
Together Forever

                 “Alright Youngjae be careful okay?” His mother said while handing him his lunchbox.

                 5 year old Youngjae beamed up at his mother. “Of course mommy!”

                His mother smiled lovingly. “I’ll be back after work okay honey? Tell Junhong and Jongup I say Hi.”

                Youngjae giggled. “Okay!”

                Youngjae waved goodbye to his mother until she was in her car and driving out of the daycare parking lot. Once she was finally gone Youngjae followed the daycare worker farther into the building until they got to the big play area for kids under 8.

                “Youngjae hyung!” Youngjae turned toward the voice just in time to balance himself before his friend Junhong threw himself at him. “Youngjae hyung I missed you!”

                Youngjae laughed making his fluffy cheeks even more prominent. “I missed you too Junhong.”

                Junhong giggled. “Hyung your cheeks are so puffy!” Junhong poked Youngjae’s cheeks in demonstration.

                Youngjae frowned. “Junhong that’s no way to treat your Hyung.”

                Junhong ignored Youngjae who was always trying to convince the four year old that being polite was important, and began pulling him towards their usual play area. “Jongup is already here too Hyung!”

                Jongup popped up behind a building made of blocks. “Hyung! You made it!”

                “Jongup! What are you making?” Youngjae inspected the building.

                Jongup smiled widely. “I’m making us a castle!”

                Junhong started jumping up and down. “Let’s play warriors and fight for the castle!”

                Jongup grabbed a styrofoam sword laying nearby. “I’m not letting anyone into my castle!”

                Junhong grabbed plastic flower and a plastic helmet. “With my wand and Youngjae Hyung we will take your castle from you!”

                “Wh~at?” Jongup slightly pouted. “I wanted Hyung on my team!”

                Junhong clung to Youngjae’s arm. “You are on my team right Hyung?”

                Youngjae giggled and picked up his own pretend weapons and armor. “I’m on no one’s team! I want the castle for myself.”

                Junhong backed away in confusion. “Hyung! You’re betraying me before we even started?”

                Youngjae tried to mimic the laugh of the bad guys on tv. “You are too quick to trust people, Junhong!”

                They commenced with their play fights everyone taking a turn getting wounded or almost making it inside the castle before another would attack them with something like a freeze spell.

                “Keep it down!” One of the older kids whined. “Some of us need to concentrate!”

                Jongup looked up at Youngjae smiling. “What does conzentwate mean?”

                “He said concentrate.” Youngjae patted his head. “It means he is working hard on something.” Youngjae explained before looking over at the other five year old in the room. “Daehyun! If you need to concentrate go somewhere else!”

                Daehyun scowled before picking up his coloring book and walking farther away to join some of the older boys, slightly frustrated Youngjae wasn’t hanging out with him today.

                “I made it!” Junhong cheered.  

                Youngjae turned around seeing Junhong inside the makeshift castle cheering and making his own little dance. Jongup started pouting while Youngjae pretended to cry and falling to his knees. “We’ll beat you one day Junhong!”

                “Should I let you inside?” Junhong pretended to think as he rubbed chin.

                “I want to come inside!” Jongup cheered.

                “Okay! Everyone come inside!” Junhong pretended to drop the drawbridge.

                “YAY!” Youngjae and Jongup ran inside and hugged Junhong who started laughing.        

                “Jongup-ah!” A voice from outside the castle called.

                The three boys lifted their heads to see where the voice came from. Seeing one of the older boys with black hair and bunny teeth looking around the boys ducked behind the building. “Pretend you don’t hear him.” Youngjae whispered.

                “Stay with us in the castle forever Jongup!” Zelo clung onto Jongup tightly.

                “Jongup-ah! Where are you?” The eight year old with bunny teeth called out again.

                Jongup untangled himself from the boys’ limbs. “It’s okay guys! Himchan-Hyung is really nice! We should all play together sometime. I’ll see you later!” Jongup waved again. He ran out of the castle smiling toward Himchan who couldn’t help but smile back before dragging the younger off to his and Yongguk’s area.

                Youngjae pouted seeing his friend run off with someone else. He wrapped his arms around Junhong hugging him from behind and resting his head on the younger’s head. “You won’t ever leave me right Junhong?”

                Junhong turned around to return his Hyung’s hug and snuggle into his chest. “Never Youngjae Hyung!”


~15 Years Later~

                Youngjae stood in front of Junhong, now Zelo, a nervous-wreck. “Why did you call me out here to the park so late, Hyung?” Zelo asked looking down, since his growth spurt a few years ago, at Youngjae.

                Youngjae stood quiet still wondering how to say what he really wanted to say. “Oh, did Jongup tell you about him and Himchan?” Zelo laughed. “Crazy how those two got together right? Looks like he really will have less time to hang out with us—Hyung??”

                Youngjae was hugging Zelo around the waist burying his face into Zelo’s chest unable to look at the tall boy. “Zelo, would—would you like to go out with Hyung?”

                Zelo felt a smile play on his lips but Youngjae couldn’t see it. He brought his arms around his Hyung. “But Hyung, aren’t we already outside?”

                Youngjae groaned softly his hidden blush getting deeper. “No—no Zelo I mean like on a date…”

                Zelo bit his laugh trying to hold back his happy laughter. “Are you asking me to be your boyfriend Hyung?”

                “Yah! Youngjae stepped back. “I’m trying to be serious here!”

                Zelo laughed but grabbed Youngjae back into a tight hug, resting his head on Youngjae’s head, as Youngjae weakly tried to get away. “Hyung, I already told you that I would never leave you, and I meant it. I would love to officially be your boyfriend.”



A/N: I really need to work on my fluff~ I'm hoping these requests are helping haha Let me know what you think ^_^

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Chapter 1: cute..i dun know how many times i read these..younglo so cute together
Axiela #3
Chapter 1: Cute Younglo Love is cute =)
Awesome fic!
Chapter 1: sooo cute!!! =] this was awesome.. YoungLo hehe awww=]