
A Good Night's Sleep

Teukie groaned, blinking sleepy eyes at the ceiling. He realised it was his bedroom, the one he shared with Heechul.

Why was he…?

Oh, he must have fallen asleep while going over tomorrow’s schedule.

“Ah it’s so tiring sharing a room with you,” a sarcastic sigh reached his ears and Teukie turned his head to see the diva in question walking in with a tray of food.

Heechul smiled and put the try on the table next to Teukie’s bed. “Got you dinner. Eat it well I made it myself,”

“But you can’t cook…” Leeteuk murmured.

“I can, I just choose not to. I cook for myself when no one’s around.” Heechul smirked. “And now I’m cooking for you, because you’re tired.”

Leeteuk blinked up at him like he didn’t understand. In fact he was touched that Heechul would do something like that for him.

“Do you want me to feed you? Or can you do it yourself?” a smirk appeared on Heechul’s face, but there was no malice in the expression.


“I’ll feed you. Come on, sit up,” Heechul helped Teukie to sit and stacked the pillows against the headboard for him before pulling over the tray and picking up some rice with his chopsticks and offering it to Leeteuk.

As he feed Teukie, he talked.

“You just go back to sleep after this,” he said. “You’re tired and need your rest,”

“But, the schedule – “

“I already took care of it. Members have been informed of their activities for the next week and they’re hanging on the fridge. I’ve told several variety shows which members we can send and when and got approval from the managers.

I’ve organised our tour dates with Sooman-hyung and the venues we’re going and where we’ll stay. Fansignings and fan-meets have been organised to the last detail.

helped Sungmin cook dinner tonight and I put everyone to bed, I cleaned the dorm so we won’t have to worry about anyone falling over mess in the morning and I set the alarms so everyone gets up at different times.

That way we won’t have everyone clambering for the bathroom at once. I’ve instructed several of our dongsaengs to shower in the morning so there’s enough hot water for you to shower tonight. Now my only duty is looking after you,”

Heechul didn’t look directly at him while he spoke, nor after he was done, he just calmly fed the older and waited for him to speak.

“You did all that?”

Heechul nodded. “I’m the oldest second to you, and technically I am the sub-leader. It’s not fair that all the responsibility falls to you only. Besides, you take such good care of us, it’s time to start giving back. Our dongsaengs can’t look after you, they need you too much, but I can. And I’ll be the one to look after you, because you look after everyone but yourself. Now you won’t have to worry, you have me.”


“I don’t want to hear any argument Teuk, once I’ve made up my mind I’m not likely to change it.

You’re over-worked and tired and I bet you weren’t planning on eating tonight either.

You need someone to look out for you, and I want that person to be me. Okay? Let me take care of you, and no complaints.” Heechul said with a firm tap on Teukie’s shoulder.

“I don’t mind doing all the work…” Leeteuk mumbled.

“I know that. But I worry Jungsu, I always worry. I am taking half of your workload and –“

“But – “

“No no shut the up I’m talking. Now where was I? Oh yes, I’m taking half your workload, and I’ve already organised days off for everyone. And guess what? Your day off is tomorrow with mine.

So, there will be no work, no worrying, no nothing. You are going to sleep until midday, we’re going to eat then we’re having a lazy day watching horror movies. It’s already been decided so don’t even try to complain,”

Leeteuk stared at the diva for a long time, before slowly he smiled. “Heechul, you really are just a big softie.”

“Tell the others and I’ll gut you,” Heechul warned with a wave of his chopsticks. “This can’t get out what will people think? That I care about people around me and that just won’t do. I couldn’t care less about any of you, you guys know that,”

Leeteuk smiled at Heechul’s grin. “Yes sir All Mighty Ice Prince Heenim,”

“That’s right. And don’t you forget it.” Heechul chuckled.

Heechul put aside the food and helped Teukie lay back down again, tucking the covers around him.

“I love you Jungsu,” he murmured kissing the older’s forehead. “Don’t forget that you will always have someone that loves you and to take care of you.”

“I know. I love you too Chul,” Teukie said yawning. “Thank you for taking care of everything,”

“Better get used to it, because you’re my top priority from now on,” Heechul winked. “Goodnight Jungsu, sleep well.”

“I’d sleep better with you in here with me,” Leeteuk said boldly.

Heechul looked back with a raised eyebrow, before he smirked. “Alright, whatever the leader wants.” And he snuggled under the covers with Leeteuk, cradling him to his chest until they both fell asleep.


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Chapter 1: This is so sweet!
thalitabisessualah #2
Chapter 1: Aw, this is sooo cute. I really loved it! ^^
Chapter 1: Awww. This is short but so cute.
hebteuk #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute~
Chapter 1: jjsfgfvjnvifigoasfgn omg so fluffy and sweet!! I'm gonna die T____T
Chapter 1: Isn't they lovely? omg *dies
WeSmokeDreams #7
Chapter 1: Oh god, i think my heart just melted...actually, i'm pretty sure it's sliding down my ribcage just about now. But nonetheless this was so sweet....=3= it's the first story i read with heechul and leeteuk as a main pairing and i'm glad i clicked it. So yeah, thanks for sharing and i'm gonna go subscribe now, k?^^
Chapter 1: i love this,, awwwwww sweeettt <3 <3
IAmToastFood #9
Chapter 1: *comments* C:
Not really into Teukchul that much cause Kangteuk exists but I liked it in this fic ^_^ Keke Heechul's kinda sweet in this ^^