
Stop Staring!

Kyungsoo really feels like giving these fans a piece of his mind. Who do they think they are, to be touching Jongin like that? He scowls at an unlucky girl and drags Jongin away from her clutches. The object of his attention just yawns and looks around blearily, unaware that Kyungsoo had, once again, saved his life from the voracious fangirls around them. Kyungsoo feels a bit put-out, but decides to ignore it.


When they get back to the dorm, Kyungsoo orders everyone out into the living room to occupy themselves while he cooks dinner. As he moves around, grabbing ingredients for kimchi jiggae and dumping them into a pot, he bumps into something, or rather, someone. Looking up, he sees Jongin’s face looming down. And with a squeak, he drops the pot on Jongin’s toes.


So much for surprising hyung and going to help him out in the kitchen, Jongin thinks bitterly after his toes have been bandaged and iced. He is now reclined on the sofa, which had been forcefully removed of any members by Kris’ glare. Kyungsoo comes out with a bowl of steaming jiggae, and places it on the side-table. He looks apologetic, but also defiant. Jongin knows what is coming, and, for once, he is right.


“YAH PABO! Who do you think you are, sneaking up on me like that?! How would you like to be scared like that?” If Kyungsoo were a dragon, smoke would have been puffing out of his ears by now. The other members were gathered around the kitchen door, not daring to come any further for fear of invoking the smaller member’s rage, but they also wanted to listen (and watch) the live drama currently taking place in the living room.


“Hyungggg…” whines Jongin. “I just wanted to surprise you and help you in the kitchen after you rescued me from those fangirls.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widen. “You saw?” Jongin sighs and pulls Kyungsoo down onto the sofa with him. “Of course I saw, pabo hyung. Do you think I would be that sleepy?”


Kyungsoo smacks him and retreats into the kitchen, where he proceeds to scold the rest of the members for eavesdropping.

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Chapter 1: this is funny and cute :)
silversea108 #2
Chapter 1: lol it's funny
AznDuckies #3
Chapter 1: lol haha the derpy memebers eavesdropping
neko-likes-mangas #4
Chapter 1: Aww cute ! I'd like it longer, though...