diary of: chan

diaries of: seventeen

finally i am able to arrive! this is the coolest and best dancer of seventeen who also has the coolest and best dancer of fathers, lee chan! i'm also the kid who has a one syllable first name but that doesn't really matter. another story for another day~ anyway... is this meant to be a diary? all i see are the other members writing about how they're the best. it's funny that they'd even try and deceive you like that because everyone knows that i, li chun, am the best out of everyone! i can sing, i can dance, i can look as fine as glitter pants. in fact, speaking of glitter pants, i can basically wear whatever outfit i want to and i'll look good in it. you should've seen me in the photoshoot for like seventeen three, i looked good in anything. even with my hair up or down,  i look good~ anyway, we just finished battling at lotte world for the permanent, fixed position of a member in the group. it's sad but it's the realityㅜㅜ don't worry though, i know i'll get in - i'm the best at everything! the finalists were pretty cool, but i'm hoping that all the members we have right now are able to stay because we are family! i mean, i could live without them, but i-- ah, no, enough with that, i admit that i love them. please let us stay together!

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Chapter 16: Omg almost cried reading this :' I miss Samuel soooo much TT I'm sure the rest of seventeen misses him more than i do :<