Kyuhyun stared at him in confusion. “What bracelet?” he asked staring at his own wrist. “You aren’t eating?” Ryeowook suddenly asked from the stove as he cooked some bacon and sausages in a silver pan. “I don’t feel hungry. Why are you asking?” Kyuhyun took another sip as all the members around the kitchen took the time to stare at him. “Kyuhyun, do you even remember what happened yesterday?” Leeteuk questioned. “Yeah, having normal breakfast with you guys and a date with Yosie…why are you asking?” Kyuhyun questioned also wanting to know what event happened yesterday that he didn’t know about or remembered. “Man, you almost choked to death. Good thing Siwon saved you.” Kangin spoke sitting down on the other side of Kyuhyun. “Really,” Kyuhyun tried to revise what happened yesterday in his mind. “Oh,” Kyuhyun remembered Shinra the creature that followed him home and the whole morning incident too. “Shinra,” he spoke out about to get out of the stool to go look for his temporary pet. He quickly plopped back down staring in front of him really stunned by what his eyes were seeing. “What?” the members in the kitchen noticed he instant staring and turned to the direction where his eyes laid…the too sat there stunned by what their eyes witnessed. “Hello,” Shinra smiled sweetly and innocently while her hand waved at them. She stood next to a large plant the thankfully covered her private feminine areas. “Good God…”Siwon’s newspaper fell from his hands to the floor. Leeteuk quickly took off his shirt running towards Shinra quickly putting it over her. It fell all the way to her thighs thankfully covering her most feminine area. “Uh, how about I go get you better clothe to change into.” Leeteuk lead her into his room shutting the door behind him. “Ok,” Leeteuk rummaged through his closet and wardrobe for anything decent for her at the least. He picked out a pair of boxers, pants, belt, and simple shirt. “Ok, go ahead and put theses on and I’ll wait outside for you ok.” Leeteuk quickly headed out of his dorm. As soon as he closed the door he closed his eyes and huffed out breath he didn’t know he held inside. He opened them to see every single member waiting at his door ready to through multiple questions at him. “Before you say or ask anything let’s all meet in the kitchen.” Leeteuk leaded the members towards the kitchen as Eunhyuk quickly began to open Leeteuk’s dorm room to take a peek inside. “C’mon,” Leeteuk yanked on Eunhyuk’s hoodie pulling to the kitchen. “No, I just want to look!” he yelled out as he was being dragged.

Everyone sat around the large dining table as if they were having a business meeting. “Ok, so far she hasn’t spoken to me…so in other words I don’t know where she came from. I am going to ask a set of questions and everyone answer truthfully.” Leeteuk began as he cleared his throat. “Who wasn’t at home all night even when we went to bed? Who noticed who was missing?” everyone began to turn their heads to Kyuhyun’s direction. “Alright, Kyuhyun you were the one everyone didn’t see so, where were you?” Leeteuk asked as it was obvious he wanted to get this over with. “I went drinking, I found a girl and was going to have a fun time with her, but instead she stole all my and left me with $2 so, I obviously walked home and found myself with a creature and took it a shower before I showered and went to bed with it.” “Wait, you slept with it?” Eunhyuk asked while everyone just stared back at. “What, I need it a little more specific.” He lowered his head to the table. “No, it refused to sleep on Siwon’s stupid newspapers so I let it sleep with me.” Kyuhyun answered. “Wait, you think my newspapers are stupid?” Siwon asked. “What does that girl have anything to do with this then?” Leeteuk asked. Everyone including Kyuhyun shrugged. Suddenly, everyone except Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk smiled behind Leeteuk. “What?” Leeteuk turned around to find the girl smiling brightly at him in his clothe. Donghae hit Eunhyuk on his shoulder making him look up at the beautiful girl in the room. “Uh hello misses…” Leeteuk began. “Shinra.” She answered bowing to him quickly getting Kyuhyun’s attention.

“You know what,” he began as it closed its eyes to Kyuhyun’s touch. “You remind me of this one elder woman I knew of, her cat was as white as snow and you know what her name was…Shinra.” As soon as he spoke Shinra the creature’s ears perked up to the name. “I’m guessing you like that name.” Kyuhyun smiled.

Kyuhyun remembered unbelievingly. “No, it can’t be…” he whispered as Shinra shined her bright smile at him nodding her head up and down in response. ‘Wait, she heard me!’ Kyuhyun thought staring at her stunned, he quickly got up from his chair going up to Shinra. “You are what I met last night…right?” he asked taking her small hands into his. “Yes, that was me. I’m your Shinra.”

“So, you’re telling us that you came from one of Kyuhyun’s video games?” Leeteuk stared at her still trying to take in her information. “Yes, I was given the opportunity to become part of your world.” She spoke happily. “I’ve always wondered what earth had to offer. For many centuries I wanted to be here.” She wondered around the living room examining their well decorated living room. “Wait, what? Centuries you say?” Heechul asked. “Hm…well, I counted how much I waited. It has been a total of…” she began counting her fingers. “Around…3,000 years since I was made so, yeah around that time I right away wanted to become human.” She spoke stunning everyone again. “So, you’re 3,000 years old?” Sungmin asked still unbelieving. “So, you have lived pretty much before Christ right?” Yesung asked. “You mean the God that made my dear mother?” she asked. “Depends, who is your mother…exactly?” Zhou Mi asked Shinra who had her hands on a very expensive vase that Kibum slowly took away from her hands before she was done fighting him for it. “Well since she created me, I consider her my mother, but she is Aphrodite the goddess of beauty.” She answered. “Oh,” Eunhyuk jumped up from his seating on the couch running towards his room in a hurry. Sungmin quickly took advantage taking over Eunhyuk’s part of the couch. Donghae stared at Sungmin, “What, I was tired of standing.” Sungmin muttered crossing his arms and legs looking the other way. Eunhyuk slammed a large black book on the coffee table. “Here is a full index of the many gods and goddesses worshiped around the world!” Eunhyuk began to open it. “You said Aphrodite…right?” he asked Shinra who just nodded as he rapidly flipped through pages. “Where on earth did you get that?” Leeteuk asked amazed. “Amazon,” Donghae responded nodding his head from side to side as he watched Eunhyuk flip through pages excitedly. “Ok here, my beautiful goddess Aphrodite did have another pet named…oh god it’s a long name…hm Matriomnius…hard word.” Eunhyuk continued to search further information. “Yes, Matriomnius was my playmate.” Shinra smiled. “Yeah and supposedly if it spits it kills anything it directed it spit to.” Eunhyuk spoke reading on. “Gross,” Sungmin commented while snuggling closer to Donghae. “Ok, Shinra, is this you?” Eunhyuk pointed towards an image in the book where it shows a feline fox creature stand on its two hind legs bringing its other two paws high in the air towards a horse fly looking creature flying above it. “Yes, that here is me and Matriomnius.” She spoke pointing to the feline fox and then to the horsefly creature. “Well, can you turn into this?” Leeteuk asked looking at the feline fox. “Yes, but only during full moons, eclipses, and blue moons.” Eunhyuk answered. “I don’t understand? Why did you appear in a video game?” Kibum asked finally breaking a word into the conversation. Shinra just looked down and shrugged. “I have to call Chung-Hee.” Kyuhyun got from his seating area and grabbed Heechul’s phone from the dining table running into his bedroom. “Hey, Kyuhyun that’s my phone…Yah!” Heechul called after him not bothering to get up from the comfortable lounge chair. “Who is Chung-Hee?” Shinra asked looking at the members.

“C’mon answer,” Kyuhyun whispered to himself as he paced around his whole room. “What do you want Heechul?” Chung-Hee answered on the other line. “Chung-Hee, remember that game you and I played last time?” Kyuhyun asked anxiously. “Yeah, the one that doesn’t even have a title yet and is the only one of its kind.” Chung-Hee answered uncaringly. “I’m going to need that back so we could finally make it into an official game.” Chung-Hee answered as he talked in Mandarin to a nearby woman who served him a cup of tea. “Chung-Hee where are you?” Kyuhyun asked as he heard a mix of Mandarin and Japanese being talked. “Huh, oh I’m in Japan with a few Chinese friends in this cool area in Tokyo.” Kyuhyun sighed. “Look, Chung-Hee I’m going to need you to come back to Korea as soon as possible because something very radical happened.” Chung-Hee got up from his seating area into a more private area. “What? Radical, what happened?” Chung-Hee asked going into the men’s restroom to be able to hear Kyuhyun better. “I don’t think you are going to be able to believe this,” Kyuhyun began hesitating to tell him. “Kyuhyun, I am a professional gamer who happens to be a video game designer. I make characters, of course what you tell me is not going to appear “radical” to me.” Kyuhyun took a deep breath, “What if I told you a girl from a video game came to life?” Chung-Hee scoffed on the other side of the line. “If you could do that I would treat you like a king, but we all know no matter how many video gamers wish so, it would never-” “Well it did, it happened to me and the only way I can prove is for you to get your over here and see her yourself!” Kyuhyun yelled out frustrated. “Alright, I’ll be over there by tomorrow to go check this out…just don’t yell and calm down…damn I’m gonna have to cancel a few things I have to do tomorrow. I’ll tell you when I arrive.” Chung-Hee spoke muttering words to himself as he headed out to where his friends were sitting and took out his laptop from his navy book bag and began to book a flight back to Korea. “Chung-Hee,” Kyuhyun began. “Yeah,” Chung-Hee answered as he already booked the flight in his computer. “Thanks.” Kyuhyun spoke. “Yeah, my flight departs today at 10:00 p.m.” Chung-Hee reported. “Thank you so much…Chung-Hee, I love you.” Kyuhyun said knowing his friend would be bothered by those words. “Yeah, just stop bromancing and hang up…love you too.” Both boys hanged up.

“So, what does your goddess see you as?” Heechul questioned Shinra. “Hm, she said she always saw me as her daughter and loyal pet.” She answered as Ryeowook through grapes in feeding her. “So, all of these goddess and gods and myths are real?” Ryeowook asked as he through another grape into Shinra’s mouth as she smiled contently. “I guess…” Eunhyuk answered looking through his book. Kyuhyun quietly came out of his room just as Heechul’s cell began to ring. “Hello,” Kyuhyun quickly answered. “Hey Kyutie, what happened to you cell phone? I’ve been trying to reach you.” Yosie spoke on the other end. “Oh, Yosie it’s just that…my credit cards and cell phone got robbed, but it’s ok since I have good protection on my cell phone and credit cards.” Kyuhyun continued talking going back inside his room. “Who’s Yosie?” Shinra asked suddenly taking the boys a little by surprise. “How do you know about her?” Heechul asked. “Yosie is long legs, Kyuhyun’s crush.” Donghae answered while Heechul gave him a glare. “What’s a crush?” Shinra asked further. “It means he likes her.” Sungmin answered. “Likes her how?” Heechul got up. “Aish, you ask too many questions.” Heechul stormed off into his room. “What did I do?” Shinra asked staring at Heechul’s dorm room. “I don’t know he has problems.” Yesung said taking Heechul’s place.

“Look I’m sorry if I did anything wrong on our last time out.” Yosie spoke with a feeling down tone. “No, it wasn’t your fault. I was just being an idiot.” Kyuhyun mentally kicked himself thinking about what happened last time. “No, it’s alright. I just wanted to check if you wanted to start over by going out with me tomorrow.” Yosie spoke with a sense of hope. “Yes, I would love that a lot Yosie.” Kyuhyun smiled feeling warmness in his chest. “Great, we’ll see each other then.” Yosie spoke as somebody knocked on her reserved room door. “Yosie, we’ll be shooting in five.” The woman informed. “Alright,” Yosie whispered to her. “Doing photo-shoot?” Kyuhyun asked. “Yeah, I got to go…love you Kyutie!” she said in her sweetest voice before hanging up. “Love you too,” Kyuhyun whispered.

Kyuhyun opened the door to his room surprisingly seeing Shinra stand there. “Oh ,” he whispered touching his heart. “Shinra you scared-” Kyuhyun began. “Who’s Yosie?” Shinra asked straightforward with a small tone of jealously. Kyuhyun scoffed, “Why do you need to know?” he pressed his index finger on her forehead making her move aside. He walked out towards the main door. “Hey where are you going?” Henry asked. “Out,” Kyuhyun grabbed his coat and headed outside into the night. He walked out into the un-empty streets of Seoul. “I at least need time to take this entire thing to thought.” he whispered to himself as he walked. Kyuhyun took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. “I’ve been through a lot already.”

“Isn’t this nice,” Min-Ha spoke as she had her arms wrapped around Kyuhyun’s arm as they walked the streets of Seoul together in the cold night. “Shhh,” Kyuhyun whispered with his eyes closed as his finger touched Min-ha’s cold glossy lips. “You are ruining my moment.” He smiled as she playfully gave him a soft punch on his arm. “Your moment ugh.” She rolled her eyes looking away from him. Kyuhyun opened his eyes and quickly cupped her face into his hands giving her a kiss. She kept her eyes open in surprise before closing them as he warmed her lips with his own. They both broke the kiss after a few minutes to catch their breath. Kyuhyun was about to kiss her again but she began walking again. “If you want to come kiss me again you’re going to have to catch me.” She smiled teasing him as he ran up to her stealing the kiss easily. “I love you very much.” Kyuhyun hugged her from behind lovingly. Min-Ha smiled slightly pressing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose before giving him a sweet kiss on his soft cheek.

“Come on,” a girl with short dark hair and work clothe stood on a mini ladder trying to finish putting the mistletoe on top of the main door. “It is cold I want to go inside already.” She spoke to herself frustrated. She moved her body weight closer placing the mistletoe in place, but unknowing that her sweater got caught at the same time. “Oh no,” she yelped out feeling herself lose her whole balance. Kyuhyun felt a lot of weight fall into his arms as he walked obliviously. “Ah,” the girl yelped as he tried to keep his balance while having her in his hands bridal style. “Oh omo,” she let out as she held onto his neck. “Uh, are you alright?” he asked as they stared at each other. “Wow,” she whispered staring at him. “What?” Kyuhyun asked as she began to blush. Suddenly, the mistletoe fell on her hair. “Oh here,” Kyuhyun grabbed it letting the lower half of her body stand ground. “Mistletoe,” Kyuhyun smiled to her as he held it in his hand. “Uh,” she asked as she stared at him dumbfounded the entire time. “May I?” he asked as he leaned closer to her face making her shine a brighter pink. His cool breath impacted with her skin cells making her skin crawl. His soft lips impacted with her cheek as she stared completely startled. Shinra stared at them from a few feet away completely taken aback by the scene in front of her eyes. Her she breathed hard as her eyes begun to turn into a very dark crimson.

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