Going home, walking with Boyfriend to parking lot...

캐러멜 KaRaMEL~ [new girlgroup] (applications Closed!)

MC: So next is B2st!

B2st came back backstage..

Ae-young: Wahh... It was DEabak!

Yoseob: ah thanks!

Hui: Hooh! B1A4 is next! go guys!

Kim: Sand oppa! I mean Sandeul oppa Fighting!!!

Sandeul: Yes.. Fighting!

Jinyoung: Let's go!

Hui: Hooh... Hey we have to go!

Jinyoung: Bye guys!

Gongchan: See you at Inki I mean Music Bank!!!

Kim: Yeah and so excited cause  Suju oppa's are coming back on Music Bank!!!

Hyo bin: Oh yeah!!!..

Hui: So we have a schedule Bye!

Hyunseong: Wait.. Are we?

Hui: If you can walk me to our van for 3 days...

Hyunseong: So that's what I have to do then I'll come with you all..

Hui: Don't you have a schedule?

Hyunseong: I think no.. we've finshed it for this day so let's go?

Hui: Ok...

They got to the parking lot of M countdown and until the girls rode the van, Boyfriend are still there...

Appa: Thanks for taking care of my girls, boys!

Jeongmin: It's ok hyung..

Hyunseong: Guys I have to be the last to go..

Donghyun: Bye girls! *walks away with Jeongmin, Youngmin and Minwoo*

Hyunseong: Kwangmin?

Kwangmin: Hyung... Ok fine.. *holds Kim's hand and signals "Call me" sign*.. Bye Bye..

Hyunseong: Ok... Is this fine?

Hui: Uhuh.. Thanks...So one day, two more to go...

Hyunseong: Ok bye *holds Hui's hand* Call me too I mean Call you later!

Ae-young: Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh... Hui unni! And kim!

Eh ryn: Is that Mblaq running to us?

Aki:yup! I think so...

Joon: Haah.. Anyeong!

Mir: Hi! We just finished performing and just want tosay Bye... And this is for you.. Aah.. Eh ryn... *gives a box of chocolates to Eh ryn*

Seungho: Bye!

Eh ryn: Wait! I have a challenge... You have to.. to.. always come here before we go... 3 times...

Mir: Ok Then I'll do it! But what's the meaning of it?

Eh ryn: Oppa, If you can do that then I'll accept your chocolate I mean your feelings...

Mir: Haahh.. Ok.. Bye!

Hui: Yah dongsaeng you copied me!

Eh ryn: I just can't think of a challenge unni...

Kim: I'm so bored... Ah...

Hyo bin: Or you miss Kwangmin...

Kim: An..Andwae...

Appa: Yah I think you give so hard challenges because they are busy but must do your challenges..

Hui: It's for his own good Appa.. And Kim, you didn't give a challenge..?

Kim: Why do i have to unni?

Hui: Hey appa! What are we still doing here?

Appa: Ah right.. I forgot to drive...

They closed the van door and leaved M countdown...

They arrived at a mini fan meeting...

The fans were screaming so loud... they sat on chairs with tables in front of them as fans lined up for their autograph..

Hui's table...

Hui: Hi! How are you?

Fan: Anyeong! I'm super ok!!! *sings Genie*

Hui: O my! Wow great! Oh *signs album* Here is it! Thanks!

Hui: Hi!

When Hui raised her head, she saw Donghyun of Boyfriend standing in front of her table with an album...

Hui: Donghyun oppa?

Donghyun: Yah! We're fans too!!

Hui: Ok!

Donghyun: YEY!

Hui: *signs album* Here's yours Donghyun oppa!

Fas were also screaming when Boyfriend members are line...

Next was Hyunseong..

Hui: Ah.. Hyunseong? You too?

Hyunseong: Of course why wouldn't I be a fan of my "future" Girlfriend..

Hui: Ah...*speechless* Ok.. Remember, BUT if you finish what I said earlier...*signs Album*

Hyunseong: Kamsa hamnida! *winks at Hui*

Kim's table

Fan: Anyeong! I really like you! Your dancing is so cool!

Kim: Oh Kamsa hamnida! *signs album* So Because your the first fan I met, I give you this.. *gives a bracelet*

Fan: Omo!!! Thank you Kim!!!

Kim: No problem unni!

2 fans were finshed when Kim saw Jeongmin...

Kim: Oppa?

Jeongmin: Of course I'm a fan! I look like your brother too!

Kim: ahahah...*signs album* thanks oppa!

Jeongmin: No problem!

Next was Kwangmin and Minwoo...

Kim: Yah... why are you here too?

Kwangmin: Ah I'm a fan... this is a fanmeet right so I'm here...

Kim: Ok.. *signs album* Here you go!

Kwangmin: Ehe... *makes the other fans in line back up and make space* ehe..

Kim: Yah why did you make them back up?

All Boyfriend members got Hui and Kim stand up in the middle...

And they danced and sang Boyfriend...

But Kwangmin and Hyunseong did Youngmin's part...

Kwangmin: Would you be my Girlfriend? *to Kim*

Hyunseong: Would you be my girlfriend? *to Hui*

Kim/Hui: Ah..

The song didn't continue until they didn't answer..

Kim/Hui: *ok sign*

Kwangmin/Hyunseong: Yes!

Hui: Isn't it suppsed to be Brave sound...



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SungHyoBin #1
heh~<br />
SAENGIE OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333<br />
yay saengie! <3
--TaroMochi #3
O:<br />
a plan for me an l.joe ?<br />
I wonder what it is .. hehe ~
SungHyoBin #4
:) the fanmeeting!!!
TASUKATA!!!!!!!!!<br />
LeaderGyu SAVED ME!!!!!! <3<br />
and awwwww my besties Hoya and Woohyun <3<br />
they're here for me too! <3
--TaroMochi #6
yay, fanmeeting ~<br />
hehe, i love jigglypuff too C:<br />
can't wait for the next update ^^
Hhehe Mir!! haha Can't wait for the next update :D
Rainie12 #8
@Kei Kei Gyu oppa will save you don't worry!
--TaroMochi #9
ohh ~ love the poster btw<br />
ohman, getting teased by kim xD<br />
can't wait for the next update ! :D