My Ideal One

It was sad and tragic for Key to wake up from his good nap and realized that what happened isn't a mere dream as he saw his transformed anatomic parts. He is tired of crying and feeling frustrated about not knowing what happened to him and decided to just give in to the fact that he is now a she.

Key stood up from her bed and took her towel out from her bedroom, alongside with her clothes. She's still in the SHINee World Concert t-shirt they were wearing for yesterday's concert and hasn't changed since. She ran out, trying to ignore the horrid smell of hers.

She let out a yelp when she opened her bedroom door, Jonghyun standing in front of the door, holding a bra in his hand. He's smiling idiotically as if nothing is wrong with Key or the fact that he's holding a bra.

"Where did you get that from?" Key asked, snatching the bra from Jonghyun's hand.

"Our closet! Apparently someone crossdressed a lot and has a bra collection." Jonghyun laughed, sending teasing looks at Taemin who seems annoyed (that people touch his bra) and delighted (that he helps Key somehow) at the same time.

Muttering a quick thanks, Key ran to the bathroom to take a shower and clean herself, trying to convince herself that she is not a ert for touching girls' body parts because it's hers anyway. Washing long hair is hard itself. It's 20 minutes of self-torturing, but as Key watches her reflection in the mirror, she can't help but adore how pretty she is.

The door to the bathroom opened and all of the SHINee members can only drool at the sight. Key is wearing an (extremely) oversized white Statue of Liberty t-shirt, her milky-white shoulders exposed, she's also only wearing a pair of black loose (on her) boxer. Her long brown wet locks tied into a bun loosely, revealing her pretty neck. The sight is exactly what they can call 'y'.

"Oh no. Kibum, you're hot." Onew let out accidentally, making Key blush at the compliment.

Coughing to avoid further compliments, Key ran to the kitchen. "What would you guys want for dinner?" she yelled from the kitchen.

"Kimchi chigae!" Taemin yelled enthusiastically, they haven't eaten anything other than a take-out from a Chinese restaurant that day. Without Key, they're just helpless.

Jonghyun grinned like a puppy about to be out for a walk when he heard Key is going to cook. He stood up to help Key like usual, only to be beaten by Onew, Minho, and Taemin who ran to the kitchen first to 'help' Key with dinner preparations. So he sulks as he walked to the kitchen.

What is more annoying is that when Jonghyun made it to the kitchen, the other three members are already buzzing everywhere, trying to put on the apron on Key, making a ribbon tied behind her back. Key doesn't look like she minds it either (much to Jonghyun's discontent). Jonghyun sulks on the stool at the corner of the kitchen, not sure what to do.

"Jonghyun hyung, can I use the stool please? I can't reach the upper shelf." Key suddenly asked him for the stool Jonghyun's sitting on.

He quickly shot up and took the stool to give it to Key, a big smile plastered on his face. But then, Minho is faster and he already lifted the girl up to his shoulders to get to the upper shelf. And let's face it, Choi Minho is way taller than a stool can ever be. Jonghyun couldn't get the image of Choi Minho blushing after putting Key down off his mind either.

"You know, you're all a lot more helpful when I'm a girl." Key commented as she started putting the ingredients into the pot. "Are you guys hitting on me?" she teased.

The other three exchanged looks of shame before running away to the living room. "We're not!" they announced in unison, making Key chuckle lightly as she tasted the soup she's making.

Key nodded at the taste of the soup. She unconsciously picked up another spoon of the soup and looked for Jonghyun to taste it. The puppy is usually leaning on the counter next to the stove to taste her cooking. It surprised her to see the puppy sulking at the corner.

"Remember me now, don't you?" Jonghyun sulkily commented as he makes his way to Key. He opened his mouth widely. Key fed him the soup. "Add a bit more pepper." he said. Key nodded and does so.

"What's with you?" Key asked as she chopped more ingredients.

Pouting and opening his puppy eyes widely, Jonghyun holds Key's hands to stop them from chopping. "I don't like it when they all tried to help you. That's my job." he whispered softly, making Key shivers.

"You're also the one who thinks I'm disgusting yesterday. Cause I'm a girl and it's okay for me to have feelings for you now? You like me back now?" Key asked sarcastically, glaring at the puppy-saurus.

Dino-puppy doesn't like her reply. Ignoring her protests, Jonghyun pulled her with his strength into his bedroom before locking the door behind him. A boy Key can't withstand Jonghyun's strength. Imagine how easy it is to drag a girl Key into his bedroom. The members must have heard her yellings since they started knocking on the door in a worried manner.

Once in the bedroom, Jonghyun started rumaging his personal closet, basically throwing his shirts everywhere, making Key confused. He stopped as he picked out a white t-shirt with the picture of the Statue of Liberty like the one Key's wearing only that it's a whole lot smaller.

With cold angry eyes that scared Key, Jonghyun handed her the t-shirt. "That t-shirt is mine." Jonghyun told her, pointing at the t-shirt. "I accidentally brought Sodam's too with me from last christmas. Wear hers instead." Key took Sodam's t-shirt to her hands.

She stepped backwards as Jonghyun slowly walked closer to her, closing the gap between them. Truth be told, the look on Jonghyun's face scared him. "Well don't be angry! It's not the first time I mistakenly took your t-shirt!" she defended herself.

"No." Jonghyun told her off. "I love it when you wear my clothes." he admitted. "But with your smaller-than-usual girl body, your skin is exposed and I don't like it when our members stare at your body! My shirt is way too big for you." he still looks angry. He pulled the bun too, letting her hair down to her back. "Your neck, your shoulders, only I can see it."

It surprised Key that Jonghyun is getting so possessive about such a simple thing. "Why can't the others see-"

"Mine." Jonghyun stated for the last time before he turned around, gesturing Key to quickly change her clothes.

Kim Jonghyun .. is jealous?! It's the best day in Key's life really. Suddenly there's a punch on her chest. But she ignores it. She's way too giddy to notice such small matter when Kim Jonghyun is turning his back away from her, waiting for her to change her clothes.

The other members are probably worried out there as they keep knocking loudly at the door, yelling for Jonghyun, warning him to never touch Key. "Don't her, Jonghyun!" Onew yelled once or twice.

But the thought of being by Kim Jonghyun flattered Key instead. "Shut up I'm not her!" Jonghyun argued back, making Key even redder.

"You ! Then why are you both not coming out!" Onew yelled again. "Minho is going to kick your door if you're not coming out now!"

"Don't!" Key yelled in panic. "We're coming out now." she stepped forward as she finished putting on the smaller t-shirt on her body. Jonghyun didn't bother looking back at her when he opened the door to get out, he's sure he made it clear to Key.

Thus, the dino-puppy keeps his tail in one place; the living room. He doesn't bother to check up on Key anymore since the other three members are there to help her. But it certainly makes him very happy when he heard Key nags on the three members, telling them to get out of her kitchen since they're only messing things up.

Around 10 minutes afterwards, dinner is ready and the hungry SHINee boys don't care if they haven't washed their hands yet and started picking up side-dishes with their chopsticks instead and eat. They all look so satisfied by eating that Key doesn't even has the heart to scold them to wash their hands first. So she just sits next to Jonghyun as usual and started eating too.

Picking up the chicken, Onew started the conversation. "Hey, Key. You really fine with it? Suddenly being a girl and everything?" all eyes focused on Key.

Key only nodded weakly. She's still not fine with everything. Everything seems the same in her eyes but even looking at it it feels different that she's looking at it from a girl's point of view. But what else can she do now? She can only pray that the curse will be lifted up by tomorrow. Or soon. Soon is always better.

Taemin then started on about how they should probably ask a shaman or some other people who are experts on mystical matters like that. It does seem so abnormal that after a fight about her liking males with the guy she likes, she suddenly turns into a girl. Well, she was a he.

Stealing a glance at the guy she likes, he doesn't even notice her, too busy chewing his food in his own world. Key almost slapped herself for liking such a guy. Although, the bad thought vanished as soon as Jonghyun playfully nudge her leg under the table, making her blush almost noticably.

"You know, with this sudden event, manager hyung said we'll be on hiatus for a while. I mean, SHINee will be on hiatus for a while, at least until we can solve this matter of Key's. Our solo carreers are still on." Onew announced.

"What did manager-hyung say about me being a girl now?"

"He's cool about it." Minho talked for the first time since dinner. "Actually, not really. He cursed at us at first, saying that it isn't a funny joke. But then we let him see you napping and he went on panic attack mode. We talked about what we should do as you nap. Manager-hyung will talk to the SM rep."

"He'll tell SM rep that I'm a girl?!"

The members shook their heads, explaining that their manager will try to lie and make up something about Key being really sick and needs medical treatments, probably somewhere out the country for a while and stuff.

Key nodded. But Jonghyun can see that the girl is disappointed about having no schedules for a while. She must be feeling bad and thinks that she's holding SHINee back. "I'm really sorry, hyung." she let out an apologize just like what Jonghyun predicted.

"Oppa is fine with it." Onew back. Key glared with his infamous dagger glare, sending them to the leader who purposely fell down to the ground 'in attempt' to 'avoid' the glare. The dining room is soon filled with laughter and chantings of 'whatever he does it's Onew Condition~'.

Sensing the good atmosphere, Taemin excitedly asked. "So for the meantime, can I call you noona?" he asked playfully, to which Key nodded back softly. ("You already called me umma, what's the difference with noona?")

After teasings and playing for a while, they all settled for a SHINee-cheer-up-movie-night to cheer Key up more. The girl is excited for it and sat herself on the couch between Onew and Minho, waiting for Taemin to put in the DVD and Jonghyun to bring their popcorn.

Taemin lied down on his stomach while Jonghyun seated himself in front of Key, making sure to teasingly bite her leg once in a while. To which Key tried to hold his expression still so the other members won't notice.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2, The Simpsons Movie, and The Hobbit before the members fell asleep, still on their positions. Popcorns scattered on Onew's lap as he himself are fully asleep, head on the couch's arm-rest. Minho's is on the other arm-rest. Key smiled, looking at the drooling members.

She carefully tiptoed out of the couch, making sure she doesn't step onto Taemin or worse, Jonghyun. She knows she's showing favorism too much to the older boy. But she just can't help it. For the sake of her comfort, she went to the balcony to get fresh air.

The moon shines brightly in the dark night sky. The wind is blowing, not too strong, but just enough to blow on her dark brown locks. Key closed her eyes, letting a tear fell off her eye, promising herself that it's the last tear of frustration she'll shed. She'll try to be confident that they'll find a way to change her back into a man she was.

Shivers run down her spines as two strong muscular arms suddenly s around her slim small waist, making her heart fastened its beats. It feels so right to have a warm body so close to her, a man's chin on top of her shoulder, sniffing her neck, blowing hot breath onto her neck almost seductively.

"I'm still angry at you, you know." she said, though her actions say otherwise as her hands hold onto the hands around her waist. "You broke my heart to pieces and judged me in one same night."

"I know." Jonghyun took a deep breath. He turned her body to face him. He smiled gently at her, wiping off the one tear from her cheek. "Tired?"

Key nodded. Jonghyun smiled once again before pulling the fragile-looking girl into a warm embrace. "It's nice to have you comforting me like this, oppa." Key teased happily.

"Don't call me that." Jonghyun pulled away, pretending to cringe at the cheesy honority. "I'm your hyung. I don't care if you have s or have no now. I was and am your hyung." he responded. "You said it's nice for me to comfort you. Does it mean I'm forgiven?"

Key shook her head. Jonghyun pouted cutely and pulled the younger one into his arms once again. "Well then I'm just going to keep trying and you'll have to forgive me by tomorrow." he announced happily.

"What's your plan?" Key asked as she close her eyes, inhaling the sweet musky scent of Jonghyun's. The one she would love to wake up to every morning. Sadly, the boy pulled away and started looking up to the sky instead. Key slightly frowned before following the older and look up the beautiful Seoul night sky too.

Sensing the diva's calmness next to him, Jonghyun started playing with her long brown hair. "I'm taking you to the mall tomorrow." he said before gulping. He knows taking Key to a mall is basically a suicide mission.

She laughed at his sudden stiff posture. "Well, if you think that's bad, remember one more thing." she smiled widely as she whispered to Jonghyun's ear. "I'm a girl now. It will be much worse."

"Oh man!" Jonghyun cursed, but smile anyway as he saw the younger's smile from the corner of his eyes. They stayed like that, silently admiring the beautiful night sky, and enjoying each other's presence for the next half an hour.

Author's Note

I'm on roll babehh!


Never updated this fast! It's just a day after my last update, so I am pretty satisfied with the progress.
Guess I just want to answer all your comments in all one chapter.
I know it's ridiculous. I didn't plan a comedy fantasy theme for the story.
But somehow, a certain drama about stars just makes me over creative.


ROFL, I think Jonghyun would actually do that.


Anyways, I saw some of the comments saying that it could be an angsty fic.
Oh no.
This fic will be full of fluff, so much fluff that you'll find yourself wrinkling your hand.
Or because of how cheesy and crappy it would be lol.

I'm not sure.
I'm a huge huge Jongkey shipper.
But a fic with a girl living together with 4 hormonal boys under one roof and one relatioship?


I always love writing jealous Jjong for some reason. It's hilarious. Even for me, the writer herself.
*self praising*

So watch out Jonghyun, a froggy is coming.

Did you all enjoy the chapter?


If you do, please subscribe after reading :)

I'll try to update soon~ Teeheeh

I still love you all my awesome 53 subscribers who never increases but never decreases either lol!
I would really love to hear your thoughts on this fic,
So leave a comment bellow and tell me what you think ;)

- KPOPMonstahh

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afiercesong #1
I love this!
tarepandawind #2
Chapter 10: Ugh,,why do he have to choose his ex to share his guilty feely??and broke kibum's heart again,,and ,,hope you'll update more often,,i love this story♡♡
JongKeylovingpanda #3
Chapter 7: please...put that minkey awaaayyyyyy~~~~ ;D
JongKeylovingpanda #4
Chapter 5: jonghyun....you...little....how could you do that? *even if I was thinking a lot about how good key would fit the image of a girl...*
blind_angel #5
Chapter 10: It's sad kind of when we know.. TT.TT
The Minkey pic is kind of still Jongkey >u< haha Jonghyun's shocked
Chapter 10: Why does this chapter making me cry.... gosh!! Key!! please notice that hickey on you neck too!! and dont you want to remember what exactly happened last night?? Tae, Jinki... please guide this poor soul...
kimfamily #7
Chapter 10: Awww minkey fiveever!! Haha until jongkey is fine again of course. Sigh. Jongie youre just making everything so complicated. If you just talked to key about everything then this wouldnt have happened. Sigh. Why are humans so complicated?

Great awesome chap as always :)
Chapter 10: I would be happy if Key will be the one avoiding Jjong and Jjong will be like, 'it's supposed to me, why is he avoiding me?' haha.
Chapter 10: so here's the start of the drama you're talking about~
it made me cry and feel sad for my Bummie, of course.
and Jjong's face on the picture. haha. MINKEY FTW (for now. haha.)