♡ Cheatsheet + Application;

♡ Operation : Sustain! » Apply Closed // Picking plotlines
       Cheat Sheet

ulzzang kim seuk hye is taken
super junior's lee donghae is taken
do not copy other applicants
turn in + source + example




001 ; Use only ulzzangs as face claims.

 002 ; use any love interest that you wish - bear in mind your plotline's age limit.

 003 ; the more detailed your application, the better.

 004 ; anyone not chosen as main characters, will have a chance as cameos/minor characters if you stay subbed.

 005 ; password - your favourite gif of your love interest.

 006 ; maximum of two idol sibling (only for idol/trainee plotline).

 007 ; you must be subscribed, or your app will be denied.

 008 ; delete all brackets/hints on your app.

 009 ; your character does not have to be korean.

 010 ; you must have a minimum of one rival.



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Chapter 2: omfg. this is so interesting. i'll apply o/
Chapter 2: who is the age thing for?
i.e: the teacher is 22-30. so, is it for the teacher, love
interest or both? c:
hommage #4
added the love interest personality!
Chapter 1: odg..
I know so many ulzzangs that I don't know which one to pick.. D:
hommage #6
Chapter 3: btw, i changed the backup ulzzang into the first ulzzang, is it okay?
this looks super cute! u v u <3
hopefully i can submit an app soon. hee
hommage #8
Chapter 3: I'm soso sorry XD I'm making this app in a hurry

oh, about chen picture, i've added it, but i think aff doesn't accept the photo because it's not from a trusted source
Chapter 2: i see a plotline i like~ i'll be applying (with chanyeol, another heads up xD)
kkaebsongg- #10
Chapter 1: I have a feeling of lots of applicants ; n ;
Ugh. I'm scared /creys