❝ ✼ ⋮ RULES

❝ ✼ ⋮ winterbreeze roleplay。fb-roleplay ; RE-OPENED 072714 ; HIRING 2 ACTIVE ADMINS < 3


     ❝ ✼ ⋮ RULES

01 only one account per . character changing is limited up to 3 times.

02 check the masterlist if your desired idol is available and comment down who you wanna be. you only have 3 days to submit your link. don't ask, i like number 3.

03 subscribing and upvoting is optional but it is very much appreciated. There isn't any password.

04 set your alternate name as "winterbreeze" you're free to put anything in your about me.

05 after you have made your accounts, add the admins {click me for the links}. add the other members only after any one of the admins accepted you. no adding of outsiders. like duh.

06 be active. go online at least twice a week. at least, okay?

07 I kid, there is a password. Just answer this question: "What do you think of when you hear the word Winter?"

08 no real life dramas. no bashing/bullying. we'll kick you out immediately..

09 apply by saying who you want to be, and with the password.

e.g "I want to be Krystal from F(x), with(out) group +Password"

10 only three and yuri couples will be accepted. kthxbye..



L I N K S:

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Chapter 2: I want to be Suzy of MissA, with group
naeun is leaving :c
Chapter 2: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007158940699&success=1

Lay's here.
lazypotato #4
soz. bora is leaving :c

donghae here
checked + updated.

- jung junior.
Chapter 2: I want to be donghae of suju.

Chapter 1: https://www.facebook.com/fkyeahxoxo

i want to be naeun of a pink.
// snowflakes & beautiful colorful lights! < 3
Chapter 3: Checked but not updated.
