2009: Nightmares and Confusions




I rustle in my bed, with a scared/sad expression on my face. I’m having the same nightmare again, where my secret is accidentally revealed and everyone starts to shun me. Taeyeon has kept my secret but I still worry about it being exposed and the worry turns into the nightmare. This happens at least three times a week. It’s that bad.


Right now, in my bad dream, I’m on my knees crying alone and I don’t know what to do. Suddenly, a flash of light starts to appear. I look up to see what it is, and I see Sunny’s smiling face. I walk over to her, feeling confused. She cups my face with both of her hands and starts to kiss my face. From my forehead, to the tip of my nose, to both of my cheeks. She then stares at me with hesitation, like asking for my permission. Then, I hear someone’s voice. “Hyoyeon-ah. Wake up, Hyoyeon-ah.”


*Back in reality*


I stir a little and slowly open my eyes to see my crush’s face near mine. My eyes widen and I let a tiny yelp in surprise.


“Good you’re awake. I was worried when I heard rustling coming from your room. You’re okay now, right?” my angel asks. ‘How long has she been watching me? Did I sleep talk in any way? SO MANY QUESTIONS!’ I stay silent because I’m trying to comprehend what just happened.


“Sigh. Come on. You need some breakfast,” she says and takes her hand out. I finally get the courage to move and take her hand in mine.


“Hold on. Before we eat, we should wipe that sweat off your face. Wait here.” She runs out of my room to get a towel while I collect my thoughts. 


‘OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED WHEN I WAS ASLEEP?! Did I have that weird frown on my face? Did she see that? Oh man she must think I’m a dork for looking like that! Eotteokh...’


“Okay, I found a towel! Huff, huff,” she runs in and says.


”Shouldn’t you use that towel on yourself,” I ask and smile seeing how worn out she looks. “It looks like you ran a marathon just to get here.”


“I wanted to do this as fast as I could so we could have breakfast together. Now hold still.” With her delicate hands, she brushes off any sweat that’s on my face. She pauses for a second and realizes how close are faces were. We both look at each other and it reminds me of the end of my nightmare, how she stared at me with hesitation. Before anything else could happen, I snap her back into reality. “Are YOU okay, Sun Bun?”


“O-Oh, yeah, I-I’m fine. Shall we get a move on?” she asks. I heard a few stutters in her sentence, but I chose to shrug it off.


“Sure,” I say whole heartedly. I wrap my arm around Sunny’s and smile at her. She smiles back with the same intensity and we walk out of my room. I feel so much better. :)


Hey, guys! I'm back! I'm REALLY sorry for the long wait. I couldn't come up with interesting ideas for 2009. I hope you won't hate me for this chapter. I kind of stinks, in my opinoin, but I don't know what you think.

So... Comment, subcribe, and upvote this story if you liked it. Expect more!

Love Ya! <3


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YAY! I updated AND edited! I feel so proud of myself. Hope you like it, readers! :)


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PipTheTerror #1
Hyo must make dat move! :P
Loving it so far, dude.

Sunny's natural flirt is KILLER :O If I were Hyo, I'd be driven to madness. MADNESS :O

- PiP.
Chapter 9: I swear from the sounds of it Sunny already knows...

Anywho... I think getting rejected hurts but regretting hurts more... Hyo's got to make her move soon!
</3 My taengsic heart....
Chapter 7: Wae Sica?!?!?!?! Oh my TaengSic heart hurts soooooo bad... T_T Why do I ship Taengsic when I know I will only hurt from it...

Good chapter btw... Me likes!
Chapter 5: Wahahahahaha... I think Sunny is totally working Hyoyeon...
And TaengSic drama in the background?!
Chapter 3: Oh hey you updated :3 I like it Lol from this chapter I see that SunnyBunny probably feels the same way ;)
Chapter 3: I think it's sweet... Something's happening...!! Kekeke...
Oh, hey... I found this hilarious gif of HyoSun/Violent Couple... http://25.media.tumblr.com/0da37c699af1d953117f68d797eb7e37/tumblr_miupr3M8Vq1qcackso1_500.gif
Chapter 2: Need more details, author-nim! >_< We need some conflict or suspense or drama... I'm sure you have something installed for us soon... Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: YAY! Welcome to being an author, author-nim!