

He's not your everyday on the block

He knows how to work with what he's got

Making his way to the top






Kim Kibum could be described as a diligent young man, top of his class, and popular with the ladies. Thats just who he is. Everything about him is relatively normal; his love of books, his bag that he brought with him everywhere, hell, not even his neon pink shoes got him the attention he wanted. Just a plain, simple, boring Kim Kibum.






He often gets a comment on his name

People keep asking him was it given at birth

Or does it stand for an acronym?






Key could be explained in three words: fashion, diva, and idol. He stands out in any crowd. Blonde and pink hair styled into a perfect mess. Designer clothing sticking to his body like a second skin. A superior but friendly exterior that everybody wanted to be around. Yes, he is hard to miss.






But sometimes the famous Key just wants to blend in. No group of girls constantly asking questions, no anti-fans throwing heavy objects at him, not having to look out for paparazzi when he didn’t have makeup on. He just wanted to have a normal, mundane life.






No he's living proof, got him rocking the booth

He'll get you buzzing quicker than a shot of vodka with juice






He considers himself both personas. Vigorous, yet lavish. Boring, but exciting at the same time. A special mix of normal and special and plain and obscure and beauty that it can’t be explained in one lifetime.






Nothing could stop Kim Kibum from being Key. Key will always remain Kim Kibum. Nothing can change what the rapper is.






Him and his crew are known around as one of the best

Dedicated to what they do and give a hundred percent





Together they were one. Quite, clumsy, awkward, bold, hyper, all traits that should be discouraging.




But Key knew they were more than that.




They were singers, dancers, friends, and family.


They are individuals.


They are a whole.













They are SHINee

















Sorry If I at everything. 



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Sounds intersting :)