
Anonymous post it letters.

Kyungsoo shuffle on his feet, trying not look as desperate as possible, although he is. He’s been looking forward on this day, the day that he will meet his stunning suitor, the person who leaves sweet cheesy notes on post it on his locker, with some candies and various tapped roses besides it. He started to wonder why would anyone like him? First of all he’s just dull, a plain student with a thick frame round spectacles that is cover his eyes, a big round eyes that fascinates his friend, Park Chanyeol. His thick lips that isn’t even attractive at all. He’s starting to wonder why, or maybe someone is just playing with him.

One afternoon after his math class he received another post it note, a little cute heart shaped one with a couple of roses with a ribbon on it. He took the note from his locker and read it.

Hi there beautiful, I see you’re always smiling while reading the post it letters

That I am giving you. Thankful that you like it or maybe love it. I’m not sure,

Although your smile tells me other wise. It seems that you’re curious of getting to know who I am.

So I’m finally telling you right now that you’ll be able to meet me sooner or later.

Or maybe tomorrow? Meet me in front of the school’s garden, around lunch time.

I’ll be waiting.

-Anonymous prince, xoxo.

Soon a smile crept on the corner of his lips, curving it upwards. He’s finally meeting his admirer, and he’s excited, and being able to meet the person who wrote those lovely letters to him with poems, love songs or maybe just asking how he is, is now going to reveal himself, which is fantastic.

Kyungsoo loves mysteries, for starters he love romance novels as well. He loves cliché love stories that only happens in televisions, and books. He loves mysteries as well, and mystery with a hint of romance is what kyungsoo seeks, and now that he have it, a mystery person who leaves sweet cheesy notes in front of his locker, and a romantic love story that only happens in movies, damn, his life is perfect.

He placed the pink heart shaped  post it inside of his Text book and shoves it on his locker, while grabbing the other two for his other subject which is Physics and Statistics. He inwardly groan because, what the heck, who loves those two subjects? He closed his locker and walked his way towards his classroom, when he bumped into someone, and one thing he knew is that his books is scattered everywhere on the floor and his head hurts.

“I’m sorry.” The person spoke with a deep voice that’s a bit alluring for Kyungsoo. “It’s alright.” He replied while kneeling up and started grabbing his books. He started looking for his spectacles that is missing, he can’t really see, his eyes are fully blurred, the boy took kyungsoo’s hands and hand his spectacles; Kyungsoo smiled in return as he placed it between the bridge of his nose and kneels up to retrieve his books back.

The boy crouched down and help Kyungsoo, handing him his Physics text book which is appreciated by Kyungsoo because they boy is so nice. “Oh, thank you.” Kyungsoo uttered nicely as he looked at his watched, “I have to go.” The boy said as he started walking past Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo’s confused, he doesn’t know why. Did he say something that made the stranger mad for some reasons? But still, the answer is still a question mark. He shrugged it off by making his way to his second to the last subject and waited for the day goes by.

It’s the day that Kyungsoo has been waiting for, it’s that day that he’ll be able to meet his anonymous prince who sends him those sweet letters. And now he’s standing right in front of the porch on their school’s garden, waiting for his admirer to come.

He heard some foot steps going near him, this is it he thinks as he spun around; his jaw slackened, and his eyes widens three times than his normal ones, his lips trembled for a bit, oh no.

“Hi, Kyungsoo.”

That voice is familiar, the boy who bumped into him yesterday was. .

“I presume you already know me.” The guy curved his lips into a sinful smirk, a boy with a jet black hair that is tousled up messily, a crook untidy necktie that is lingering around his messy white polo that is hooded by a blue unpinned blazers.

“The school’s infamous bad guy, Kim Jongin. Your anonymous prince, at your service sir.” He took a few steps forward, making Kyungsoo stumbles on his feet, his eyes not leaving on Jongin’s face as the bad boy lowered his head to match kyungsoo’s height;  their faces are few inch apart which made Kyungsoo worried, but soon his feelings change when he felt a pair of soft lips connecting on his, and a hand wrapped protectively on his waist, pulling him closer to the taller one’s chest. Their lips are molding almost perfectly as possible, this isn’t what he’s expecting, but it’s more thrilling than just a plain love story.

The kiss soon ended as Jongin separates their lips as he wiped the corner of his lips sinfully attractive. Kyungsoo on the other hand tries his best not to look on Jongin’s eyes and focused on the floor.

“U—uh,” Kyungsoo chewed his lower lip, and Jongin stared, because he loved it. Kyungsoo’s cute and he likes the latter ever since then. “Thanks for the letters that you sent me.” He tilts his head up to face Jongin and genuinely smiled at the younger one, “I loved  it oh and flowers and candies are nice as well.”

Kyungsoo smiled shyly on the last part that he said as he shuffled his way towards jongin and tip toes his feet and plants a kiss on Jongin’s lips.

“Thank you, Jongin. For giving me this weird feeling.”

Jongin was taken back yet he falters a smile, he never thought he’ll be given a chance, he even thinks that once Kyungsoo finds out that it’s him, he will run away, but no, he even kissed him.

“I love you.” Jongin stated seriously and flatly, as he reached out and cups kyungsoo’s cheeks, “I’m not charming, I’m not nice, and heck I will never be, but maybe I can try. I know we’re living in a different realm and this is not what you expected. And that I can never give you a nice future, but damn it, I really love you.” His words are sincere and Kyungsoo can feel it, he really can. He’s plain, and his life is mundane. He’s not even attractive and yet, the infamous Kim Jongin, is here confessing to him makes him more happy and giddy. “I love you too.” Kyungsoo whispered in a tone that Jongin can hear.

He lifts his gaze up and stared directly into Jongins eyes, “I love you.” He stated again, “And I’m willing to be with you. Even if the world goes against us. Even if we’re in different realm or worlds, I can always jump on the other, Just to be with you.

Kyungsoo locked his lips on Jongin, and wraps his forearms on the taller boy’s neck and kissed him, like there is no tomorrow.

“Love is unpredictable.” Kyungsoo said. “Yes it is.” Jongin answered while lacing his hands on Kyungsoo, “Although, you being sweet is really weird.” The smaller boy laughed at Jongin, and earned a small pout on the younger one.

“I tried, and it succeed anyways.” He snorts proudly, and yes, Kyungsoo’s grateful that he tried.

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Chapter 1: Awww so cute this two xD bad Kai and nerd Baby Soo was totally my favourite !!
jaspertaliso #2
Chapter 1: great story, very sweet. keep it up :)
Thank you. -Lulu
Chapter 1: the story is so sweet..i love it..≧﹏≦
Chapter 1: Awwww soo sweet >//<