For You And Me

Just Another Day In Paradise


It's not his first love. His first love in middle school was straight, and never knew about Junhong's feelings. Junhong had been very hurt in the past because his so called best friend judged him for liking boys. It's a dark part of his life in which the only light he could see was the reflection on the razor.



But Yongguk's a different story. The man is 25, and likes his life. He's fun and natural. They meet at a party. Yongguk, drunk, seeks some fresh air and meets a bored Junhong outside. He cheerfully starts a conversation, but Junhong looks sad. Junhong ends up confessing his loneliness, Yongguk is a stranger, so he doesn't care. How easy it is to confess your darkest secrets to strangers. He probably will never see him again, and he's drunk anyway. But everything changes when Yongguk also confesses his hidden liking for boys, suddenly all serious.



They talk for hours, go back inside, find a nice corner to talk and bond. They get so close that at the end of the night, when Yongguk's yawning and Junhong's eyes are fighting to stay open, they curl up next to each other and fall asleep.


In the morning, Junhong wakes up with Yongguk his hair. He feels a bit nervous but Yongguk remembers everything and even asks if he can take care of him now.



They actually live a nice love-story. Junhong's finally free and appreciate life for what it is now : stolen kisses, giggles and cuddles, rough and sweet in every single room of Junhong's apartment, and even in a cinema once.


Junhong drowns in his scent every time, he's waiting for him to come home after his working hours - Yongguk's an intern in ER. And sometimes he even barely sees him in a week or even two, but when he comes to his apartment, he kisses the black bags under his eyes, his tears when he couldn't save a patient, his lips when he lets everything fall on the ground and runs to him as soon as he passes through his door.



Yongguk working a lot pushes Junhong into trying harder at school and college, he can catch the proud eyes Yongguk lays on him when he's in the middle of studying his law books, a mug of milk in one hand and a pen in the other, scribbling on his papers.



They've been dating for several months, and Junhong craves for more. He wants them to live together, but he waits, waits because he promised Yongguk he'd work hard. He waits to graduate, to prove he's worth him. Then he would agree to live with him, right ?



One night, he tries to reach him, they weren't supposed to see each other that night, but he just wanted to hear his voice. A stranger answers the call, saying that Yongguk just had a car accident.


Junhong rushes to the hospital, hardly breathing and unshed tears blurring his view.



At the reception, he's told by one of his colleagues the car accident was due to Yongguk's exhaustion after working straight for 25 hours. Junhong's also told that his family is already with him. The man avoid Junhong's eyes as he tries to hold back his tears, revealing Yongguk didn't make it.



Junhong's world collapses, and the most appalling feeling crushes his heart. He runs to Yongguk's room, not hearing the man trying to know how he's related to Yongguk.


When he reaches the room, where Yongguk lays on a stretcher, he stops before entering. He can see Yongguk's face, hardly recognizing him under the blood and bruises. Next to him, there is a woman with her child, crying her eyes out, lips sealed. She's squeezing Yongguk's hand in an attempt to wake him up, her boy silently watching her.



Junhong feels confused, he's already seen Yongguk's sister in a picture and that wasn't her. His eyes fall on the child's face as a nurse rushes to the woman, softly pulling her away. "Mrs Bang..." Junhong's eyes flutter to the woman, the feeling overtaking his chest. He feels sick but his eyes fall back on the child's face and he knows.



He knows these eyes, these lips, these features.


And he realizes.


His love was a lie.



Now everything makes sense. Why he'd gone to Yongguk's apartment only once, why the furniture looked so... un-Yongguk. Now he understood Yongguk's fear of displaying his affection in public.



He'd never thought he'd be the "other one". The one taking away the love of a husband, destroying families. But his year of dating Yongguk couldn't win against the little 3 years old standing a few meters away, making him face a reality he didn't want, turning himself into someone he wasn't.



Without a word, he slowly turns back, keeping his eyes from shutting in fear of drowning into pictures of the child. He walks as fast as he can. No one must see him. No one must know. Who he was, what he had done. Who he had just lost.



Reaching the hall of the hospital, he's not far from running out of the building, only stopping once he can feel the fresh air on his face.


He breathes deeply. For a moment he feels empty, but soon waves of anger, sadness, confusion stab his guts.



In one day, he'd lost the person who saved him. His love was taken away by a car, and by a year of lies. He couldn't even say goodbye, and he'd have to bear this pain alone.


Because no one must know.



No one must know that somewhere in the world there is a face, a young version of Yongguk, an eternal reminder that his love was a lie.




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bangyonggukofficial #1
Chapter 1: I remember this breaking my heart the first time I read it omg
Chapter 1: This is too much for me to handle! In so many levels! TT^TT I wanna cry! i would and should totally recommend this fic! <3
Chapter 1: This was so painful and sad yet so beautiful.
Whoa!~ Update soon lol it sounds intrseting ^^