
It was a mutually normal day, well, if you call normal being avoided by anything and everyone through out the day. Too bad I didn't give a damn. But, I did have a strange feeling deep inside, ignoring it like I did with half of everything else.

I stared out the window blankly, and the teacher didn't seem to care when she continued without stopping. Her eyes were on me the whole time though, just like everyone else in class. They all always seemed to have intent interest in me, but never approached and I sure as hell was not going to.

When the bell rang, I was the first to move. Black bag slung over my shoulder, I glanced at the frozen group of students and they began moving. Scrambling for their stuff with wary peeps at me.

I ignored it, their eyes, as I got out of the damned room. Lunch gave me some free time to sleep anyways. So, I headed to the usual spot.

The hall seemed to disperse into two where I walked. People averting or sidestepping away from me at all costs. I was tired and it didn't really matter to me.  Until I was face to face with biggest in this school.

"Yah, why do you, like, think your all bad?" MiNa, the leader, sneered with a scowl. My eyes scanned the silent crowd around us and her minions.Then, turned to her. Dark orbs clashing with her suddenly frightened, thick with mascara ones. Like a deer in headlights.

"Move." My voice was naturally monotone with a dash of cold. Hyuna's eyes just about popped out of their place as I brushed past her brusquely.

"Y-yah, I'm not afraid of you!" Her screech resonated in the hall I had just left. My destination coming to an end as I went up a flight of stairs behind a door.

With a content sigh, I placed my bag under my head and stretched in the shade. The weather was pretty normal, crossing my legs accordingly so it wouldn't unexpectedly catch in the refreshing breeze. Damn school board just had to pick a y mini skirt as a uniform... Their roof was acceptable though.

Just as my brain was shutting down temporarily from the world. I could feel someone staring at me. Creepy, I know, but I was used to it. Whoever it is probably thought I was asleep. Wrong.

"What?" One eye cracked opened to a guy with unusually thick lips who was probably just an inch taller then me. He was actually closer then he thought, and fell back on his when I did so with a squeak.

"Almost gave me a heart attack..." Mystery guy muttered under his breath, trying to catch it. Dramatic much?
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" My eyes were half-lidded now and he had calmed his heart. Sitting a few good feet away from me.

"Yeah..." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "I just, I've never been up here, and I thought I would and-and here you are." I blinked at him, his voice cracks a lot.

"Your not very good with words, you know that?" I wasn't trying to be funny, but he laughed. Ears going red.
"I've been told." The long silence must have been uncomfortable for him, the opposite in my case, since he kept on fidgeting. With a reluctant sigh, I spoke up.

"Are you going to leave or are you going to lay down,...?" I let the question hang for him to answer the unspoken one. He held out an outstretched hand nervously. An unsure, but warm smile spreading on his face.

"Niel or Daniel, Ahn Daniel." I was not a completely anti-social person, I knew how to greet myself. Being alone is just something I preferred and grew up doing.

"Bang Soul Jae, now leave or lay down and be quiet." Promptly, he laid down, keeping a five foot spacing between us, still under the same shade as my own. My eyes closed once again, estimating I only had a ten minuet nap due to the interruption...

The silence was peaceful and my mind went blank with no thoughts. Legs still crossed correctly, arms across my chest. I finally relaxed until...

"Your eyes are...strange." Without opening the subjects on hand. I replied, voice dripping with light sarcasm.

"Thanks, but I've been told worse." Niel's shifting was evidently heard. One orb opened once again to find a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"N-no, I mean, they are really pretty. But, really scary at the same time." A ghost of a smirk flitted in the depths of darkness he had just pointed out.

"You are definitely a fool with words. By the way," my vision moved to his mouth, "you have...strange lips for a Korean boy." They curved the slightest bit. Undeniably, he was considerably handsome.

"Thank you." My eyebrows furrowed subtly, a strange one this one was. But, my mind didn't discriminate as I realized today was the day I, an outcast, willingly made my first friend with the schools star soccer player Ahn Daniel.

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