5: Birds

The Early Morning Bluebirds

In the next week, they shared a conversation.

"Oh look, the bluebirds are awake," Janghyun whispered, pointing to the pair of aqua colored birds that chirped quietly from outside the window.

Misung dragged her eyes away from the worn out book that lay in her palms. She mentally hit herself for having never noticed the delicately beautiful song creatures just outside the glass. She had seen the squirrels scatter against the window's ledge, she had seen the butterflies perch atop the branches of the tree that shaded the low roofed building, but how had she never noticed the bluebirds? Their melody could put her to sleep, she later told herself. In the midst of being jealous that Janghyun had discovered them before her, she soon found herself in a trance.

"Indeed they are."

Janghyun cocked his head. "Have you not noticed them until now?"

Misung shook her head, eyes still locked on the couple clad in the sky's color.

"I really haven't."

"I guess it's just my quirk. I love birds anyway, so I suppose it's always been obvious to me." Janghyun smiled, looking at the floor.

"I suppose." Misung couldn't control the dream-like gazing sound that escaped her lips as she let her chin rest upon her palm.

"What's your favorite type of bird?"

Misung paused, not knowing how to answer. Partly because she had never particularly liked birds, and partly because she was still under the bluebirds' spell. She sighed, "Those two," she smiled.

"The bluebirds?"


Janghyun chuckled. "I like them too."

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Chapter 9: I begin to like your story. Maybe you should write it a little longer. :)
iloveya #2
Chapter 8: How come no one has commented on this!! I love your story so much!! Compared to other stories on here, yours is very unique & I love that!! I love the calm atmosphere it gives out. Please keep writing for me. ♥♡