Chapter 13 - Drunk

Dating an Idol

Key looked at Lillie again. She was in the middle of the living room biting her lips nervous, while stealing glances at the door of their leader’s bedroom.

“We should do something...” Minho whispered to Key.


“I don’t know. But she is going to have a heart attack soon if we don’t do anything.”

Key sighed. He always had to do everything!  

He approached her and she awkwardly moved away giving him more space.

He smirked. She still looked at them like idols and not normal people.

“Do you like dogs?”

He asked her and she looked at him like he was crazy.

Her boyfriend was talking about their future and she wasn’t a part of the conversation and Key asks her if she likes dogs?!

“Yes…I love dogs!”

“Good! Follow me!” She followed him to the end of the living room and Key opened the glass door to the balcony.

It was huge. She didn’t think it was so big. And in the end she saw two little balls of fur inside a small kennel. Key’s dogs.

They started to wag their tails when they saw their appa.

“Oh it’s Comme Des and Garcons!”

Key got closer to the dogs and started petting them.

Lillie did the same. They were so cute. Key showed her some tricks he taught them, and for some minutes she forgot all about Onew’s and manager Minho talk.

Key’s mission was successful.

“Do you know them?”

“Yeah, in your instagram! I’m a shawol! I stalk you and Jonghyun’s and Jinki’s twitter!”

Key grinned proud. He loved his instagram and his little freaks.

“Can I hold them?” she asked and he nodded.

She picked up Comme Des petting him.

“Do they stay here at the dorm?”

“Yes. But most of the time I have to take them to pet hotels. When we go to Japan and other countries, is not good to let them here alone.”

“Oh. Poor puppies…!”

“Maybe you could come and play with them next time we go overseas.”


Key nodded.  She was so happy.

“I miss having dogs. I had one when I was younger.”

“You should adopt one.”


“You know. Don’t worry about Manager Minho. He will help you. He is just mad with Jinki because he never tells him anything now. And that goes a little to all of us. We are adults now and we want to be independent. He is just trying to do his job. Controlling our lives is one of his duties.”

Key had a gift. She felt good around him. He seemed like a good listener and friend. She was so lucky she got to talk with them like that.

“I know! I just feel like I should be there too since we are doing this together! It’s not like he was the only one who…you know…It was my fault too!”

Onew cleared his throat from behind them catching their attention. He was listening to her?! She looked at the floor. Somehow she felt shy around him now.

“L, can you come with me? Manager Hyung needs to talk with you.”

He called her L again. With time he was starting to call her more Lillie than L.

She gave the dog to Kibum and followed him without saying anything, entering his bedroom.

Manager Minho frowned at her. She felt like a little girl called to the principal’s office.

“Sit down!” He ordered her and she sat on the bed. They didn’t make the bed yet. So it was like sitting on the proof of what they did. She blushed and glanced at her boyfriend.

 Jinki leaned on the door of his room looking at her without saying anything.  She looked at the floor. She couldn’t look at any of them.

She was a little scared. What was going to happen now?  Maybe the manager would tell them to break up. She would say no. She couldn’t leave him now….He was everything to her.

She grasped her knees nervous.

“It’s ok.” Onew said reassuring her.

She glanced at him and he smiled giving her courage.

She was going to fight for that smile until the end.

“So you are a foreigner?”

“Yes. I’m working as a tutoring teacher here. I live with a friend and co-worker.”

“Why did you come to live here?”

“I just like the country and culture!” She looked at the floor. It was also true.

“I know you came here running away from your boyfriend!”

He told him? She looked at Onew and he apologetically explained to her:

“I had to tell him…he needs to know more about you. Sorry!”

She felt . That man she only saw two times knew more about her than some of her closest friends.

“Yes. That’s also true.” she whispered.

“Did you meet Onew with the wish to try and seduce him?”

“Hyung!” Jinki complained.

“No! I wanted to meet him because he was my idol. But I didn’t talk with him at all the first time we met. Things just progressed slowly.”

“It’s true!” Jinki added.

She was so shy that night. And somehow he couldn’t take his eyes off from her. He needed to meet her a few more times and do a lot of stupid jokes to make her talk with him. He couldn’t forget the first time she really laughed with something he said. He probably fell for her on that night.


Wo wo~ One! The stars in your eyes go twinkle!


They were eating spaghetti. Onew was happy because finally he had some time off. The last weeks were crazy because they were preparing their first comeback of the year.

But he wasn’t happy just because of that.

He looked at his right side. Minjae was playing footsie with Jules, his girlfriend, underneath the table. He smiled before glancing at Lillie. She was noticing the same thing that he was. She smiled a little, her cheeks turning a little pink.

He couldn’t stop glancing at her the last times they all have been together. She was an introvert girl, but she talked with everyone except him, because she saw him like an idol, her idol.

He loved to hear her voice. They way her eyes shined looking at cute things or talking  about things she liked; the way her lips curved into a shy smile every time he said anything to her; the way she touched her cheek when she was feeling hot or how she blinked when she was confused.

He wanted her to look at him like she looked at the others. He was jealous of the way she could act natural around everyone but him.

He wanted her to be normal around him too because he liked her. She was so precious. He couldn’t explain.

At first he thought it was because she was his fan. But then he started dressing up every time he knew she was going to be there. He started making silly jokes, more than the usual just because she would laugh with it. And at that moment their eyes would meet and he would see her for real, his heart would jump in his chest and he would get lost in her for moments until she looked away pretending that nothing happened between the two.

There was something in Lillie. He couldn’t explain, but he knew it the second time he met her. It was like a big snow ball getting bigger and bigger. The way she looked at him like he was her hero and the way she thanked him. He felt the need to know her. To know where did she come from and where was she going. He actually felt that he wanted to be a part of her future path. That somehow the world made him know her and was telling that it was important to not let her go from his life. That she needed to be a part of him, of his heart. Meeting her seemed like a dream to him now because he could only remember parts of it and it revealed to be such an important moment. 

He wasn’t a romantic like Jonghyun. He wasn’t. And the thought that she was special scared him a little.

 “Do you like spaghetti Lillie?” Jules friend asked her. And Onew looked at her carefully. Watching her lips move and the way she blinked her eyes. Every little thing she did was capable of attract his attention.

“Yes. I love it!” she smiled but it wasn’t for him.


Two! I’m shocked by your smile


“I would totally be a tramp if I could eat spaghetti every day!”  He said making everyone stare at him wondering what he meant. He didn’t care he was only waiting for her reaction. Would she get it?!

And then she almost choked on her food and started laughing. Her eyes closed and her hands grabbed the napkin on the table. Everyone was surprised and she tried to restrain herself.

“Sorry! It was too funny! Don’t you get it? Like in lady and the tramp right?” she said still smiling looking at the others explaining his attempt of a joke.

Her cheeks were red and her eyes were wet from laughing too much and he knew when she smiled at him that she was already important in his life. At that moment Honesty lyrics gained a new meaning to him. There was a connection in their relationship, a huge one that he couldn’t explain in words. She was in his heart already and he wanted to know what it felt to hold her in his arms or kiss her lips. He wanted her.


Like I’ve been hit with a punch, I can’t come to my senses
I feel like fainting
(Feels like my breath will stopped, feels like my breath will stop)


“When are you thinking of going back to your country?” Manager Minho asked her making Onew come back to the present.

She was nervous, he could see it in her body language but she was trying her best not to look afraid of him. He was proud.

“I don’t know. I’ll probably stay here. It depends…” She glanced at him and he knew what she meant. If things work out between them she would stay.

He would do everything to make her stay. To him she was already a Korean citizen.

“I don’t have anything to return to in my country. Only my parents!” she added.

“Why are you taking birth control pills?”


She looked at him surprised and Onew just stared at the floor.

“I don’t sleep around ok? I just had a health problem a few years ago and my doctor said it was a good idea to start taking it. Do you want to call my doctor to check?”

She felt hurt. What was he implying?! Did Jinki wonder about that too?

“I’m sorry.” Manager Minho said embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I need to make these questions. You two should be careful. “

“It’s not like I want to get pregnant either. It’s too early for that. And we are not kids. You don’t have to have the parent talk with us…”

Onew chuckled.

“She is true you know. I feel like a teenager.”

“I’m just warning you two. I already asked Jinki a lot of things. I’ll wait outside.” He opened the door “Don’t take too long.” He warned Jinki before leaving the two alone.

It was awkward now.

She felt a little hurt with him. She shared her darkest secrets with him and he told them. He even talked about their intimate moment.


She stared at the floor. She wanted to hug and kiss him and just stay in his arms feeling safe but she felt so wronged.

“Do you think I was sleeping around too?”

“Of course not! We made love yesterday remember?”

She blushed and looked at her hands on her lap.

“I’m sorry. I needed to tell him. He needs to know everything. He is our only protection before the company.”

“Why? Why can’t we just tell them? We can date in secret even if they know, and they can keep the news from coming out if someone catch us.”

He sat at the floor and pushed her to it making her seat in front of him.

“We can. I don’t mind at all. But it’s worst. The company will want to know everything about your life, all your past…”

“Manager Minho knows too!”

“Yes that’s true, but I’m a product Lillie. I sell. Everything I touch sells. So if I go to a cafe or if people see me buying something, they want it too!”

“I know!”

He got closer to her.

“The girl I’m dating is the same thing. Everyone would want to know everything about you, about what you wear or like. Because you will be the girl I like, my taste…People will wonder why I fall for you.”

“…and not a Korean girl!”

“Exactly! So the company will try to change you into a perfect girl to the public and I don’t want that. I want you! I want the girl I fall for! “

“Can they make you break up with me?”

She asked afraid of the answer.

“I don’t know. It depends of the publicity you get. If the public likes you or not.  That’s why they will try to manage your image before someone sees us together and rumors start. If you were famous things would be different. But since you’re not…things can get complicated.”

“Yeah. Why the perfect Lee Jinki choose a nobody?”

“Don’t say that!” he said searching her eyes. She wasn’t a nobody. She was his Lillie.


I slightly steal a glance at you
You slightly narrow the distance between us
You hook me in and dig into my heart


She got on her knees and hugged him. He pulled her into his lap. She didn’t understand that world but she didn’t want to think about it too. She knew he would protect her. He promised it that morning and she trusted him. But who was going to protect him? She needed to be strong. She had to protect him.

“I’m sorry I’m not a beautiful Korean woman. I’ll try to improve…”

“No!” he pushed her little looking at her eyes. “I don’t want you to change. I like you this way!”

“But you liked when I wore that beautiful skirt!” she said running a finger on his arm stopping at one of his perfect beauty marks.

“Yeah…..a lot. But you can wear whatever you want I don’t care because I like it even better when you don’t wear anything!”

She smiled and kissed him, all the feelings from the night before coming back to her. If he didn’t have to go to work she would have taken advantage of him.


Wo oh oh oh
Punch! One Two!
I can’t come to my senses, no no, can’t come to my senses


He moved away staring at her lips. Now that she was part of his life he wouldn’t let her go.

“I won’t ever break up with you! I promise!”

That hurt her heart. He was so sweet saying it but she knew that a lot of things could happen; things that could make them go different ways.

“No don’t promise! Don’t promise things you don’t know if you can keep.”

He caressed her cheek and traced her lips. He was so sure he wouldn’t leave her. They could do anything but he wouldn’t break up with her.

“I know I can keep it! I can even swear….I swear that I won’t ever leave…”

She kissed him again making him stop talking.

He tried to push her to keep talking but she stick to his lips holding his head with her hands.

He touched her hands grabbing them before he slide his hands up her arms to her own face.

She sighed  with is touch, against his lips, and he deepened the kiss making his tongue touch her lips.

Lillie tangled her fingers in his hair making him moan and he pushed her down on the floor lying on top of her.


Punch! Knock Down!
I have fainted because of your love


He carefully used his arm on the floor to keep his weight from hurting her.

He wanted her again. It was all her fault. Her touch had a strong power over him.

His wet lips her lower lip before kissing her neck.

She closed her eyes feeling his free hand travel down her body caressing her slightly and going down her body, while his lips kissed her neck. He really loved to kiss her neck. She didn’t mind at all. The way he touched her now was different. The previous night changed it, now he wasn’t afraid to caress her body. If he didn’t have to go to work they could spend all day together just making out. Wait work?!


Punch! One Two!
I can’t escape you, no no, I am cornered


She pushed him a little but he didn’t move or stop. She didn’t have the strength of will to take him off of her; she wouldn’t mind staying with him like that forever.

“Jinki?” she asked trying to control her crazy beating heart. He was her neck now.

“Hm...” he just moaned as an answer. That was turning her on a lot and they couldn’t do it. First because everyone was waiting for him outside, second because she was a little sore from the previous night.

“You have to go to work. They are waiting for you outside!”

He stopped what he was doing releasing the skin of her neck slowly and he sit up looking back at her.

He was so handsome with his red plump lips and hair all messed up.  And he was thinking the exact same thing about her. He wanted her so badly.


Punch! Knock Down!
I have fainted because of your love

“I don’t want to go!” He pouted like a little kid “I want to stay here drinking your blood!”´

She chuckled sitting up. He was so cute.  

“You have to! You are late and you didn’t get to eat breakfast because of me!” she kissed him quickly and he groaned. He wanted a longer kiss.

She got up and he tried to grab her legs.

“I want another kiss!”

“No way! I won’t be able to let you go if I kiss you again!”

“Exactly!” He answered getting up. And she escaped him running to the living room. He came after her, both giggling when they saw the other members and the manager looking at them.

 “We waiting here thinking that you two were having a difficult talk and you were just making out! “Key laughed out loud.

Lillie didn’t know what to say and since Onew didn’t answer she just stood silent.

“Let’s go then! We are late already!” Jonghyun said with a stern look. He didn’t look that great.

“I’m sorry!” Lillie answered. She was always saying that she was sorry to them. Onew passed her and she felt him caressing her .

She looked surprised at him but he acted like nothing happened grabbing his things.

“No problem noona!” Taemin smiled and gave her coat and bag to her.

Did Jinki really her? She couldn’t take her eyes off of him but he was acting so normal.

“Let’s go?” He said looking at her serious.

She followed after them still thinking if she imagined it or not.

Jules sat beside Lillie on the couch with a cereal bar on her hand.

“I want to know everything!”

“No way! I’m not going to describe it. It’s private!”

“Omo! You are a woman now! I’m so proud! Did he treat you right? Was it good? Did it hurt? I mean he looks big! Is it true? Is dubulge really big?” she giggled and Lillie hide behind a pillow.

“Tell me! Is it?” She leaned to her trying to pull the pillow away.

Lillie grabbed it stronger.

“I’m not going to tell!”

“Oh Please! It’s not like I want to see it! I just want to know if it’s true!” she pulled it again.

“It’s private!”

“Nothing about dubulge is private! You can see photos of it everywhere! It’s not like its hiding! And you are lucky to see it live! I just want to know.” Jules said releasing the pillow.

Lillie peeked from behind it.

“Yes he was really sweet and it was good…really good” she blushed “and it hurt a little…still hurts! And...” she hide again” it’s true…he is big! Oh my God!”

“Oh man you are so lucky!” Jules said getting up.

“You got a handsome man, cute, y and I bet a god in bed! You were a poor starving beggar in your older life.”

Lillie giggled. Yes she was definitely lucky.

“He is the best!”

“Oh I bet! But the best of best is Jonghyun! My date?”

“Oh” she forgot all about the date. “I can call Jinki and ask if he is free tonight.”

“Yes please!” She jumped on the couch again looking at her make the phone call.

“You know he is probably busy right now?” Lillie said.

“I don’t care! Just try!”

Lillie sighed. That was a good excuse to listen his voice. She already missed him.

“Hi!” he answered. He was panting.

“Hi! Sorry to call you…”

“It’s ok. Are you ok?” she heard some background noise.

“Yes. Why?”

“Because you’re calling me at the middle of day. I thought maybe something happened or you weren’t feeling well…”

He was the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

Jules hit her arm.

“Stop fangirling and just ask him.”

She heard Jinki laugh on the other side. He heard what Jules said.

“Jules wants her date?” he asked

“Yeah sorry!”

“I’ll ask Jonghyun. But I won’t promise anything. He has a crush on a girl right now. And he is a little down today.”

“That’s ok. Jules will understand.”

Jules shook her head saying no. Lillie heard Key laughing on the background.

“How are you? You sound tired…”

“I’m fine. This is a normal day in my life. I’ll probably finish this at night. Ill shower and we can go to the movies or something. At midnight? It would be empty by that time. And Jonghyun and Jules can join us if they want. Won’t it be late though? You have work tomorrow.”

“I would love that. And it’s ok. I don’t mind…”

“I’m glad you called. I missed you already!” His voice got dangerously low. It was almost like his bed voice. And that voice had powers over her that she never imagined.

Jules looked at her smirking. And she avoided her.

“I miss you too….”

“In a way I wish they won’t come with us because I want to hold you and kiss you and finish what we started this morning.”

“Yes. I want that too!” Lillie tried to get up and go talk with him elsewhere but Jules pushed her down on the couch again.

He chuckled.

“Jules is  right by your side isn’t she? You are acting strange…”

“Sorry. She is!” Lillie sent Jules a dirty look.

“It’s ok. I’ll see you later tokki!”

Lillie hung up and Jules pouted at her.

“So? Do I have my date with Dream Boy or not?”

Jules was a super model. She wore a gray long coat over her black dress, tights and her black boots.  No heels since she was tall and Jonghyun was short. Her hair was all combed and she looked like a princess.

“You know we are going to the movies right?” Lillie asked her feeling like the ugly stepsister in that fairytale. She just dressed normally: blue jeans, a black wool sweater with gray stripes and a warm green coat.

“I know. But my puppy is used to see beautiful girls every day. I need to look great.”

They were inside the cinema. Their dates were late; they finished practice and had to go home to change. It was almost midnight so they were waiting for them.

“What movie should we watch?” Lillie asked looking at the movie posters on the walls.

“I don’t care. I’m not here to watch the movie!”

Lillie looked at her friend. She was acting all brave and seductive but she was nervous. She could see on the way she glanced at the movie theatre entrance every time someone came in.

She could pretend but Lillie knew she still cried because of Minjae. Maybe that date wasn’t a good idea. Jinki said Jonghyun wasn’t feeling that great and he had a crush on another girl. A very lucky girl.

Jules stiffened looking at the entrance and two guys with caps, winter coats and a mask entered. They knew who they were. Lillie looked around her. She was worried someone would recognize them. The theatre was almost empty but it was dangerous.

After the awkward introductions they decided it was better if Lillie bought the tickets and they entered the cinema alone. They end up choosing a horror movie because Lillie kept insisting on it and couple seats of course. She chose them a little separate from each other. That would give them some privacy.

They bought popcorns and sat on their seats. Lillie peeked at Jonghyun and Jules. They were talking before the movie begins.

Jinki sneaked an arm around her shoulder and pushed her next to him.


You have no empty cracks
I stretch my fist into empty air
Like a butterfly, you lightly avoid me
I keep chasing after you
(Feels like I’m possessed, feels like I’m possessed)


“Yo! I’m here you know?!” he said complaining cutely.

“Sorry!” she looked back at him. He looked so tired “I’m sorry you had to do this! She kept insisting and she is so lonely lately!”

“It’s ok. I get to see you and be with you. I’m actually surprised he accepted this. He really likes the other girl.”

“Then why doesn’t he date her?”

“It’s complicated!” he kissed her lips taking advantage of the dark, his hand caressed her hand.

She moved away and he sighed.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have done this.” She glanced at them again and Onew held her chin and turned her to face him again.

“Forget them. They are adults. Let them talk and figure it out alone. Let’s enjoy or date. Why did you choose a horror movie?”

“It’s perfect. Jules will be scared and Jonghyun will take care of her.”

“You know Jong is not a fan of horror movies right?”

Oh no. She forgot about that.

“And you? Are you going to be scared and need me to protect you?” he said with a smirk.

“A little!” She rested her head on his shoulder and he played with her hands.

“Our concert his next week. I’ll be really busy and may not have time to see you so, please, come ok? And we can exchange gifts on that day too.“

“Gifts?” she looked up at him.

“Yeah, since I’m not going to be here on Christmas. Let’s celebrate on that day. We can go for a date after the concert.”

“Ok!” she bit the inside of her cheek thinking. She didn’t know what to give to him. He had everything.

He kissed her head.

“Don’t think about the present. Just anything is fine. I mean it. Having you is already the best gift.”

She looked at him ignoring what he said.

“Did you buy me a present already?”

“No. But I know what I’m going to buy!” he grinned and tried to kiss her but she moved away.

“What do you want to receive?”

“Anything…I just want a kiss now, please?” He pouted and she kissed him clinging to him.

Now I throw in my towel
But still, you put up your guard
Without time to come to my senses, you dig into my empty spot again


He held her not letting her move away and kissed her again until the movie started and she pushed him slightly. She didn’t pay for a movie ticket to just kiss him during the entire movie. And she needed to check if her plan was working.



Her plan failed. The movie was too scary and the one screaming wasn’t Jules but Jonghyun. She could hear him from time to time shrieking at the same time has her. Jules was rather ok. She didn’t know she liked horror movies.

Her plan backfired too, because she was the one hiding on Jinki’s arms. He didn’t mind though. He was all smiles when they got out of the movie theater holding her hand and watching her shaking.  

Jonghyun looked a little sick. He wasn’t feeling well before the movie and now he was feeling even worse. Jules looked at him like he was cute puppy. So in a way it worked.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know it was going to be so bad!” Lillie said holding on to Jinki’s arms.

“It’s ok. You are cute when you’re scared.” Jinki smirked.

“Horror movies is not my thing!” Jong said with a low voice.

“It was really scary!” Jules said making everyone look at her. She was the only one who didn’t react the whole movie, probably because she wasn’t watching it. She was all the time staring at Jonghyun. But no one knew her secret.



Everyone sat on the floor at Jules and Lillie's apartment.

Jules had the idea of buying alcohol and drink it at their place. Jonghyun surprisingly agreed. He wasn’t a drinking kind of  person but he wanted to drink that night.

They decided to play a drinking game.  Onew wasn’t happy with it. Lillie was the worst drink ever. One side of him wanted to see her drunk, she probably was the cutest drunk person, but the other side of him wanted to protect her from it.

They played the game for 15 minutes.

Lillie threw the dices and moved her token on the game board landing on a drink one shot space.

“Yes!“ She yelled and laughed after it.

Onew frowned. She was already drunk and she didn’t drink much.

“Let’s stop the game!”

“Why?” Jules asked.

Jinki pointed at Lillie.

“I’m fine!” she said smiling drunk.

“She only drank like three shots.” Jonghyun said laughing.

“She really at drinking.” Jules added.  “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”

“Oh don’t say that Jules. You always have good ideas! I love you” she circled Jules neck with her arms giggling and Jules patted her back.

“I know tokki. I know! And you really are drunk and embarrassing yourself!”

Lillie glanced at Jonghyun and smiled.

“Oh puppy Jong! I love you too!” She hugged him and he awkwardly stretched his arms on the air not touching her. Onew glared at him.

“I didn’t do anything! I’m not even touching her!” Jonghyun stated.

Lillie released Jonghyun and looked at Jinki.

“My prince!” she said surrounding his chest with her arms.

“I love you! A lot! Jinki prince! Tokki prince!” Onew blushed and hugged her back.

“You should take her to bed!” Jules advised.

Onew got up with Lillie clinging to him. She started kissing his face giggling.

“I don’t want to sleep. I want to play more…” she whispered against his shoulder while he pushed her towards the bedroom.

He opened the door and she released him stumbling a little and jumping on the bed.

“Let’s play!” she yelled a t him and he ignored her, pulling the covers of her bed down.

“Let’s sleep.” he said looking at her serious.

She crawled towards him and he swallowed. She looked so y. The way she was staring at him.

Oh! Punch! Knock Down!
I think I have fallen in love (I have fainted again)
No no (I have fainted again) I think I have fallen in love
Punch Drunk Love
I am drunk off your love


She pulled him to bed surprising him. She was so confident when she was drunk.

“Sleep with me!” Her voice was so seductive.

He looked at her astonished. She was a cute and y tokki when she was drunk. He didn’t know how to react to that.

“I…I can’t!” he stuttered feeling her hand run down his chest to his pants.

He grabbed her hand before it reached the target and she groaned.

“I want you…”

“We can’t Lillie! You are drunk. I don’t want to do it with you like this. It’s like I’m taking advantage of you. And I can’t stay here tonight too.”

“Why?” she blinked her eyes at him and he fought the urge to pin her on the bed and kiss her.

“Because I have practice early in the morning. We do it another time. Ok?”

“Hug then!” she said doing aegyo.

He smiled and hugged her. She stick to him and her hand moved down to his groping him. He pushed her away looking at her red face.

“You d me!?”

“Yes. And you d me too this morning!” she answered back defiantly.

It was true. He actually d her. He laughed a little.

“You are so cute!”

“And you are so perfect with your onarms and onlips and onthighs and dubulge…”

“You named parts of my body?” he asked surprised.

“No pabo! Every shawols knows it…You are a walking Greek god and you are mine!”

He smirked. He knew about dubulge but they named other parts of his body?! Wow he was popular.

“I’ll sleep if you stay with me until I fall asleep!” she pouted and he agreed lying down in the bed and pulling her to his arms.

She used his chest to lean on and kissed him softly before his lips.

He pushed her.

“No kissing!” he said his heart beating like crazy. If she kissed him again he wouldn’t restrain himself.

She rested her head on his chest and he tangled his hands on her hair.

“I really really like you a lot!” she whispered.

“I know! Just sleep…”

“You are my star…I wish I could be in your arms forever.”

“And you can. You will always have my arms to come to! I promise. “

“You don’t understand. “She said against his chest looking up at him.  “I just can’t escape you! You are everywhere I look. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

He smiled and pulled her up to meet his gaze.

“I do understand. I can’t stop thinking about you too! “

He kissed her softly caressing her face with his thumbs.

“I thought you said no kissing!” she said sleepy resting her head on his chest again.

“It was just an exception! It’s my rules so I can change them when I want. And if I want to kiss you I can. “

She didn’t answer and he smelled her hair closing his eyes briefly. He wouldn’t see her for a week. He needed to remember everything about her. He was going to miss her so much.

“I can’t escape you too…” he said softly “I think I’ve been running after you since I met you. You made me fall for you hard and you say I don’t understand! “


No no, I am drunk off your love
I am drunk off your love
No no, I am KOed by your love


She didn’t answer and he stood up a little looking at her. She was sleeping. He couldn’t help but smile.

Onew got up from below her carefully. He pulled the covers over her and grabbed the plushie putting it on her arms.

“Enjoy it!” he whispered to the bunny.

He stayed a few minutes looking at her, memorizing her face. Maybe someday she would understand how much he liked her too.  He took a photo of her sleeping with his handphone and giggled.

No no, I am drunk off your love
I am drunk off your love
No no, I am KOed by your love


He closed the door of her bedroom and walked to the living room.

He stopped surprised. Jules and Jonghyun were kissing.

They moved away and Jong looked at him. He was acting so strange the whole day. He wasn’t the one to kiss just anyone. Jules moved away.

“I’ll call you then Jonghyun.”

“Yeah” he answered back and moved next to Onew.

“She’s sleeping!” Jinki said awkwardly.

“Ok! I’ll take care of her!” Jules said before taking them to the door.

Jinki followed Jonghyun outside. He wanted to ask him what was going on. That wasn’t the Jonghyun he knew.

They got to Onew’s car and Jonghyun grabbed his arm before Onew entered it.

He looked like he was in pain.

“Help me Jinki. I don’t know what I’m doing!” He murmured “I’m in love with Rin!”

Hello!Im back! Did you miss me?!

Oh I almost died writing this and CEL. 

Now Im writing both at the same time and its madness. lol

One was cotton candy the other was poison. I swear. The mood is so different.

For people not reading CEL, Rin is the protagonist of that story and the girl Jong likes.

Ok what to say about this:

I dont like it! ahahaha Ok I said it. I feel like it lacks a lot. But I couldnt figure it out what to change and I just gave up on it and posted it.

Sorry. I know some are reading it and I feel like im failing you. :(

I wanted to show a little of what Onew was feeling on this chapter. I mean we already know that Lillie worhips that man...

So I tried to show I bit of what Onew felt too. 

Oh and the date too and kiss. CEL readers hate me now. 

Poor Jules..I can only say that and you will understand when i post CEL next chapter. 

And Jong is definetly not an idiot. You will get it on the next chapter too.

Ok I have a thing for cute drunks....ahahah And I like the fact that she turns into a y girl when she is drunk. ahahah

OMG Dubulge is a star! He definitely needs to appear more! XD

Thats it. Upvote (still 0), subscribe and comment.

I wove comments!

(Look at this cute human being! *____*)

PS: Sorry for broken english...:( I already found a lot of things to correct but they keep showing up *sigh*

Ps2: I'll post CEL tomorrow! :P 

Ps3: Oh I forgot. Song:

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 42: Whoa! This ended??? (I know it was already expected but just let me be dramatic for no reason). And that ending though! Really? We need to talk. Meet me backstage. LoL... Jokes apart, I'd most probably be heading over to the sequel too. Only thing I'm scared of is, the chapters length *faints* BTW, just wanna ask something. Even in this chapter, you've described Min Hee's(?) eye colour to be green. But she's Korean/Asian? Also, love Lillie's family. They were all cute. Anyway, will be back later to check the remaining chapters and go to the sequel link ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 41: I kinda forgot what all I wanted to say about this chapter. My memory is kinda failing me as I read it over 2 or 3 days. First of all, is that trainee flirting with him a foreigner too? Jules and Key were cute indeed in this chapter especially. Can't believe they are going to do long-distance relationship. That's gonna be tough given his idol life. Also, I was surprised that there other people too who complained about the chapters' length. Anyway, can't believe only one chapter is left to read in this story. Will be back later to read them ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 40: You must be kidding me!! I mean about your last line in the chapter. Like seriously? Can't you even the guys some break? Anyway, now that I'm done ranting, this chapter was nice. Enjoyed all the fluffs. Kinda skipped the and definitely enjoyed the rest. Wonder what deal he made with his manager. Also, do you have a visual inspiration for the necklace? Just curious... Will be back later to read more ^^
PS you are definitely evil :P
2026 streak #4
Chapter 39: I definitely enjoyed the super fluff in this chapter!! The girls'interactions, Key with Jules, Lillie meeting his parents and so on, this chapter was really nice. Also, why would Lillie's father speak in broken English? Somehow my memory seems to fail me that part... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 38: You never fail to leave me speechless with your A/N. What do you mean that this is a small chapter? :P jokes apart, I'm glad Lillie stood up for herself before My Young. That was a much welcoming change! And just when we thought the two were finally gonna have some much needed peace, you end the chapter with such an ominous line. Like why??? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 37: OMG! You live for drama, don't you? I mean they were just starting to get happier, why do you have to go and disturb that peace? Like why??? Also, how could you write such to such a length? I did kinda skim/skip it, but still got curious after seeing how long those parts are. And also, is that a new pair forming or are you just teasing? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 36: The entire chapter was nice. Jjong pestering him about the kiss all the time was quite cute. Lillie sending him all around the city on a clue hunt was nice. Also, their party was funny, especially Jjong rambling about saving Polar Bears and stuff randomly was cute XD BTW, talking about Polar Bears, they don't live in the South Pole though. They're only in the Arctic (North Pole) as far as I know. Just thought would let you know. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 35: My eyes widened the moment I read your after note saying this chapter was short. I was like what??? LoL anyway, jokes apart, just when I was thinking things were getting better between these people (Lillie, Jinki, Jules, Kibum and so), you drop the My Young bomb. Like why???? Can't wait to read more and see how things would go after. But I will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 34: That was a super long chapter!!! Whoa!!! And so much happened... At least Jules and Lillie made up. And Minho and that fangirl (sorry I forgot name) though! I know he didn't exactly cheat but still... Also, what's with Kibum and Jules? So much drama in this and it was way tooooo long. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 33: Whoa!! Your chapters are only getting bigger and bigger! LoL XD aside that, I really enjoyed all that fluff in the chapter. Those two were really cute together. BTW were they celebrating their anniversary? Has it been a year since they started dating? Or is it those special celebrations Koreans do, like 100 days or so? Also, another drama is on the way? Why?!! Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^