
Lantern Memoirs


once upon a valley
don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
—— dr. seuss

There she sat next to him, hands placed on top of the still damp grass.  A silly grin decorated her face as they enjoyed the magnificent view in front of them. He had his legs crossed, laughing childishly while pointing at the glowing objects floating around the dark sky.


Their hairs were damp from running around all day long.


Despite her mother’s warnings of staying still, the little girl couldn’t burry her need to run free. Her hair was all over the place. What was a neat braid is now just a clump of loose hair.


The boy too, had his pants covered in mud from rolling around the hill. His parents didn’t nag as much as the girl’s did. As long as he didn’t lose anything, they’ll be fine. Too bad he lost his socks. A boy will be a boy after all.


Even so, they stayed there, laughing, as if everything will be fine. No, it’s not like the world’s ending, but making your parents angry could be similarly associated. Their eyes remained shining and their smiles did not falter.


They have stayed there for 30 minutes, oblivious to the fact that they are making their parents worried for disappearing without notice.


The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly appeared.


“Jungkook–ah!” A feminine voice shouted.


The boy looked behind him.


“Eomma!” He shouted as he ran towards his mother.


They hugged as the mother breathed a sigh of relief.


“Where did you go? I was so scared of losing you, oh, my poor boy!” She said.


The girl, curious as to all the ruckus, turned her head. There she saw a woman hugging her new friend. She didn’t move. She didn’t say anything. She just stood there, staring. Shortly after, another woman arrived. It was the girl’s mom.


“Oh, Jina… You shouldn’t have run off like that!” She scolded as she finally stood in front of her.


“Mianhae…” The girl mumbled.


Her mom shook her head, but eventually hugged her too. A few moments passed and the two mothers noticed each other’s presence, and of course, the two children.


“You found your boy too Kiyeon?” The girl’s mother asked.


“Yes… I suppose they ran off together while we were shopping for their Christmas presents.” The boy’s mom said, laughing.


“I suppose so…” The other answered, she too, laughed.


And so, the two mothers talked, giving their children some more time to enjoy the view of glowing lanterns floating above them. An annual lantern festival, their mothers told them.


And, without them noticing, time has passed. They bid their goodbyes with bright faces and sweaty limbs.


They might not know why the festival’s held, but they do know one thing for sure.


The two has never seen anything like it.

the writer's words

Here we are... The end of the story. So, did you enjoy it? Tell me on the comments down below and do care to give feedbacks (I'm sure you have tons, just go and tell me okay). Until then, goodbye!

P.S. If you read my other fics be notified that I'll be updating within this week so look forward to it!

< a tori creation >



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