Jin/Suga- Good Intentions (Dear Jin)

A Game Called FEELS

this chapter is mostly Jin/Amy-centric, but there is a HEAVY side of Yoongi/Arynn ^^ enjoy~


Amy blushed as Jin wrapped a large pink scarf around her neck. All of the gang was going out for coffee, at Taehyung and Arynn's favorite place, called Caffe Bene. They all squeezed into the corner table and ordered their drinks. Amy sat between Jimin and Jin and Arynn sat between Yoongi and Taehyung. Amy could see Yoongi's fingers intertwined tightly with her friend's underneath the table and she immediately gasped, gaining looks from everyone.

"Yoongi oppa! Arynn-ah!" Amy said. They looked at her quizzically. Amy turned to Jimin, who was next to Taehyung, and told him to grab their hands. Jimin grinned mischievously as he reached over and grabbed both of their wrists. Arynn and Yoongi both looked away, and after an awkward cough, Namjoon--who was across from Arynn--finally spoke up.

"So who asked who?"

The whole table erupted in laughter and Arynn squeezed Yoongi's hand tighter. "Wh-what's so funny?"

Jungkook--who was next to Hoseok--decided to answer that. "Well noona, we all knew that you two liked each other, but we were placing bets to see who would confess first. So…?"

Yoongi grinned. "She did."

Jin and Amy and Taehyung high-fived. Everyone else complained. Arynn pouted. "What the heck guys??"

Amy laughed. "Well, I knew you'd confess your feelings, Arynn. After all, you're too sweet on this boy."

Hoseok leaned forward in his seat, his eyes wide with curiosity. "How did she confess, hyung?"

Yoongi didn't know it, but his lips unconsciously pulled back in a smile. 

In his raspy morning voice, he said "Well, yesterday she we were picking up groceries for dinner, she was shivering a lot. I asked her if she was cold, but she denied it. I called her bluff and wrapped her up in my big gray scarf. She seemed to like that as she buried her face in it. Later I figured out that she did that because she liked the smell of the scarf." he chuckled a bit and continued, "Anyway, when we got back home, she kept coming up to me and then walking away, as if she had something to say. She never gave me my scarf back in this time. Finally, around midnight, she burst into my room with Jin--who was sleeping like a log--and suddenly shoves the scarf into my arms…"


Arynn the scarf into Yoongi's arms. He looked utterly confused, but all Arynn could stammer out was, "Th-thanks oppa."

Yoongi laughed at her. "Yah, why are you stammering?"

Arynn gulped visibly and scratched her neck. She could feel her legs about to give out as she said, "Oppa…I have something to tell you."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and made a gesture for the younger girl to continue. 

Arynn took a deep breath and in the Daegu intonation she said, "Oppa, I know we haven't known each other for that long, but I really like you."


"I was shocked." Yoongi explained. He turned to Arynn, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand. "I've been meaning to ask you, where did you learn the Daegu intonation?"

Arynn cheekily grinned. "From Taehyung-ah, of corse."

Yoongi smiled and pressed a chaste kiss to Arynn's forehead, eliciting whistles from the other members. Arynn desperately wanted the attention off of her, so she turned to Amy and said, "Unnie, don't you have something to confess?"

Amy blushed, her ears turning bright red. "I-uhm-" she quickly glanced at Jin before shaking her head. "N-no, nothing that I can think of…"

Arynn pouted, but turned to her boyfriend. "Oppa, why do you like me?"

Yoongi laughed and patted her hair, not answering the question.

Jin chuckled. "I can tell you why. He wouldn't stop telling me."

Yoongi's ears went slightly red, but he held his ground of not speaking, and let Jin continue.

"Yoongi-ah likes you because you simultaneously treat him with respect and you pamper him like a baby prince. He really enjoys being pampered by you, in your odd ways. That's why he's always being so affectionate with you, something he usually doesn't partake in."

Arynn tilted her head/. "Oppa what do you mean by that?"

Yoongi sighed dreamily. "You take care of me well, even if it's in the oddest ways. You confessed to me in my dialect. You always make sure every piece of clothing in my room is in the right place. You like to fix my hair. It's little things like that." he paused, "And why do you like me, Arynn-ah?"

Arynn giggled. "Your voice. Your voice seduced me, played with my heart, told me it was okay for my walls to crumble down."

Yoongi clicked his tongue. "I see."

Jin huffed. "Don't let your guard down too easily, Arynn-ah. Yoongi has a sweet face, but he is a very blunt person, in his words and his actions. And If I know MIn Yoongi, he's already seen Arynn-ah without proper clothes on."

Arynn squeaked at that and Yoongi glared holes through Jin's head, but the oldest hyung kept his ground.

Arynn finally spoke up, "W-well, that's not true, exactly…he saw me in my pajamas and well…he kissed me too. B-but just a goodnight kiss!" 

Yoongi elbowed Arynn lightly on the side to tell her to stop talking.



Taehyung grinned. "Ah, even though it's hyung, I envy you two a lot. You have a lot of aegyo, Arynn-ah, and when you're sweet on someone, you're really sweet on them."

Arynn smiled. "Well thanks Tae." she grinned evilly. "I think that Amy is like that too, just in different ways. Like, she'll wake you up if you're running late, make your lunch for you, pick out your outfit…" Arynn paused. "She's the motherly type."

Jimin snickered. "Jin is the motherly type too."

Arynn hit the other 95liner. She was sitting in the practice room with only them, as they were trying to plot how to get Amy to fall into Jin's arms.

"Well, it's almost christmas. What if we tell both of them that the other has a gift prepared for them and that they should work incredibly hard to give back a gift?" Taehyung asked.

Arynn snapped her fingers. "That's a wonderful idea! I'll tell Amy and you guys tell Ji-"'

The door to the practice room suddenly opened, revealing the evil maknae, Jungkook.

"Kookie, what do you want? This is adult business." Jimin teased.

Jungkook glowered at him and turned to Arynn. "Noona-"

"How many times must I tell you? Don't call me Noona, Kookie!"

Taehyung grinned. "Ugugu, Kookie is feeling empowered today?"

Jungkook slammed the door to the dance studio, startling the three friends. 

Arynn stood up. "Kookie?" she asked, walking closer to him.

"Yah Noona! Watch your tongue, or else I'll tell Jin hyung exactly who likes him."

Arynn raised an eyebrow. "Excuse  me? I'm your elder!"

Jungkook walked closer to her. Arynn hadn't ever noticed it before, but Jungkook was really tall. The younger boy towered over her small frame and she really did feel intimidated by him until Taehyung pulled her away and whispered in her ears, "Don't mind him. He gets like this sometimes. The best thing to do is abide by his wishes."

Arynn sighed. "Okay Kookie. I'm sorry. What would you like?"

Jungkook grinned, grabbed Arynn's wrist and pulled her to the dorms, Taehyung and Jimin trailing closely behind them. 

When they arrived at the dorms, Jungkook removed his shoes and tugged Arynn into the living room, barely letting her get her own shoes off. Jimin and Taehyung quickly ran in with them, only to see Jungkook's arm s around Arynn's waist, his face dangerously close to hers. Taehyung bit his fingernails. Jungkook was trying to start a fight.

Arynn swallowed slowly. "Kookie…what are you doing right now?"

"What do you think?" he asked, his lips and leaning closer.

"Think about this carefully." she said quietly, barely above a whisper.

"I already have."

Amy walked in, laughing with Yoongi and Jin. When the three of them saw what was happening, they all stopped dead in their tracks. Yoongi didn't even get time to process what was happening, and before he knew it, Amy had Arynn in her arms, and Jin had Jungkook in his. 

"Yah! What the hell are you trying to pull?" Jin asked. "You know that she's taken!"

Jungkook huffed, refusing to talk. Jin looked about ready to hit him, when Amy took his fist, gently rubbing it and unclenching the knuckles. Jin was immediately calmed by her touch, and let go of Jungkook.

Before Jungkook was out of the room, he said, "Mission success."



It was the week before Christmas when Jimin and Taehyung came into Yoongi and Jin's room. 

"Hyung! Hyung!"

Jin looked up from his reading. "Yes?"

"We have big news!" they said in unison.

"Okay, go on." he said, his interest piqued.

Taehyung mailed. "I heard Arynn and Amy talking about presents for everyone and apparently, Amy has something really special planned for a certain someone~." Taehyung mused, as he ruffled his hyung's hair.

Jin felt a blush creeping up his cheeks. "F-for me?"

Jimin nodded eagerly. "Hyung! This is a good time for you to give her an extra special present too!"

Jin bit his thick lower lip. He hadn't thought that Amy would have such an extravagant present for him, but any present was nice. Jin looked out the window. Small crystalline flakes were falling from the sky, and Jin had the urge to run out into the snow without a care in the world. He smiled. He remembered Amy telling him that she liked the snow too. Jin his lips carefully, and let the two boys leave his room before getting to work. He pulled a bag from underneath his bed. Yoongi came out of the bathroom, hair wet and rubbing his eyes. "Hyung, what are you doing?"

Jin blew the dust off of his knitting needles and smiled dreamily. "I'm going to knit something."

"Like what?"

"A scarf."

Yoongi laughed. "You're so lovestruck for her."

Jin almost choked. "W-what?"

"I said, you're lovestruck for Amy."

Jin looked away. "Is it that obvious?" he thought.

As if reading his mind, Yoongi grinned. "And yeah, it's that obvious. But I can help you."

Jin looked up at him. "What? How?"

Yoongi grinned. "Well, the best way to get a girl to confess to you is to do the jealousy test."

"The what?"

"You have to see if she'll get jealous, hyung."

"How will I do that?"

Yoongi smiled. "For one day, I'll let you hit on my girlfriend, okay? That scarf you're knitting…give it to Arynn instead of Amy. If Amy gets angry, then you know she likes you."

Jin pouted. "But then won't she hate me?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No, because you're going to give…" he paused to rummage through Jin's drawer. "-This to her~." he said, holding out Jin's old charm bracelet. His older brother made that for him when he was 11 and Jin had kept it ever since. But as he got older, the bracelet didn't fit on him. 

Jin still frowned. "But Yoongi, I didn't make that."

Yoongi was still grinning. "I know. So you need to go buy some new charms, okay?"

Jin finally cracked a smile. "You really thought this out, hm?"

"I'm trying to help you, hyung. Don't get all mushy now."

Jin scoffed and flipped his best friend off before taking the charm bracelet from Yoongi and putting it in his pocket.



Arynn ran into her room with Amy and flopped on the bed. The older girl looked up from her computer screen and smiled. "Hey, what's up Arynn-ah?"

"I have good news, unnie!"

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Really? What is it?"

Arynn ran her hands through her hair. "Jin oppa. I heard Yoongi talking to him and he said that he was planning a HUGE gift for you on Christmas!"

Amy buried her face in her scarf. "I-well, that's certainly sweet of him…"

"You need to make a gift for him too!"

Amy nodded. "That seems fair."

Arynn giggled. "Good, let's think of a good one together!"

Amy started, "It must be something pink…"

Arynn nodded. "Yes and it must be something fluffy, because have you seen his face?"

Amy laughed at that. "Yes, I know. I get it."

Arynn's lips tugged a bit. "What's your idea?"

"I'm going to draw him a caricature of himself and…" she looked hopefully at Arynn. "Could you help me sew a teddy bear~?" 

Arynn pursed her lips a bit. "Yes, I can unnie. But you owe me big time!"

Amy hugged her friend. "Of course, dongsaeng!"


The next few days were quiet. Everyone was busy at their little projects. Finally, a week had passed and Jin was ready. He put the pretty baby blue scarf in a cute bag and had the charm bracelet in a box in his jacket pocket. Everyone was gathered in the living room. He saw Amy and Arynn come out of the room too, and they exchanged giggles. Amy was holding a medium sized bag and something long and skinny. Arynn was carrying small little boxes, eight to be exact. 

Jin felt his heart leap with excitement. Once everyone was gathered, Namjoon raised his glass of apple cider. 

"We are lucky to all be living our dreams here. Together, we stand. All of us pursuing different goals, all of us under the same roof. We should bless our families, bless ourselves, and most importantly, bless each other for our good health and good luck."

Everyone smiled widely. "Ganbae~!" and clinked the glasses together.

There was small talk and some chatter, but everyone knew what they were waiting for. As soon as the clock struck 10 o'clock, it was time for gift exchanging.

Since Arynn had a present for everyone, she offered to start. "Guys, I took a while doing this, so you better appreciate it!" she giggled and handed every person a box. They all opened them at once, and smiled. Each of them had a friendship bracelet with their names woven into them, and a charm in them. Each person's charm was different and unique to them. Yoongi was smiling the hardest, as his was a golden microphone. He laughed. "This is cute, jagi~."

Arynn beamed. Next was Amy. She set her bag down and handed the long, skinny present gently to Jin, then placed the bag at his feet too. Jin felt a lump form in his throat and for what seemed like decades he couldn't swallow. But he was finally able to get himself together, in time to murmur out a thank you, to which Amy graced him with a smile.

And they continued around the circle until they got to the last person, Jin. Jin's heart was pounding as he took his bag, smiling as naturally as he could. He noticed his hands were a bit clammy, but he was confident in himself. He strode over to the two girls in two steps, standing a good distance away from both of them. Jin took the baby blue scarf he had spent days knitting and fixing and re-doing and then weaving the pretty silver and dark blue beads into the stitching. He wanted so badly to think of Arynn when he knitted it so that he wouldn't feel as bad, but he continuously thought of Amy. But he knew it'd look good on either of the girls. He took a deep breath and wrapped the scarf securely around Arynn's neck. Arynn tilted her head, confused and then it took her a millisecond to realize what was happening. She stole a sharp glance at Jimin and Taehyung, who also looked stunned with confusion. 

Amy drooped her shoulders and slowly walked out of the living room, into her shared room with Arynn. The door didn't slam, and no sobs or wails could be heard. The room became deadly quiet, and then Jimin snapped. 

"Yah hyung! What the was that?"

Jin turned to Jimin after he'd finished adjusting the scarf in Arynn. He was right, it made her look like a snow princess. Still, that was nothing compared to Amy. "What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you give a present to Amy?"

"He was testing her." Yoongi spoke up. 

Arynn scoffed at her boyfriend. "Oh no, what did you do, jagiya?"

Yoongi rubbed her arms. "I told Jin to make her jealous, to see if she liked him or not."

"Of course she likes him, you dummy!"

Yoongi shrugged. "We had to make sure. I was hoping with the competition of you as an obstacle, she'd confess her feelings."

"I'm not her competition though!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I know, but-"

"No buts, Min Yoongi! Jimin, Taehyung, and I were all plotting to push them together. I told her that Jin was preparing a gift for her and the 95ers told Jin that Amy was preparing a gift for him. They'd see how much time and effort went into the presents and then they'd confess to each other!"

Yoongi looked down sheepishly. Then he felt a harsh smack to his head. He wasn't mad, because he knew Arynn only had good intentions for Jin and Amy. As had he.



One week passed and Amy hadn't spoken to Jin since. She hadn't received the bracelet that the others soon figured out that Jin had prepared for her. She hadn't sobbed, or wailed. She had sat quietly in her room, staring at the faded tan color of her walls. Arynn tried to get her to speak or eat or something but no words came out. Her appetite wasn't gained back. And she refused to leave the room. Multiple times Arynn left the room sobbing. She couldn't help blaming herself for the events that had played out. If she had just told Amy to be direct, told her to tell Jin how she felt…

Yoongi was in the living room, drinking orange juice and sifting through his phone. It was late morning and he was worried because Amy's bad appetite had begun to rub off on Arynn. Just as he thought this, Arynn quietly opened the door to their room, closed it and walked straight past him, tears streaming down her face as she sat on the bathroom floor, head in her knees. 

The boys gathered around her, with Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon in the front. 

Yoongi knelt down. "Ugugu, don't cry babe. It hurts me."

Arynn ignored that and didn't respond. Namjoon spoke up, "Why are you even crying?"

Arynn lifted her head. "I-it's my fault. I made her like this. I was the one who insisted-"

"Don't say that when you know we came up with it together." Jimin chimed in, though she couldn't see him. Arynn was about to retort him, but all of a sudden, someone was pushing through the crowd. She saw Amy in front of her, a sad smile on her lips.

"Now Arynn-ah, why are you crying like this?"

They were the first words that Amy had spoken to her since the incident, and similar to the first words Amy had ever spoken to her.


Arynn shifted uncomfortably on the couch. The leather squeaked and squished underneath her. The petite, beautiful asian woman next to her shot her a glance, but quickly went back to her music. Arynn glanced back and they played this game for 10 minutes until the asian girl turned directly toward her and said, "Why are you being like this?'

Arynn squeaked under her gaze. "I don't understand what you mean."

"We're going to be roommates and you haven't even told me your name. I'm Amy. I'm a 95liner."

Arynn laughed at her straightforwardness. "Im Arynn. I'm a 96liner. So I guess you're my unnie."


Arynn wiped her tears with her jacket. Amy had brought the scarf, but Arynn shook her head. "I don't wa-"

Amy clucked her tongue. "You can't just reject a gift of this caliber. Take the gift, girly." she said, wrapping the scarf around the younger girl's neck carefully before helping her up and turning to the boys. "Excuse us."

Jin blocked her way. "A-Amy-ah…"

"Not now, Jin. And not here."

Jin nodded and felt a lump form in his throat. Her tone was colder than usual and she wasn't looking at him. She quickly escorted Arynn to their bedroom and tucked her into bed. When she came back out, she had another gift, wrapped and everything. 

"I was working on this, Jin oppa. I hope you don't mind."

"You're giving me another present?"

"This one is a late birthday present."

Jin swallowed hard and opened the bag. There was a cute little bunny plush in it and a letter attached to its chest. 

Jin smiled. "You didn't have to get me this, Amy-ah."

"Yes, well I wanted to. I heard what you guys had planned. And while I don't agree with your methods, I understand why you might plan things like that. It took me a while to accept, but once I did, I went quickly to work."

Jin pulled the small box from his pocket. "I've had this for a while now, Amy. I wanted to give it to you, honestly. But I didn't have the courage."

Amy smiled. "I'll open mine first then." she said and pulled out the beautiful charm bracelet. There was a red ice cream cone, a pink heart (outlined in silver), a sun, a music note, and three snowflakes. Amy immediately put it on and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in awe. "It's magnificent."

Jin blushed a little before opening his letter.


Dear Jin, 

I don't know if you'll ever take the time to open this letter and read every single word I inscribe on this thin piece of paper, but if you do, I want you to know that you took over my life. In the span of a few months, I fell head over heels for you, though I was always in denial. My denial gave way to other things, such as shyness and insecurity, but rooted in that was fear. I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same for me. I am appalled that I thought such things, but I will never regret the times that I was in your presence. Being around you send butterflies coursing through my veins. 

I just want you to know that I love you.




It was February and the love bird was calling. Two pairs of hands intertwined. One pair that was easygoing, straightforward, sweet. The other was shy, gentle, and bashful. 

Both were in love.



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the_wabbit #1
Chapter 28: A monster drabble!?!? Heaven help my ovaries! :D
Chapter 21: Waahh!! Authornim you got me again!! Aigoo!! I did not see thaf comming!! Hehe update soon!! :)
the_wabbit #3
I love this! I should start having a one shot contest with my friends! :) great idea guys! Also thank you for posting them! It's so hard to find great BTS fanfics! C:
My gosh!! You just made me fall in love with Jin 5x more than I already am. Haha update soon!!!!
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh. My feels are just all over the place!! Haha update soon please!! Im already dying inside! Jin oppa!!