My Thoughts

Internal Struggles

“What do you want to be in two years’ time?”

“I don’t know, ask me in two years.”

“Why would I ask you then when I want to know now?”

“Because I’d be able to answer your question.”

“Yuri, the question I’d ask you then would still be ‘What do you want to be in two years’ time.’”

“Then just ask me what I wanted to be.”


“Ask me in two years.”




Three months later


“So what are you now?”

“I’m confused.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well there’s this girl at work, her name is Tiffany, and for the past two months she’s been talking to me.”

“Yuri, isn’t that called communication? It’s a basic human action.”

“Well yeah, but the way she talks to me is…different. Like the way she looks at me, it’s the same look you put on when you see a cute puppy or a little duckling or a baby.”

“What kind of look is that?”

“A look of pure adoration and happiness, I guess. When we talk it’s like we are the only two people in the room. Someone could be yelling her name from seven feet, no, seven inches away and she won’t bother looking unless I point them out, like I’m the only person that matters.”

“This bothers you?”



A month later


“What are you now, Yuri?”

“I’m nervous.”

“What are you nervous for?”

“Remember Tiffany?”


“I have a date with her tonight.”

“That’s why you’re so giddy, then. How’d you get her to go on a date with you?”

“It wasn’t easy.”

“Why, because you knew she wouldn’t say yes?”

“No, it was because it took me a while to muster up the courage to ask her out.”

“Okay, okay. You can stop glaring at me like that. I hope good things come out of this date for you.”

“Thanks, I do too.”

“Alright, then stop looking into the mirror and get out there.”



Two months later

“Now what are you?”

“Are you going to ask me that every month?”

“No, just when I feel like it. Answer my question.”


“Only content?”

“Okay! I’m really, super-duper happy! I feel like I can do anything, like I can fly.”

“And you feel this way because…?”

 “Well, you know Tiffany, right?

“Of course I do, Yuri.”

“After a few more dates and many deep conversations about our lives, I asked her out.”

“On another date?”

“I mean I asked her to be, well, you know…my girlfriend.”

“I’m guessing her response was very pleasing.”

“It was! I’ve been crushing ever since the day after I told you how weird I thought she was.”

“Oh, yes I remember how you thought communication was so abnormal.”

“I’m ignoring that. Anyway, I’m just so ecstatic that she’s actually mine. And you know what the best part is?”

“Not really.”

“She likes me too!”

“I thought we established that the day before you told me how weird you thought she was.”

“Probably, but do you know how good that makes me feel? To know that the person you like shares the same feelings for you?”

“I do, thanks to you.”


Six months later

“What are you?”

“I’m in love.”


“You out of all people should know.”

“I know. I just want to hear you say her name.”

“I’m in love with Tiffany.”

“What about her makes you think so?”

“Her smile, especially the ones she forms with her eyes. Her voice, so husky yet so smooth, it actually does sound like music to my ears. She’s so beautiful; it’s almost illegal to be as gorges as she is. When she touches me, like my arm, I feel all gooey and warm inside. She just makes me feel…”


“Yeah, how’d you guess?”

“Well that’s what most people say when describing how their significant other makes them feel. Plus, I know you better than anyone.”

“I wonder how I’ve been able to talk to you this whole entire time.”

“You’re the one who gave me a voice, Yuri. Speaking of voices…”

“What about them?”

“…How loud is she?”

“How lou- Eww you creep I’m not telling you that!”

“It’s okay, I already know. I just wanted to see if you’d answer the question.”

“Get outta here!”



Four months later

“So, Yul, what are you now?”

“I’m worried.”


“Tiffany’s been acting weird lately.”

“Again, with the whole communication thing?”

“I’m serious. She’s always tired, she can’t stand for too long because then her legs start shaking, and she’s been kind of pale.”

“Shouldn’t you take her to see a doctor?”

“I’ve told her to go but she insists that it’s, like, the flu or something and all she needs is rest.”

“Then she probably is just the flu-type sick. She’s only been that way for a couple of days, right?”

“A couple of weeks.”




Two months later

“Should I ask?”

“If you want to, I guess.”

“…How is she?”

“She’s how she was yesterday.”


“Yeah, living in nothing but pain. Why can’t she just let someone help her?”

“She just wants to get better on her own is all. She told you that, remember?”

“I know, but I just can’t stand to see my fiancée suffer that much. Especially when all she has to do is get some sort of special treatment to get better.”

“Hey, when did Tiffany become your “fiancée”?”

“About a month ago, I just wanted to her to be more than just my girlfriend. I want her to be my forever, and stop smiling like that.”

“You’re the one making me smile, Yuri. Besides, I have no doubt that she’ll get better soon.”

“I’m really getting tired of just hoping and guessing that she’ll be okay.”

“I know, I know.”




“What are you?”

“…I’m…unsure of what I am to be perfectly honest”


A week later


“Yes, Fany?”

“Do you think we could’ve gone to Paris or something?”

“Hey…once you’re out of this place we’ll go to so many places that you’ve never been to before.”



“I think it’s time, Yuri.”

“No, no it isn’t. Not yet, not like this. Please, Tiffany.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so…sorry for being dumb…and stubborn.”


“I love you. I love you so much.”

“Fany, no. Please.”




“Tiffany? Tiffany?! Tiffany!”




“I love you, too… I do.”


Three weeks later

“How are you?”

“You out of all people should know.”

“I know, just wanted to hear you say it.”

“We were supposed to get married.”

“At least you got to say your “I do’s” to each other.”

“That wasn’t funny.”

“It wasn’t meant to be.”

“I could’ve done more. I should’ve done more, you know, like force her to go and see a doctor earlier.”

“You can’t force people to do anything, Yuri.”

“Maybe not people, but she was my girlfriend. She was my fiancée and I could’ve made her go get a checkup or something but I didn’t and now she’s gone and…I just don’t know what to do now.”

“The first thing you have to do is pretty obvious. You’ve got to stop blaming yourself for something that clearly isn’t your fault.”

“Clearly? Are you suggesting that this is her fault? That she wanted to die?”

“I’m not saying that she wanted to die, just that she took her health for granted.”

“Even you thought that she’d be fine.”

“Well I’m you, aren’t I?”


“What, have you always thought that I was a separate person?”

“Can you just go away?”

“No, Yuri. I can’t just go away. I’m your soul, your conscience; I’m that little voice in your head that you apparently brought to life.”

“Then can you just not bother me for a minute! I need some time to think.”

“Isn’t that what you’re doing now?”

“Yeah, but I just want it quiet for once.”

“Right, but before you shut me off…”


“…What did you want to be two years ago?”

“As cliché as this is going to sound…”



“… I wanted to be happy.”


So this may not be the best I've ever written, but I just needed to vent and I thought why not write a fic to blow off some steam. The disease that Tiffany had is called Anaemia. A very close friend of mine had the same illness and...well...passed away. So this oneshot's for her.

Please comment and tell me how I did and if you liked it, upvote the fic? I'd say subscribe but this isn't an on-going story so yeah.

Thanks for reading

I'm gonna miss you, Stoopz.


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Chapter 1: sorry for your loss :( but this was a good one shot :)
KwonStephanie #2
Chapter 1: Too bad Tiffany dies :(
ctmeoya #3
Chapter 1: Nice shot..
Sorry to hear that..
It's a nice story..
I'll upvote this.. ^_^