Hello Therman, It's Your First Day Of School! Pt. II

BTS || † Crossing Boundaries || Story Start



` 여보세요 . )           
Chapter Four




Hello Therman, it's your first day of school! Pt. II

   Jungkook laughed as he watched ByulHee telling an animated story complete with hand gestures. She had already knocked over her pencil pouch twice and tripped when she got up to sharpen her pencil. He couldn't help but watch her. She was his source of entertainment to get him through the boring monotomy in school. Being the only Bangtan member in year one, he didn't have anyone to talk to because he REFUSED to lower himself to the level of interacting with his fangirls, because god fobid they try to him or some stupid like that.

   His eyes followed the seemingly clumsy girl. She wasn't beautiful but she wasn't ugly either. He noticed that if he looked past her clumsiness that she actually wasn't half bad. Granted he'd yet to have a conversation with her, but she couldn't be that annoying like his fangirls, right? Shaking his head he turned to look at his notebook. He definitely wasn't taking an interest in this girl. She was only the source of his amusement because he was incredibly bored in school. Yes, surely that was it. 

  Satisfied with his reasoning, he turned his attention back to ByulHee who was asked by the teacher to pass out books to the classroom. As he watched her, he was impressed that she hadn't fallen over the desks yet or tripped and strewn the books everywhere. She had only one book left and it was his. He looked her right in the eyes as she walked down the isle, closer and closer to his desk. She was sweating bullets, praying to god she didn't fall. For once she just wanted to accomplish something without falling over.

  Taking a deep breath, she was almost there when she tripped over the leg of the desk right before Jungkook's, causing her to let out a eep of surprise as she felt her body propel forward. Jungkook, thanking the lord for his fast reflexes, quickly jumped up from his seat and caught ByulHee in his arms so that she was facing him, looking up into his eyes, almost like he was dipping her after dancing to some salsa music. ByulHee's eyes widdened as she was close enough to feel Jungkook's breath on her face. Blushing, she quickly jumped out of Jungkook's arms and bowed ninty degrees.

  "Sorry Oppa! I didn't mean to trip." Jungkook sighed and took the book that was still clutched in her arms. He tried to surpress his smirk as he gently tapped his book on top of ByulHee's head.

  "Stupid." ByulHee quickly ran back to her seat and kept her head down the rest of the period. She tried to ignore the jealous stares of his fangirls, but all she could think about was how to calm her raging heartbeat.


  Back with MiKyung, Rap Monster was still dabbing her head gently with the cold wash cloth, scanning her face for any signs of awakening. He still couldn't believe what the nurse had told him. Had his parents known one of the girls was sick? Did the others know? Or was this supposed to be something kept confidential? He honestly didn'/t know what to feel or how to react. What was he supposed to do? Treat her like normal when he knows she's dying?


   "I don't need your help. Thank you, but please leave. I'm fine, I just felt faint is all." Rap Monster knew she was lying through her teeth. He had brought her fever down so of course she wasn't just feeling faint.

   "And that's why you've stopped your treatments? You have Leukemia. Why did you stop when you could live just that much longer?" MiKyung's eyes widdened and she whipped her head towards Nam Joon so fast. She glared at him, hard.

   "You know nothing. You don't know me or my story and you definitely don't need to know why I don't want treatment's anymore. It's none of your damn business. And don't you dare say a word. I am not sick. And I was not in the nurses office today, arrasso? (okay?)"

   Rap Monster glared at her just as hard before practically storming out of the nurses office. Fine, let her be sick. If that's what she want's, why should he bother or care? It wasn't even his problem in the first place.

    MiKyung really made him mad.

    SooRyun sighed as she sat down underneath the tree in the courtyard, setting her lunch tray on her lap and opening her journal and began to write her latest idea's down. She was satisfied doing this, dancing through her journal. She could pull off any complicated move perfectly and there was no chance of an injury. 

    Unfortunately, SooRyun was the only one of her friends in this lunch period, so she had no choice but to find a secluded area she could eat her lunch in peace. She was shy and wouldn't dare to venture into the cafeteria to try and interact with the students. She only went in to get her lunch.

    Feeling the breeze whip her hair accross her face, she closed her eyes and looked towards the sky, letting the sun's warm ray's beat down on her face. Sometime's she'd close her eyes and picture herself on a grand stage, performing as apart of the Russian Ballet. It had always been her dream, to be a ballerina. But, sadly, dreams are just that, dreams. 

   V smirked when he spotted SooRyun. She had her eyes closed and was completely off guard. V had noticed right away that she was shy, reserved, and sealed tight. To him, it shouted a challenge, and Taehyung always loved challenges. He was determined to open her up. If only for his own personal amusement. 

  Quietly creeping up to her, he crouched down in front of her so that he was eye level with her, he smirked as he leaned in closer, purposely blowing his breath on her face. Opening her eyes, she blinked twice before realizing a very handsome boy was very close to her. She screamed and practically flew back into the tree. Her face was redder than a cherry and she could barely breathe. He was so close. Way to close for her own personal liking. 

  V laughed and leaned back so that he was now sitting cross legged in front of SooRyun, who still had a blush on her face. HE tried to get her to look at him but he noticed that she had curled in on herself and refused to make eye contact with him.

  "It's no fun sitting by yourself yanno." SooRyun blushed more (if that was possible) and shook her head.

  "I l-like s-s-sitting by myself." V smiled. Finally, a reaction. Now he was getting somewhere. He noticed the yellow armband on her uniform and he frowned. Why did she have a band on her arm? She was just a transfer student after all.

   "Why do you have a yellow band on your arm?" SooRyun quickly covered it up with her hand, not because it was already seen, but because she didn't want the attention drawn to her moreso than it already was.

   "It m-m-means we're the W-Westsider's." V's mouth formed an O. This must have been his mother's doing. Not that he cared, but sometime's he didn't always agree with his mother's method's. SooRyun hadn't noticed that her notebook had flown out of her lap when she jumped from earlier and nearly had a heart attack when she saw V pick it up and sift through it. Quickly grabbing it away, she shut it tightly and hugged it to her chest. Not having enough courage to rebuke him and quite frankly reaching her breaking point, SooRyun made a mad dash for the schoolV was frozen for a minute, mind processing what just happened. One minute he picked up a notebook to hand to her, and the next she had ripped it from his hands and sprinted away. He wondered what was in that book. He was determined to find out.

     He was going to crack her code. 

    EunSeo couldn't help but admire Hoseok from the back of the classroom. His presence was suffocating to her. He was silent, brooding, and quiet. It was...the total opposite of her own and she couldn't explain it but she felt a pull, a natural feeling that made her just want to gravitate towards him. Why was he so interresting? He was just a boy after all.

    J-Hope felt like he was being watched for some time now. He didn't pay any mind to it, thinking it was just those useless fangirls practically undressing him with their eye's. Little did he know...it wqas actually EunSeo. Now, unlike the other boy's, J-Hope didn't really care much either way about the girls coming to the East side. He was neutral, deciding that it wasn't worth his effort to be bothered by such trivial things as ruining another person's life by hating their existence. In his opinion it made his hyung's and dongsaeng's seem immature and well for lack of better words, a bunch of idiot's. Hoseok felt that he was so much more than that.

      Turning around now, after finally having enough of being eyed like a piece of meat, met eyes with someone he didn't expect. He held her gaze for what seemed like an eternity, knowing that he wouldn't be the first one to break the eye contact. Surprisingly, she didn't look like she would break the contact anytime either. It was a stalemate. A deadlock.

    EunSeo felt a nudge in her side, and turned to MinHi who gave her that look. EunSeo, understanding the universal girl code didn't turn back towards Hoseok. J-Hope, turned back around as well, there was no reason for him to stay focused on her any longer. Feeling a vibration in his pocket, J-Hope discreetly took out his phone and saw a group text from Suga about cutting sixth period to make it to music bank in time for their comeback stage. J-Hope texted back that he'd be there. He'd do anything to get out of school. 

      They all would.





AUTHOR'S NOTE :  Sorry for the wait! I have no excuse other than I got lazy. TT.TT So honestly, EunSeo and J-Hope are the most difficult for me to write as a couple, because it's very difficult keeping a quiet and non confrontational person in character when paired with a bubbly girl. So I am sorry if the SeoHope interraction isn't what you were hoping for, but I will try my best to get their chemistry right. I felt like this chapter was just dragging on, and had no real plot development, so in order to further the story I am going to leave the chapter's end here and Hannah and Jimin and Suga and MinHi will get some interraction next chapter to set the story in motion. ALSO ignore the font, I couldn't figure out what went wrong with the code.   

  credits to 




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Chapter 27: lmao I feel ty for being the one to say I miss this and then be delayed this long in concerns to commenting on the updated chapter. ;;
BUT- yes, even if I end up taking an indefinite hiatus, this would for sure be one of the stories that I would periodically check back in on.

I love how you open it with a statement about how hard the girls have been working with their academics- and then lead immediately into cutie-pie Byulhee literally folding a paper airplane and sending it flying to the proverbial sleeping dragon Minhi. LOL. Regardless though, seeing the camaraderie that's been built between all the girls is heartwarming to be sure!
But oh man, Byulhee does seem the perfect target considering her innocence in comparison to the rest of the girls- probably the only other viable option would have been Hannah, considering her plotline was literally called the "innocent touch".
[[Cause seriously, Eunseo (though surprised) would probably be the one to traumatize the flasher by just scornfully (and loudly) laughing at his *ahem* assets, Minhi would probably sooner beat the guy up for even trying, and the other girls- even if surprised, would probably snap out of it to either call the cops or one of the boys instead of freezing up like poor little Byul. ]]

It's hilarious how Jungkook fully acknowledges that he's been attempting to delude himself when it comes to a certain little klutz- & even more hilarious how he throws Jin under the bus in comparison. LMAO.

Byulhee is so cute LOL. Literally just pouting up at Kookie after he flicks her forehead. I'm glad to see some progression with our resident maknae couple here- and as for your inspiration for this scene, I just remembered a scene from the movie "Secretly Greatly". Where the main guy is trying to disguise himself using only random things- but the townspeople see him in literally a bra and leopard print granny shorts and accuse him of being a flasher/kidnapper. LOL.
Man, I kind of low-key follow your other stories too, but after seeing BTS's new comeback MV, it reminded me of this story that got me into your writing in the first place. I miss this one sometimes~ </3
I was wondering what was up since I hadn't seen an update for this & To Catch a Demon was in early January.

Haera and ChANGJO. YES. I SHIP IT. I love how both Jin and Changjo went out of their way to do something for her, though it shows that Changjo approached this a bit more intelligently in tutoring and reassuring her of her capabilities instead of just pretty much handing her a slightly more personalized textbook. (You still did good Jin, but Changjo did better LMAO-)
I'm waiting & looking forward for Jin and her relationship to blossom tbh

Hannah is so cute though. Her logic of maybe just liking every cute boy b/c of her age had me laughing. But whoa Jimin. You literally got no jams right now concerning the situation handling of the game and Niel. Being aggressive to a boy she's expressing friendliness to is not very likely to get you in her good graces. xD

Yoongi's persistence is slowly wearing Minhi down it looks like. It's pretty hilarious how he seems to always show up the moment she decides that she wants to break some rules. His stickler for the rules ways is certainly remaining at odds with Minhi but he's got the right idea. Toss away those gross cigs, they aren't healthy or make you look cool contrary to popular belief.

NAMJOON PLS. Jfc his mother hen antics towards Mikyung are cavity inducing. ; u ;
This ship sails itself. I don't even think more needs to be said with these two. Seriously Namjoon literally hand feeding her out behind/under a big tree from a personal bento- this is seriously some Nicholas Sparks content right here.
Come on you two you make each other's kokoros go doki doki just become a couple already-- !!

more coming in part two cause screw AFF's character limits. >C
tbh i'm shipping em more at this point
i just have a huge thing for nice guys LMAOO

wowowowow hannah
girl, you should make up your mind
tho i'd probs blush at every good looking guy too XD
seriously i can't see jimin being aggressive tho

yooo suga you did good
throw that pack of cigs away!!!
its hilarious tho LMAO
how creepy suga sounds rn xD

ahhhhhhhhhhh rapmon and mikyung
i ship this so so so much
esp caring rapmon
LMAO why so assertive tho dang
even tho it was for the best of mikyung

this si so fricking cute
i love it
that quiet jhope is slowly going away
and he's becoming more like the him that i can actually imagine haha

woohoooooo the comments finally here and done haha
really sorryy for the late comment
and that you feel so frustrated with the lack of feedback

you gave this story a lot of effort and wrote way more than most applyfic authors can ever
so major props to you!
i'll try to comment as soon as you upload a chapter the next time :)

and if you really really feel that frustrated by the chosen applicants not commenting for so long
you can give them a warning, saying you'll swap out charas or something idk
Chapter 25: ok so i actually read the chapter like a few days ago
but i didn't know hot to comment
cause everything was so sad
and just...
i knew west side was bad
i didn't think it was going to be that bad

i feel so bad for mikyung
how she's giving up on treatment cause she thinks she's being a burden
i'd feel the same as her but rapmon has a point when he says no parent feels their child is a burden
if only that was the cold hard truth tho
there was a man who has been on life support his whole life
and he heard his mom telling him to just go die because she was tired of taking care of him..
real life story. smfh
but he made it out alive and it living like a normal person now tho

(pretty sure he's gunna)
just curious on how he's going to do that?
rapmon is actually such a good natured guy
despite his initial attitude towards the west siders

besides the lego thing of course
ahh i love it so much

i love this story so much
i love the progress so far
and just, ugh
lemme love you for being so awesome <3
Chapter 25: That feeling of knowing that you can't afford something but is stuck there due to circumstances is something I'm familiar with.
Mikyung's mentality, while I can see where she's coming from, is heartbreaking. Sure, having people know and pitying her would probably not be something she would be ecstatic over, but it's. something kind of inevitable now? Like when they all do eventually find out it's going to happen. I almost think it'd be more of a blessing to allow the ones around you time to steel themselves for what's to come, though to be fair the groups are all still growing close to each other so I guess it can't be helped for now. It's ultimately up to her in the end.

Namjoon though. Oh boy, I was amused when he jumped at the opportunity to be the one visitor for her when the doctor came out to report on her condition to the collective group. His ensuing conversation with Mikyung was enlightening as well. It really is like they come from two completely separate worlds. Her trying to avoid being a burden- both emotional and financial, and him being incredulous over how seemingly willing she is to just not even fight for her right/chance to live.

and there it is though. The one thing she wants most before she dies. I would cite the movie "a walk to remember" in reference to her believing that there is no chance for someone with.... a permanent expiration date to have someone be willing to love and marry them. That last line from Namjoon's perspective sounds very promising- though saddening. Since, well- I think we all know how Mikyung's story is ultimately going to end. ; ;

Even if it took something like this, it is good to see the groups coming together now. And on an off note, I love how this mutual understanding/relationship with SeoHope was spawned from a Lego set. LOL.
This was a really fast update! Thank you for spoiling us with it, and I'll be eagerly waiting to see how more of Mikyung, Haera, and Hannah's respective arcs unfold. c:
Chapter 24: I had just glanced at/ reread this about a week ago, so it's a great surprise to see you've updated it as well!
I have faith in your plans for this story, & think your decision to break the story into individual character driven arcs is a smart choice rather than attempting to mash everyones' shining moments and developments together at once.

I will admit from a purely kpop music bias standpoint I was conflicted on the two performances because I lOVE Gain's Paradise Lost (Which was a great choice for classically trained Sooryun btw) but at the same time, Crazy was my JAM for months. Regardless of Sooryun not winning, I think this was a defining moment for her, & I'm sitting here grinning on her behalf because she's finally retaken the stage after her past injury.
V's reaction though like- PLEASE. Falling out of his chair and your little "...all the blood rushed to his head (if you know what I mean)"
I literally snorted while I was eating my dinner and reading this.

Suji is still so salty after the results are announced omfg. Like girl obtain some chill please.
All this hype is going to be probably following the new girls around now, so Suji and posse better start getting used to it.
Hannah and Byulhee though- girls get it! Minhi be rubbing off on the young ones. LOL.

Oh gosh I've seen the hints leading up to this point with her weakening and constantly pushing herself for the competition, but now that she's actually collapsed in front of the other girls, I guess it's time the rest of the girls find out... and why do I feel like the boys are going to be getting home shortly to witness this all as well? OTL;; I'm super excited to see how Mikyung's arc is going to unfold tbh and am anticipating getting to see more of her interactions with Namjoon.

Thanks for the update, and like I said earlier, I have faith in your plans for this story!
props too for regularly updating this and To Catch a Demon too. Like dang man.
Chapter 24: I trust you and your plans for all of the girls tbh
the story has been awesome so far
and mad props to you for being able to update so many chapters
like thats fricking amazing

its kinda like a lil plot twist
and her covering paradise lost was just fricking amazing LMAO
she got mad balls even tho she's usually so shy and stuff
his reaction is ing priceless, he fell out of his seat LMAO i dead
surprised suga was rooting for sooryun tbh

BRUH You seriously know how to set up the stories
esp how the girls will react to finding out bout the cancer
and how rapmon gunna get more involved with mikyung
Yanethy123 #9
Chapter 23: Continua con la historia, esta interesante.!! *0*