

"Lee Jinki is dating that Kim Jonghyun!"

"How in hell did Jinki do that?"

"That is impossible. Jonghyun is incapable of love."

"Poor Jinki. That Jonghyun must've forced him."

"I bet a million Jonghyun is topping that nerd."

"Is it even true?"

"What the ?"



Lee Jinki is a senior. A normal senior who never had any sort of problems in school. Like any other normal day, he walked into school hoping it'll be like any normal day.

With books held closely to his chest, he went to his locker. He wondered slightly why people were staring at him. He isn't one of those shiny popular people to be stared at. In fact, he is one of the underdogs in school. His grades were ing good but his social life was on the contrary. He only had a few friends(very good friends).

"Did I do something?" Jinki whispered to Key who used the locker next to him.

"The question is-who did you do." Key said back. Still in shock of the text he got this morning.

"What do you mean? I-"

"How could you date  Kim Jonghyun without telling me?" Key said bitterly. Wasn't bestfriends suppose to share everything with each other? Especially if you are dating the hottest bad boy in school.

"No. Who told you that?" Jinki said back. How was it possible? He and Jonghyun- it was too weird to even think about it. He and Jonghyun are like day and night. Jonghyun being the one dark as the night. The boy was only a junior but his wild reputation made even the teachers be scared of him.

"Everyone did."



As soon as the lunch bell rang that day, Jinki immediately went to the rooftop of the school. A place only Kim Jonghyun would be at. He wanted to clear things up. He didn't know who has spread such rumours but he didn't want Jonghyun to think it was him. The silver-haired boy would beat him down to pieces.

He ran up the stairs and found Jonghyun as he had hoped. Even if Jinki did not want to admit it, but Jonghyun is one of the few people that made his heart beat faster. The boy was practically on legs.

"Jonghyun." Jinki timidly called the boy out. He was smoking. Jonghyun took another grey puff before he turned to look at the senior.

"Yes?" the silver-haired boy said to him.

"I-well I swear it was not me." Jinki stuttered.

"What wasn't you?" Jonghyun asked. His voice eerily low.Jinki could barely breathe.

"Those rumous. It wasn't me." Jinki explained. Jonghyun then took a few slow steps towards him. He was maddeningly close to Jinki;the boy had troubles with his heart beating too fast.

"You mean the rumours about you being my boyfriend?" Jonghyun said. His voice so deep that Jinki felt his ears tingle a little.

"Ye-yeah." Jinki stuttered. Too close. Too close. Too ing close.

The bad boy then suddenly pulled Jinki into his arms. Holding on to his waist so tight before whispering softly

"I was the one who told them you're mine."




It was a cloudy day-that day. The day Jonghyun had first took notice of a Lee Jinki.

Someone had managed to piss him off though he could hardly remember who now.

All the silver haired boy could remember was he was so mad that he punched a wall so hard that his knuckles bled.

"You shouldn't hurt the wall." a certain honey-like voice suddenly startled him. Jonghyun turned and looked at the warm boy who seemed serious about not wanting him to hurt a wall.

"The wall?" Was this boy serious?

"Yes. You're hurting the wall you idiot." the boy scolded him. No living human has ever called Jonghyun an idiot-no one ever survived doing so. Jonghyun almost raised his hand to punch the boy who called him an idiot.

But the boy then suddenly took something out of his pocket and passed it Jonghyun.

The silver haired boy curiously looked at it- it was a Band Aid.

"Can you put it on with one hand?" The boy asked him. His eyes filled with concern.

In awe- Jonghyun shook his head. The boy then pulled him to sit on one of the benches there. He carefully opened the Band Aid.

He took Jonghyun's bleeding hand and placed it on his lap. His forehead furrowed in concentration as he applied the Band Aid and that was the most ing adorable thing Jonghyun has ever seen.

"All better now." the boy suddenly smiled at him. The smile almost made Jonghyun blush.

It was the first time in his life a person had done such a thing for him. The first time Jonghyun ever felt cared for.




"Wh-why would you do that?" Jinki somehow couldn't stop stuttering today.

"Because I want you." Jonghyun answered back.

"That-you don't even know who I am."

"Don't you remember?" the boy questioned him. Jonghyun felt hurt if Jinki didn't remember.

"Remember what?"

"This-" Jonghyun took out the old Band Aid Jinki gave him a few weeks ago.

"Oh." In Jinki's defence, he didn't know who Jonghyun was at that time. He didn't know Jonghyun was the school's most notorious student.

"You made me think about you." How could such words make Jinki want to blush?

"But this is ridiculous. We are not even dating. How could you spread such rumours?"

"Well, at least you're talking to me now. You never did-not since."

"I-you are Kim Jonghyun."

"Does that make me so bad?" Jonghyun looked at him-stared at him. Jinki never knew how brown Jonghyun's eyes were before.

"We don't fit." Jinki said back.

"We don't have to fit." Jonghyun said to him. The boy then suddenly pulled Jinki closer again. Their face  so dangerously close-Jinki closed his eyes. He couldn't look at Jonghyun. Not with Jonghyun's eyes looking so endearingly soft.

"I want to kiss you." the boy said. Jinki could feel his hot breath against his skin. Before he could say anything,Jonghyun's lips had already touched his. Jonghyun's lips were rough and chapped and tasted like ash and just ing perfect.

"I-" Jinki tried to say something-anything after Jonghyun's lips left him.

"I want to kiss you again."






Author's note: take note that Jonghyun was the one who said the last line. and i know this is a mess and i just don't know anymore.

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Chapter 1: please tell me there more!!!!
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 1: How can you make a common storyline so wonderful? They are so cute!
Blablastory #3
Chapter 1: Please write a sequel!
SweetChocoVanilla #4
Chapter 1: When the other want a sequel.. I do want a prequel..
*blinking cutely*
Chapter 1: So cute! Needs a sequel.
Chapter 1: aw.. well i couldn't blame Jonghyun for spreading the rumor XD oh my ^^ so cute
Chapter 1: Short and sweet bi liked it!! Thank you
y_nieq #8
so fluffy omg i want to squish something!!!