"So Jiyong..."

"So Miss. Park Bom..."[One-Shot]

Smiling in her sleep, Bom arose from her slumber. Such a wonderful dream; she had just dreamt of. Dreaming of being with guy whom she has known for quite some time.

Recently the guy whom she dreamt of asked her whether she'd want him to set up a blind date for her. She rejected. Her reasons were unknown; even to herself...maybe it's because she's scared.

Climbing out from her bed Bom looked toward her clock. 3:49AM?! Such a peculiar tine for her to be awake. Even though it was early Bom opened her curtains to bask in the beautiful moonlight.

The moon was so hypnotizing, it's light gleam and misty aura. Something that made her ponder why she rejected the offer. Bom made a mental list and realized that she chose to reject the offer because she was in fact afraid...but afraid of what?! Rejection....or worst...falling in love.

At that moment Bom told herself she was going to call up Jiyong and tell him to set up that blind date. That she'd be glad to meet someone new, someone whom she could possibly become fond of. But those plans were to be postponed till the morning because it still was incredibly early.

Bom stepped into her bed and closed her eyes, falling into deep sleep.


As Bom told herself that night she did in fact call Jiyong. He asked why the sudden change in decision and she said that she'd tell him if they went out for lunch at their usual café.

Getting ready for lunch Bom was excited and oddly enough nervous. She was excited because Jiyong would most likely set the blind date up, but nervous because she was going to sing for the first time in the café as well as in front of an audience and in front of someone else other then Jiyong.

The café wasn't well known because it was one of the many in Seoul, but this café had a reasonable amount of costumers per day because it was known for having people preform there. If wasn't anyone whom was well known but rather singers, dancers, and people who just wanted to show what they offered.


"Ji!! Hurry up I saved you a seat" Bom yelled across the café as Jiyong entered

"Aish... You crazy woman. Bommie you just can't yell across the café." Jiyong complained as he sat down in front of her

They shifted in their seats a bit as they realized the other people in the café were starring at them and gushing about how cute of a couple they were.

"So Bommie why the sudden change?!" He asked while avoiding eye contact

Stuttering at first Bom answered "I-I was lonely"

Lonely was true. She was in fact lonely... She didn't have anyone whom she could connect to on an emotional and physical level. Not one person of the sort.

"Well that's not a good enough reason. You should at least tell me the real reason if you want me to set up the date" Jiyong chuckled

"Uhhh... Ji I'm telling you the truth, it's just cause I'm lonely"

"Bommie I'm one of your best friends. I know you, so tell me" Jiyong countered

Bom looked toward the stage nervously seeing that it was empty. That she could either tell Jiyong the real reason or perform on stage for the first time. Which would be worst?! Ji or the stage... Ji. It's not that Jiyong is a bad friend, it's just that when he involves himself into situations they tend to not end so well...

"Umm...Jiyong. How about I tell you after I perform?!" Bom stated rather then asked and briskly made her way to the stage.


Over looking the entire café. The blinding lights that solely focused on her, a crowd of eyes that only seemed to judge. Maybe she should've continued to converse with Jiyong...

Nervousness taking her over and her ability to speak. Mumbling incoherent sentences that only seemed to jumble up together to form incomplete thoughts...she planed to sing but now she would be lucky enough to say a sentence correctly.

Jiyong noticed her stage fright and started to wave at her from his seat, getting her attention to focus on him, and only him. Once he captured her attention he mouthed "Its just you and me, perform your best. Bom fighting!"

Bom as if in a trance started to sing happily into the mic, but once her words came out she started to think about happy thoughts. Her great times and support from Jiyong. She started to giggle into the song...controlling her laughs with the best if her abilities she looked away from Jiyong and moved her eyes along the crowd that started to form. Even people started to appear outside the café's window to view Bom sing. She was amazed that this many people were here to see her perform and she had to thank Ji for curing her stage fright. Upon ending the song she burst into a laughing fit.

Bom walked off the stage and sat where she previously sat in front of Jiyong and smiled at how the crowd was cheering and applauding her performance.

"Bommie you still didn't answer" Jiyong said as the crowd started to calm it's atmosphere

"Alright Jiyong I'll be honest. I changed my mind about the blind date because I want to meet someone whom could possibly catch me" Bom shyly admitted

"Catch you?!"

"Yup, catch me. You know if I fall in love" Bom said

"That’s a better reason. Alright I'll set up the blind date for you" Jiyong said


As Jiyong said, he set up the blind date. He told Bom that he set it up at a nice family owned restaurant. That her date would be sitting at one of the tables near the windows.

Making her way to the restaurant she passed by the windows. Where She saw a glance if the people within the restaurant and couldn't believe her eyes. A few more steps and she'd have to face him...

Opening the doors of the restaurant Bom looked at the guy whom was supposed to be her blind date. Standing up he pulled out Bom's chair and started the conversation first.

"So Miss. Park Bom..."

Bom smiling at how he said her name started to feel that she made the right decision to accept the blind date.

"So Jiyong...."

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nice story i like it!!! <33
ilabya32 #2
Chapter 1: Bommie should really accept Jiyong offer to introduce her to someone.. in reality.. :)
bommiejjang #4
Chapter 1: Daebak! I love it
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 1: OMO !! This is so sweet ! :X
Oh, I thought that G-dragon was in love with Dara.... But I love the fic. Any fic with Bommie in it. ^_^
ZozBombshell #7
I've read all of your fanfics about GBOM and I love them all! You should do another fanfic about GBOM you're great at writing!
kidamazone #8
This is so adorable! <33<br />
I loved the ending! ^w^<br />
G-Bom forevurrr. <3
This is one of my favourite! Thank you so much