part 1

Of Apples and Princes

so let's start with the usual greetings in fairytales. Once upon a time in the far away Kingdom of Suju Land, lived a prince who goes by the name of Lee Hyukjae. The prince preferred to be called Eunhyuk though, because really, who wants a name similar to the palace's jester?

Eunhyuk was a handsome prince whose fanclub claimed as a fair-skinned, red lips, and raven haired beauty which he recently dyed red. However, there was also a small amount of people who said that he had ugly single one lid eyes, a queer nose, and smelly feet. That group of people could never be heard again after some time. Rumor has it that the prince's fanclub had them hung with the reason of blasphemy.

Of course those happenings were unknown to the prince who lived happily inside the palace walls.  Just like how the members of his fanclub knows nothing of what was happening to him. So it was really a shock for him when he somehow got hold of some manuscripts written by his fans. It was totally the guard's fault for being careless and did not go through the gifts sent by fans properly. It was a thick book with a hard cover made of the finest wood and gold lining; Eunhyuk was attracted by it at once.

He opened the book only to find it filled with horrifying stories about how his stepfather Heechul mistreated him and told him to rub the castle's stone floors. That was definitely untrue and Heechul would hunt the writer down if he ever read of it. In fact, Eunhyuk was pretty close to his stepfather whom he mostly calls 'Hyung' because there was merely a ten years difference of age. True, his mother died giving birth to him and it saddens him not to know her. But his father was a great king and father and he was happy when the King decided to remarry when he was ten. His father had been lonely ever since his early marriage at seventeen, and he was glad there will be someone to take care of the young king. He was intimidated by Heechul at first, especially his diva character. But Eunhyuk soon found out that Heechul was kind at heart and cares for people he treasures.

It was a terrible accident that claimed the King's life five years later, and from then on Heechul ruled the land alone. That was three years ago and Eunhyuk knows just how hard Heechul tried to rule the Kingdom wisely with his unique ways. He misses his father a lot, and he knew his step father misses him the most. And maybe that was why Heechul turned into one eccentric being as the years goes by. Not that he wasn't before. Eunhyuk though doesn't mind coping with eccentricity, even if he has to parade around the palace with frilly girl clothes just for Heechul's enjoyment. And about scrubbing the floors, let's just say that he can't stand the place he lived in being untidy, messy and dirty. He really needs to teach those maids how to roll his underwear properly.

But there were also things that his fans wrote that made him blush from ear to ear. It was those improper stories of him and a certain handsome prince from the east Kingdom near the sea, Lee Donghae. Yes, Eunhyuk had a crush on Donghae ever since they were kids. And though they hardly ever meet each other again for the past year, Eunhyuk still spent his afternoons daydreaming about the prince, and his nights reading those stories of them while he made friends with his hands and let his mind wanders away to fantasy land. His chambermaid who happened to accidentally heard the weird sounds from his room when Eunhyuk was in his fantasy land, squealed excitedly and quickly sent PMS (pigeon messaging service) to the head of the HaeHyuk or Eunhae fanclub. More stories were penned down by half of the maidens in the kingdom that night.

So all in all, Eunhyuk had a happy life. He spent his times dancing and rapping to the birds and rabbits and monkeys though the said animals still can't figure out if he is a male or female because half of the time, he was dressed in frilly clothes. They would dance around with him, but scurried to the neighbouring Kingdom when he starts to rap. They just can't understand what is so good about reciting lines made up of weird words in a fast manner. Prince Ryeowook's soft melodic voice is more of their style.

It was in the middle of his eighteenth summer when a prince from the Kingdom across the sea visits them. The prince was nearing his thirties and is in search for a bride. Eunhyuk was excited because he had never seen Kingdoms other than those in Suju Land, and he welcomed the prince happily when he was to stay at their palace. His name was Hangeng, and has a cute accent. And even though he barely knows half of Suju Land language, he was all smiles and rainbows. Heechul who wasn't eunthusiastic of his visit at first couldn't take his eyes off Hankyung when the prince stepped his feet in the palace. Eunhyuk decided that it was time he change his profession from a prince to a matchmaker.

Eunhyuk was excited and had many ideas of how to get the foreign prince and his stepfather closer. He uses every chance he had to be near the foreign prince and tells him stories of the wonderful Heechul. The foreign prince would laugh and pats his head and Eunhyuk happily thought that he had given a good image of Heechul to him.

Unknown to him, Heechul was shouting and making people’s life a hell in his room while grumbling about that stepson of his. He loves his stepson dearly, but watching Eunhyuk clinging to Hankyung everywhere he goes was just too much. What if Hangeng fell for Eunhyuk and decided to marry the young boy? His heart would break into tiny pieces that you have to look for it with a microscope. Was he old and ugly now that Hangeng wouldn't even spare a glance at him?

So with glaring eyes, disheveled hair and a big scowl on his face, Heechul turns to his magical mirror of truth and asked the question he often aks. "Oh mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest in this Kingdom?"

The mirror, who has an eerie white face and goes by the name of Lee Soo Man, looked at Heechul and scoffed "Eunhyuk is the prettiest in the Kingdom right now."

A pitiful howl was heard throughout the palace.

"You heard that Seohyun? I told you there's a ghost in the castle recently." Sunny, one of the chambermaids whispered with a terrified voice.

"You fool! That's probably one of the cats." Seohyun, the other chambermaids rolled her eyes.

"No. no. That must be the late King crying. He must be sad because our highness Heechul is falling in love with that foreign prince." Sunny argued.

Jessica, another chamber maid passed by  "Sunny, that foreign prince is going out with our prince. Didn't you see them so close to each other?"

"What?? NOO!!" Sunny wailed and gave a Medusa like glare to the girl. "Prince Eunhyuk can only be with Prince Donghae!" She protested, hands on her hips as she stood by her belief of her favourite One True Pairing.

"No, it will be Hanhyuk from now on." Jessica argued back.

"It is not! Haehyuk!"



Seohyun snorted and leave her two friends to argue with each other.


Heechul was feeling down, throwing things around and using his guards as punching bags or live size barbies. In the midst of his epic emoness, the magic mirror flickered and showed the horrified face of a man.

"Heechul!!" The voice from the mirror screeched, stopping whatever Heechul was going to do and saved another guard form being dressed in a bling-bling purple gown. "For the love of Siwon's God, what happened to you?"

Heechul snorted and turned to look at the image of the man in the mirror "What do you want Teukie?" He asked with a bored tone, clearly not in the mood for chit chats or gossips even though that's what he usually did with his friend Leeteuk.

"Well, I was wondering if Donghae can visit your place for... a few weeks?" Leeteuk said with a bright angelic smile, but Heechul knows better.

"Because you want to go for your 20th honeymoon with Kangin?" He asked or more like stated, uninterestedly.

A sheepish nod was all that Leeteuk gave.

"He is old enough not to be babied." Heechul frowned. Not that he doesn't like Donghae, but he really wasn't in the mood to babysit another teenager at this moment.

A sigh escaped Leeteuk, and his eyes formed a puppy like eyes which would have worked with Kangin but definitely not with Heechul. "His mentality is like a five year old. And besides, he misses Hyukkie. I think that child has a crush on your stepson."

Heechul's ears perked up at this and he sits straighter while leaning his body forward. "Did you say Donghae has a crush on Hyuk?"

A nod.

"Let's help your son, Teukie." Heechul said with his I-have-a-plan-and-it-is-the-most-brillia

nt-plan-ever smile while his brain begins to work rapidly and churn out plans.


It is not like Eunhyuk had a bad sense of direction, or has poor riding skills, or has bad relations with his supposedly loyal horse. It was totally not his fault that Berries, his white horse with red mane which was dyed because Eunhyuk wanted it to match him, begin neighing excitedly and throws him off it’s back the moment it saw a black beauty. And when Eunhyuk gathers his senses back ten minutes later ( because really getting thrown off from your horse wasn’t a fun experience especially when you felt like your back was broken in every places ), Berries was no where in sight.

And after nearly an hour of wandering around, Eunhyuk found that he was lost in the middle of nowhere. It was also not his fault that he was born a crybaby, blame the genes. Besides, how could he not cry when he was lost in the middle of a thick forest when at this moment he should have been riding happily side by side with his long time crush to Heechul’s summer vacation palace which was prepared for their vacation. But now he was lost with no horse, no Donghae and probably no more vacation. His summer holiday plans were ruined because he probably will get eaten by some wild bears by the end of the day.

He sat down under a large big tree and folded his hands as he mourns on the fact that he will not be drinking lemonades on the beach with Donghae, or roasting potatoes on the campfire which they will make at night, then kiss under the moonlight before they go to bed. He groans in frustration and begin rolling around.

And it is still not his fault when he got too caught up in rolling around that he accidentally bumps into a big burly man who was sleeping on three trees away from where he was a while ago. So when the man woke up and started yelling to Eunhyuk how he is going to butcher him and take his heart out for waking him from his much needed sleep, Eunhyuk stood up and did the best thing a prince would do in this situation, run.


Meanwhile, five miles away from where Eunhyuk was, at the roadside near a bush of poisonous ferns stood a white horse with silvery mane and a rather restless prince riding it.

"You sure this is where you guys are supposed to meet, Donghae?" a rather bored looking male riding on a haughty looking black stallion which suited the owner came to him from behind some bushes.

Donghae turned to him frowning, "Yes, I'm sure of it Kyu!" he took out the folded parchment from his pocket and looked at it again. Yes, he was at the right place. But the cute, pretty, adorable, loveable, endearing, okay he shall stop here because it will need all day and all night to describe Lee Hyukjae. The point is, the red head whom he had been looking forward to meet to wasn't here.

"Look fish, you wait for your princess here." Kyuhyun, his younger cousin stated out in a not so happy tone "I have my own princess to save, so excuse me." with that, the younger one gave a light kick on his horse which the horse responded by running off at once, leaving the older prince in a fit of coughs caused by all the dust and dirt the black horse managed to send to him. Donghae was sure Kyuhyun fed his horse with evil apples.


It was a long run, and after running through various forest lanes and jumping above bushes, Eunhyuk finally stop his running and collapsed onto the green grass below him. Closing his eyes, he prayed to all the deities up above for a plate of strawberry cheesecake and a cup of strawberry milk. At least, he will die happily after eating those. As if one of the gods above heard his prayers, a monkey tugged on his sleeve and he opened his eyes followed by a wide gummy smile.

"Luffy!!" He exclaimed and hugged the monkey whom he usually played with, glad that there was a creature that he knows in this forest and not at all wondering how the monkey came to be there . And yes, he is extremely close to the monkeys though he doesn't know why.

Luffy the monkey jumped up and down, dragging his hands and making cute monkey sounds as if telling the prince to follow him which the prince complies. It is much better wandering around the forest with a monkey than alone.

It wasn't long when Eunhyuk's sense of smell caught on a very delicious and familiar smell. The smell of strawberries. His eyes widened up in delight and a squeal left his lips as he ran off at once to where the scent was.

Maybe he isn't going to be the dinner of some bear after all.
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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: funny...hahhaha...
This is nice, looking forward :)
myeolchi5424 #2
Chapter 1: awww, re-read it again :')

I hope u can update this fic *puppy eyes*
Fanaeh #3
Chapter 1: lol.this is cute and funny at the same time
hae, find your princess!?urmm.i mean prince!!
However, there was also a small amount of people who said that he had ugly single one lid eyes, a queer nose, and smelly feet. That group of people could never be heard again after some time.---> xDDD
Im hoping against hope that you have intentions of continuing this story. Its so hilarious! And theres no actual eunhae interaction yet so pleaaaase
this is different from others, and thank you for writing such a beautiful story line :) update soon!~~
the story is so cute...and so fairytale-ish...^^...update!
haehyuks #7
/screams/ gawd this is so naisu~ i can't wait for the next update. Keke you write well n__n