Silver and Gold

Sliver and Gold

When Jinki comes home one day to see Jonghyun’s hair bleached a stark shining white, he almost drops everything he was carrying. The younger flashes him his usual cocky-yet-sweet grin and flicks his silver fringe out of his eyes.

"So, do you like it?"

Jinki doesn’t reply at first. He puts down all of his things on the floor, before moving to touch Jonghyun’s hair to make sure he’s not dreaming. It’s soft, salon product still fresh and making it glide like silk between his fingers. He massages Jonghyun’s scalp lightly before removing his hand down to the younger’s neck.

"I love it." Jinki says, voice low and breathy, and presses his lips firmly against Jonghyun’s, fingers tangling back into his newly lightened roots.


Over the next few weeks, Jinki finds himself inspecting his head in the mirror more and more. He wonders what he’d look like with pale hair, how fair he would actually be willing to go. He’s never really been one to experiment with his appearance, certainly not to the extent that his boyfriend is.

He also wonders what Jonghyun would think about it. Jinki knows there would definitely be some shock involved, maybe some startled noises if he were to leave it a surprise. But after that, he isn’t sure.

He examines his hair one last time, estimating the the strength of the sentimental tie he has to the dark colour. He takes a deep breath to calm himself, and picks up the phone.


A few days later when Jonghyun comes home from his job, Jinki is waiting for him. He hasn’t told the younger what he’s done, hasn’t told anyone. And when Jonghyun enters the living room, Jinki finds out his prediction of his reaction is spot on.

Jonghyun takes one look at him and freezes, covering his mouth to muffle what Jinki thinks is probably some level of profanity. He comes over to sit beside the elder, eyes wide and taking in all of his lover’s new  appearance.

Bleached out just like his, except not quite his tone. Jinki’s is softer, and golden like the evening sun shining on it through the window. Jonghyun reaches out and pushes his Jinki’s bangs out of his face, reveling in the feeling of the velvety strands.

"So, do you like it?" Jinki asks, chewing lightly on his bottom lip. He’s nervous because Jonghyun hasn’t actually said anything to him yet, he’s just looked and appraised. The younger takes his hand away and lets Jinki’s hair fall softly back into his eyes. He thinks for moment that if it were made of real gold it couldn’t be more beautiful.

"I love it."

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shinyan #1
Reminds me of Lovesick lyrics, though written much later - "You know I like it, I love it." So utterly cute, mirroring the reveal/reaction of each. :)
Chapter 1: Awwww!! my jongyu feels right now!!
Chapter 1: oh my... my exact thoughts when Everybody was released and the two oldest where silver and gold complimenting each other ^^
Chapter 1: This is so cute
I love how U used ur imagination with the given situation and ughh all my feels about it
This is too short and admittedly amazing and now my mind can't atop thinking
Chapter 1: This is just so perfect!!xD
cool :) I like it!