blue sweaters & beer stains

The inevitable

You never really understand a person until you concider things from his point of view- annoyed at haveing  been disturbed i put the book down and answer my shrilling phone


"hey min young its hee jin"

"hey umm is every thing alright is there something you need" dont get me wrong  its not that she often only calls me for favours  its the fact that she hardly ever calls me at all i mean its not like i expect her to talk to me everyday like we used to when we were kids we were quite close cousins when we were younger but not since i moved away for a while.

"i need a favour"

well this is breaking news

"what is it is something wrong"

"no i just need you to pick me up at a party the friend i was supposed to go with has totally ditched me and my parents sorta dont know im here sooooo...."

nice friends.

"wait its 12:30 on a friday night what are you doing partying at this time"

"look i dont need a lecture i need a ride are you coming or not" she says testily

i honestly dont know why i do these things"where are you?"


i run down the stairs while jamming my sneakers on at the same time its harder then it sounds trust me.mum was watching telly so it wasnt so hard to sneak out the front door to my beat up beetle. Most people get flashy cars when they first get thier license but i perfered something a little less blatant.i speed over to the address hee jin texted me earlier  before my mum realised i was missing having not  completely forgetting  my way around the neighbourhood i soon come to a stop outside a decent sized white pent house.i stepped out the car and could feel thecold winter wind hit my face and  the vibration of the music through the ground i shiver in my blue sweater.God i hated places like this dont go jumping to conclusions thinking im a boring old square who needs to get out more its just way too many people at places like this.The entance of the house is pouring out with people i spot hee jin amoungst them and wave her over she stumbles toward me meeting her half way a foul smell enters my nostrils 

"are you drunk?"

"na-ah..........well maybe a little"she smiles goofily"its not my fault you were taking so long to come so i got alittle bored and-"

"but half the people here are underage how the hell did they manage to get a hold of alcohol "

she opens to answer i cut her off

"you know what i dont think i wanna know lets just get going"i make a move to drag her back to the car 

"wait i think i forgot my bag inside"she hiccups

"so go get it"

"im too tired please you go"

really i dont know why

"alright where is it"

"behind the-"*hiccup "sofa" she finishes 

"wait in the car" i say tossing her the keys hering the loud thump of the music i make my way in side only to be met by a buch of hot sweatt bodies grinding against eachother oh hell no i avoid them by moving around them i spot hee jins bag and make towards it with the bag in my i hand i swiftly turn around only to bump into a solid chest feeling a cold wet  i lokk down only to see beer soaking its way into my sweater great just the thing i nedd right now.

"watch where your going"

i look upto the person responsible only to be met by a tall boy with razor sharp cheeckbones yes its one of the first things i notice


"hey" he continues "your the one that bumped into me okay theres no need to look so shocked"

you cant be serious "are you crazy! you ran into me and spilt your beer all over my sweater"

"trust me ruining your sweater i did you and everyone who had to see it a  fovour"

i stood there dumbfounded at this persons arrogance and his ability of making me hate his guts within 5 minutes of even knowing him

"aww man"  he says tipping his cup upide down "you owe me another drink"

"and you owe me another sweater !" i yell befor stalking off  jeez what a jerk





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