Accident III - Electricity

Geek Princess

Accident III - Electricity


Your POV


The truth is, I really hate and I do not know how to shoot  guns. Maybe Sungjong does not know how to shoot also, or he's just busy reading his boring book - History.

Ugh! I hate History!

``(Your name), Sungjong, come on, let's eat.`` Dongwoo's dad said.

``Where Dongwoo's father? (calling in Korea... I guess...)`` I said.

``It's a secret. You'll see if we're there.`` then, Dongwoo's father left.


I went inside our car, with my stepmother and father in front. I really miss my brother. He's in Canada and his name is Donghyun. (Not the Donghyun of Boyfriend. Just a fictional character.)


Sungyeol's POV


``Wonder what (your name) and Sungjong did when we're shooting. ``

``I heard that!`` Sungjong shouted.

Oh... DEAD!!!


Sungjong's POV


While reading my book....

``Wonder what (your name) and Sungjong did when we're shooting.``

I heard Sungyeol hyung said that and shouted back at him.

``I heard that!`` I said and I also heard him gulped.


Your POV



For the pass 30 minutes, we arrived at the restaurant, DOngwoo's father said where will we eat.

As we went in, it's the place where I met them and where we ate before moving at our new house.

``Uhmmm... This is the place where we ate before right?``

``Yup.`` my mother and Sungyeol said in unison while smiling and nodding.

``OK.`` I said in respond and went in the restaurant.


Sungjong's POV


I went out the car and as we went in, it's the place where I first saw her, talked to her, and where we ate before.

``Uhmmm... This is the place where we ate before right?`` (your name) asked while pointing inside.

``Yup.`` (your name)'s and Sungyeol said while smiling and nodding.


``OK guys! Let's order now!``

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Chapter 19: Hi there my dongsaeng ^.^ Well, I hope you still remember me but this is HAPPYSHAWOL unnie x)) I just changed my name. It seems like we're a bit lazy to update, hmm? :D Nah, just jokin'. I hope we can still finish this since it was last updated on August 2012. 8 months passed xD Well, PM me or something, okie? ^_^
maknae-nim #2
Update please
Smileonce133 #3
Update pls >,<
stanyou #4
update soon i love this story too much
Annyeong Xinee16!!!! I was really touched to what your messaged said.... of course I will read it and if you want me to continue this story as your co-author, just tell me.... Saranghae to you too.... Hwaiting!!!^^
shiro123 #6
omo!! you can't continue?? ><<br />
i would participate if i want but i'm a bit busy with school T___T but i can update every.. weekend????
Hey guys!!!! I just want to say that can you please read my other fanfic?<;br />
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I will be thankful if you read it.... :))
hye!! can i ask you??<br />
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how did you change the background of the website???
shiro123 #9
Study hard unnie ^^ goodluck Hwaiting!!! :)