He who came from the stars

Let me tell you a story but first, let us begin on the 8th Year of Emperor Yi Sun's reign. Rumours were flying around that there is a girl more beautiful than the Emperor's wife. Everyone who saw the King's wife was either madly in love or extremely jealous of her beauty. The King would not believe that someone would be more beautiful than his wife, so he posed as a scholar and went to see for himself. 

He arrived at a dirty lane at the back of the Capitol where he inquired an old man about a pretty girl that lived somewhere near here. "Yes, that young lady lives by herself on the streets. She steals for a living with a group of other children. They're usually at the end of this lane," and pointed in the direction to the forest. 

"Thank you," the Emperor said and headed off desperate to find that girl. He peered around every house, the girl was not to be found. It was when the Emperor was about to give up when he heard a commotion nearby. He hurried to see what was happening and found someone screaming "Give me back my money! Give me back my money!!" 

He saw a girl running off into the forest with bruised and bloodied feet. A man in the nick of time, grabbed her tattered collar and flung her against the wall where she fell into a heap. He continously kicked her and pulled a purse out of her grasp. The emperor stared at girl and immediately knew she was the girl everyone was talking about even though her face was dirty and covered in bruises. He immediately fell in love with her and ordered the two guards beside him to take her back to the palace. 

The maids washed her and tended her wounds. They then dressed her in the finest silk hanbok and braided her beautiful hair. And indeed she was beautiful. Her skin glowed beautifully white and her beautiful eyes glittered like stars. She was presented before the Emperor and he was extremely pleased with her. He made her his concubine and their wedding was celebrated one week later. 

Who was she? Her name is Yoorim. She is 15 years old. It was said she was the daughter of a fisherman who drowned while fishing at sea. Her mother died while giving birth to her. Yoorim spent 10 years stealing to survive.

Yoorim never felt hunger, cold or pain again. Everyday she grew more and more beautiful and the Emperor felt more and more in love with her. The Empress became a loving big sister to her. She would spend the days teaching Yoorim painting, reading, writing, poetry, music and dancing. The Empress was extremely talented in Gayageum (a traditional plucking instrument) and Yoorim always enjoyed listening to her play.

It was one day during the year Yoorim became a concubine, the Empress became pregnant. She became weak and very sick. Yoorim visited her everday but the Empress was so sick that she refused to eat anything. Yoorim went into the palace gardens everyday and practised the gayageum. 

One bitterly cold spring day, Yoorim decided to visit the world outside the palace and with the Emperor's permission, she dressed herself as a commoner and with a palace guard's company, she exited the palace, back where she grew up. 

Kai comes from a planet called EXO. EXO citizens are humans who are one step closer to being a god. They never age by the time they get to 18, can live for well over a thousand years and they each have their own special powers. They have many duties depending on their special powers. Now Kai's power is teleportation. It's not a very popular neither favourable power which meant that he had a lot of free time and that resulted in boredom. One very boring day, he decided to visit Earth.

It is said that they fell in love with each other at first sight. How? The details weren't specified but it must have been a very wonderful first encounter, or maybe an awkward one? I'm betting for the wonderful one, let's make this story as happy as possible. 

Kai returned home with his heart racing. It was feeling he had never felt before, it was love, but love was forbidden in EXO. It was seen as a distraction from duty. If you loved someone, you would be exiled from EXO forever.

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