"You Know Nothing About Me!"

"You Know Nothing About Me!"

'Again?', she asked and chuckled as she let him in.

'You know I get bored at my place.', he replied and walked in, hands deep in his pockets.

She looked stunning. Her hair curly and the red dress molding with her every curve. He couldn’t stomach the thought that she didn’t look this gorgeous for him.

'You know I'm going out for a date, right?', she asked as she went to a mirror, putting earrings on.

'I know.', he replied and sat on the couch, taking the remote and aimlessly switching through channels.

'Is it the guy you met in the bus station?', he then added, not looking at her.

'Mhm. He's the one. He's a real cutie.', she said and he could hear the smile forming on her face. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.

Why was she always doing that to him? Even if he was asking for information, she shouldn’t have given it to him. He hated hearing about the dates she was having, just the thought of another guy near her was appalling for him.

But what could he do? They were life-long friends. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, but he knew too well that a gorgeous woman like her could never feel anything romantic for a average guy like him.

She was beautiful, funny, dorky and intelligent. She had the most gentle smile he had ever seen and the warmest, kindest heart. She was open to new things and she never judged people for their appearences. She loved to read, to talk about the craziest topics and to come up with the maddest ideas.

Her laughter could cheer up even the saddest person. She was breathtaking in every possible way, and he, he was just Seungho.

'Where are you two going?', he asked, and he hated himself for asking. He didn’t need nor want to know.

'I don't know.', she answered and shrugged. 'He said he'd surprise me. But say, Seungho…', she added and looked at him, a smile lingering on her lips.

'Hm?', he mumbled and looked up at her.

'How do I look?', she asked and slightly grazed her bottom lip with her teeth while smiling.

Gorgeous.’, he said without a second thought. He couldn’t hold it in.
Her eyes went wide and she was pouting a little.

'Wahh, is this one of your kind days?', she asked and then laughed. 'Whenever I ask you how I look you just huff.’, she added and checked herself out in the mirror.

He leaned his back against the couch, doing his best not to scream out his feelings. At that point, he was like a ticking bomb, and he was afraid he couldn’t control it anymore.

She took a seat next to him, her legs almost shimmering.

'Imma go now.', she said and smiled. 'What are you gonna do all night long? Play video games?’, she asked and smiled once more.

He nodded but didn’t smile back.

She placed her palms on his cheeks, pulling him closer to her.

'I know you too well, Seungho.', she said and chuckled, letting go of him, walking towards the door.

'What do you know about me?', she heard a soft muffle behind her.

'Hm? Did you say something?', she asked as she turned back.

'What do you know about me?!', he repeated himself, louder this time.

She frowned at him, a confused look on her face.

'You know nothing about me!', he almost shouted as he stood up, swinging one of his arms in the air.

'You think that I'm an open book! You think that I'm a shoulder on which you can always lean on! You think that I'm immune to your charisma! You think that you're like a sister to me, but you're so wrong!', he shouted, his eyes red.

'What's gotten into you?! How dare you scream at me like that?', she shouted as well, her frown deepening. 'I don't even know what you're talking about!'

'You said that you know me too well when in reality you don't know me at all!', he tried to explain his outburst.

'What are you talking about? Are you saying I'm a bad friend?!’, she asked.

'No, I'm saying you know nothing about me!'

'What do I not know?! You're acting like a crazy person Seungho!', she scolded, huffing hardly.

This was the first time he ever screamed at her, and it was the first time she ever yelled at him.

'You don't know about all my sleepless nights because I'm always thinking about rhymes for every word that's coming out of your mouth! You know nothing!', he screamed, his teeth clenched.

Her eyes widened, open. She couldn’t mutter a single word.

'You know nothing about the tears I shed at night or the sadness embedded in my every expression! You don't how long I stay in front of your door after leaving! You know nothing, ______, nothing! So don't dare say that you do!'

'You jerk!', she yelled, her eyes bloodshot. She started to slap him all over his body. ‘You jerk! How dare you say those things?! How dare you play with my heart like that?! These kind of things may work on other girls, but not me, you jerk!’, she continued yelling, traces of tears visible in her vicious eyes.

She grabbed her wrists and held her still, looking her in the eyes.

'Listen to me _____, listen to me. You don't know that every time you touch me it feels like a Tsunami just hit me. It feels like I'm drowning whenever I'm looking into your eyes. You don't know how I'm staring at your lips when you're talking! You think there's no flame burning behind my poker face, you think you know me, when in reality you don't.', he said, his voice becoming softer with every word.

He let go of her wrists, slowly lowering his hands.

She was just looking at him, her eyes wetter than before.

'I am sorry. I will go now. Have fun with your date.', he said and headed towards the door.

'How can you just leave?!', she yelled, her voice almost a roar. 'How can you just leave after saying all those things? How can you be so heartless? Why must I be in love with such a heartless person?!', she screamed, and he heard her voice break.

He turned around, rushing towards her, kissing the tears away.

She started sobbing like a little child and he tightly held her against his chest. He her head and didn’t say anything.

He felt a stone lifting from his heart, and she was crying her burden away.

She looked up at him, eyes still moist and full of hope. He cupped her face and planted a kiss on her lips, pouring all the love that he had into that one kiss.

And that’s when she understood just how much he loved her. And that’s when he understood just how much she loved him. That’s when they finally understood each other.

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Chapter 1: This keeps getting better everytime I read this I love Yang Seungho
ilabya44 #2
Chapter 1: Sad and sweet little one shot. Too bad it ended there. Would have loved to see more interaction :O A potential story perhaps? haha
Love it! Love it! Love it! <3