❛ book one — what's ur name wh wh what's ur name?

❛ applications : dubusoo's guide to everything — characters & oc's




All applications start with a layout. You know? Something to spice the up a little? Yeah. So,
most fics offer you a soure code, ja? Do you choose to ignore it, just ctrl + c, ctrl + v? NO.
ALWAYS USE THE SOURCE CODE WHEN IT'S A DEMANDED. okay, okay? And when you're given one,
try to not it up with too many photos unless said otherwise. You'll usually have to replace a
photo of somesort, yes? To put your ulzzang and all that? Well, with the source code, you follow
whatever the author tells you. If the other says you make it this height yOU MAKE IT THAT HEIGHT.
or at least make it look approximately closer to it. Make it look nice you hear?

For example

okay, so with this example I made, you see how it clearly states the height you should use? if it's
written like that, don't change it. use it as it says. don't change the height to like 500 because it
makes the photo look better. no, it's common sense. follow what the doctor i mean author orders.

there's a half-assed example. but, that's basically all you have to do. what i'm saying is don't
mess with the code or anything unless you know what you're doing. when you're writing up, don't
go with crazy fonts or colors, aight'? and you should know that for every application you will need
a title. check the turn-in for one because you don't want to that up either! ;; if you know
what you're doing, then go ahead and play around - buT MAKE SURE IT LOOKS GOOD OK OR
IF THE AUTHOR ALLOWS YOU. otherwise, just following as instructed is the best way to go.

So, when you're finished with the photos and stuff, you'll often be provided with a basic profile
stage that has the name, nicknames, age, birthdate etc, etc. When it comes to names, it usually
depends on the ethnicity of your character. Ethnicity in this chapter plays a big part, so play attention
bebsss. What most applyfics asks for are koreans and chinese, mainly due to EXO I would assume.
If you're choosing name, always make sure it matches your character's ethnicity. If your character
is chinese, go with a chinese name. Jap? A japanese name. Korean? A korean name. Anything else?
Well, I guess you follow suit. If you want to give your charcter an english name - then go ahead! Just
know that your character might've been living somewhere else to retrieve an english name. Maybe she
lived in the states or something! But, yeah. Choose your names carefully.

To be honest, I'm usually super iffy when it comes to halfies. Maybe it's because I'm a little bit
asiancentric, but when I see a character that's like half spanish, or german or something I'm just like-
no. It's not that I have anything against them or anything! It's just that I find it really difficult to
come up with a good backstory for them, you know? It may be easier for some, and it's probably
because you aim to make an interesting and unique character.. but, yeah. I can't. Even if it's half
chinese, or jap or something, I find it difficult because I like to stick to my ulzzang's ethnicity
(which I will speak more of in the next segement down below).

Know that when you're choosing a name, you should read it out to yourself a couple of times.
Do you like it? Is there a meaning to it? Does it sound smooth, or is it too difficult to say?
Remember that your author is basically adopting these characters are his or her own. Wouldn't it
to have your character's name forgotten? Try to make them interesting, but nice-sounding.
I hate it when the last name and first name contrast with each other and I end up speaking all WUBWUB
when I say them. Some names should have a flow - or even, have your character his or her own
name and like, put something about that in the trivia.

Good names also lead to good nicknames. When it comes to nicknames, make sure there's some
connection to the name - or actually, if not! Make good reasons for them. Even if they don't ask
to give a reason or ask who calls them what, it's best to add a little something in there so they know.

Unless it's super obvious like, her name is Junhee and her nickname is Jun. If her nickname is
Juubuu or something, expand on that. Because how the frick would the author know when to use that??

The best part about applications for me would probably be the ulzzangs. Ok, ulzzangs are the fking
best and I just love love LOVE them so much (baek sumin, chae gyung and kim jayoung are my bebs ok.)
Ulzzangs are the appearance! So, choose one that matches the personality you right and - THE AGE.
THE AGE PEOPLE, THE AGE. Like, it's the worst to see someone who chooses Park Sora for like-
a sixteen year old, or someone who chooses Younggi (is that her name?) or Lee Guemhee for like
24+ or something. Seriously. How do you asdfghj-- LEE GEUMHEE FREAKS THE OUT OF ME
BTW. Those eyes are just- nopenopesorrynope. When you choose an ulzzang always think of the
age and personality you're going to write about. Always plan ahead. The same thing goes for
the ethnicity. Unless you want to, don't use a korean ulzzang for a jap or chinese character
unless they can possibly pass for one. I get iffy all over the place ok. It's almost like a pet peeve.
If she's korean, go korean. If she's chinese, go chinese.

The best place to link your ulzzang's gallery (if the author has asked for one) is to link it to tumblr
or an affthread. Make sure there's photos or something, and look for ones that have good quality
photos, and not with one that file one atop the other. Pick good galleries that have the photos
side by side and at a smaller side so you can see how many there are. It's also best to choose ulzzangs
that are contracted into modeling, because selca ulzzangs aren't the best choice.

Some Good Ulzzang Galleries:
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]


dubusoo's note :
detail is the best way to go. always try to be presice, and don't try to be too out there. think - natural.



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