Chapter *1 [4 Years ago]

You're Still the One

“Let’s Break up Jin.”

      Michie said, Holding back her tears.



      Jin said, confused. Doesn’t have any idea what is going on.



My Jin… if you only knew, I never wanted to do this. My gentle Jin… Please don’t cry, I don’t want to see you cry. Please don’t cry Jin. It’s killing me… My sweet and gentle Jin, I’m so sorry…


      Michie turns back, she doesn’t want Jin to see her tearful eyes…

“Why can’t you understand?! Jin please!! You are a smart student. You’re the president of the class. Don’t be stupid!! I don’t love you anymore!!”



      The only word that comes out from Jin’s lips.


“I know we have been in the midst of circumstances, But we can do this, Baby… Please don’t let go… Please…”

      Jin added,


Michie couldn’t take it anymore… she wanted to hug Jin, the man he loves, her Prince…

But she have to end their relationship now, because she know, Jin will be more hurt when he found out about her illness.

Michie just can’t say any word, because if she does, her tears would tumbling down…

But she got surprised on the next thing happened,

Jin hugged him from the back… making her stiff.


“I don’t want to let you go. I love you so much, Michie…”

      Jin said

“But I don’t love you anymore. And you doing this, I’m feeling so much hatred towards you.”

      Michie yelled,


She removed Jin’s arms form her. Face Jin and said

“I don’t want to see you anymore! Please get out of my life!!”

And she walks away,


Michie’s POV*

As I walk away from Jin, My Tears flows from my eyes, to the fact that all I can see is blurred. I am expecting him to follow me, but I wish he don’t. It will just be more complicated.

Jin is the best man I’ve ever met. I truly loved him. I really really do. But I had to let him go.




Hello~! ^^ Sorry it takes so long after I updated.. I waited for the poster to came before I updated my story ^^ So what do you think? :) Tell me~ Comment below! ^^

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